These individuals do target me because I am the negative holder who managed to stop their covert plan against American citizens by placing our negative perfectly put that harms their unknown and non consented intentions against all American citizens.
I became President as part of a flawed deposal process, and that is less important than our gold standard that I brought to the table to protect Americans financially. We cannot be afraid of George W Bush and his men. Brian Stafford just admitted, “W’s men have got me afraid,” when I posted this story on the Hill.
Cashless standard is going away on the planet because as alien agenda admitted, “there is no genetic sequencing on the planet to match the tape recorder man’s,” said in reference to Gordon Duff’s gene sequence attempting to kill our planet said this morning by individuals involved in the sequencing attempts against American citizens freedom. They attempt harm all American citizens financially through the land grab and cashless system Donald Trump and teams attempted with the tape recorder man, the Russian oligarchs, possibly two Russians mentioned in the Steele Dossier and their henchmen.
Duff, who was hired by Vladimir Putin through Gene Khruschev, likely worked with oligarchs, Bill Gates and others to internally harm American citizens to tie into the electronics and paypoints that had been installed pre Trump deposal in 2017 in hotels and restaurants as well as stores that are owned by Les Wexner.
Duff wanted to create this harmful surveillance state with his family to harm American citizens before the Robert Stevenson quest men arrived here.
Stevenson, a former deputy from the Orange County, California Sheriff’s Department, who is different than I am, is against America (he hates our American flag), was hired by their team later on with Brian Stafford, the former Director of the Secret Service Agency, hired by them also and is likely angry and against their intentions internally. Whether Stafford deposed Trump for the right reason depends on his intentions for our American Presidency, should it be controlled by harmful individuals operating against American citizens with oligarchs or American voters, that I support. Donald Trump and his team admittedly stole the 2016 election, and it has been found out that their team’s intention was then to bankrupt all American citizens, even their own constituents who were average American citizens, the base they appeal to that love their Constitution and American flag.
I felt the paypoints Trump team with these individuals wanted for them to harm American citizens today at the outlet mall I went to on the California side of the Mexican border in San Ysidro, California. They are installed them in Mexico too, unlawfully. The paypoints will not happen any more.
Why do I fight these individuals? It is because American citizens are busy living their daily lives, and I want them to be safe and happy, Constitutionally without fear of being harmed by covert operatives working against them. The American people did not know me before, and I fight for them always to stay free.
As is stated above there is an extreme covert group of individuals who had plotted against American citizens using even, genetic sequencing with off worlders. The hardest thing is to explain what I do silently. When the deposal went wrong, and I was not made aware of it yet learned of it, I knew individuals harmed me professionally through American foreign policy and in my home by surrounding me with the tape recorders. I had to understand why?
I turned them in repeatedly. What is and was their intention, who was controlling the scenario, from when and why? Basically what were they attempting to conduct are criminal financial systems against the American people. I am always on their side with American citizens, small and unknown as I am, and known as the enemy to the dark side I fight against, I will soon send them to jail.
What is nice is that the work I did on my negative install did change things for all American citizens, despite what a covert corrupt official who wanted to kill me a long time ago wanted. Many hate me because of my support and work for all American citizens against them, including John Brennan as he stated.
I will call the individual 3/17 man for the sake of the discussion here, who wanted to kill me, “Putting the negative there won’t change anything, we’ve already got it all planned,” he said about the package to be conducted covertly, with intent to harm American citizens without their consent through Trump team then. The cashless system was started by them in the background intending to harm all American citizens through high tech monitoring they had planned unlawfully.
As it was admitted this morning, “We lost the identity codes,” they admitted today, so technically they are defeated even now, because their system was based on birth identities being numerically programmed through their supercomputer system and machines monitoring American citizens unlawfully. It is illegal because it is done without informed consent.
I know that 3/17 man was part of the team who came here the day they deposed Trump, and gave me hallucinogenic substances that day and likely the controlled substance was found in my car was planted by John Brennan’s team that had partnered with Stevenson, who when I knew him had become an undercover narcotics investigator. When I wondered what to do with it, I had been given hallucinogenic substances by 3/17 man, Brennan and other communistic operatives so I took a picture of it on the rainbow colored ball.
Stevenson was not as involved as I thought later when he worked with them to plant the controlled substance in my car with my neighbor, the Mexican American who lived next door to me then. He did not know how harmful these covert operatives are and sophisticated their technology is in the background that they attempted to use against American men here with their “quest” they put on. Stevenson admitted to hating W’s men’s opinion on cashless.
The key to this 3/17 man, oligarchs, Donald Trump and team who stole 2016 and were, are deposed correctly is that there was no informed consent of the American citizens to coordinate their plan covertly in the background to financially harm all American citizens and the individuals they hired including Stevenson played a tiered roll operating against American citizens, as they were hired by them, and some operated against their interests for financial profits.
Brian Stafford unknowingly got involved with 3/17 man, when 3/17 man said,”I’m going to send him out after her,” because I protected America against Trump when he tried to nuke China personally, himself on his own using insiders then. Stafford was not aware that 3/17 was using him as a tool to harm American citizens and violate his principles.
China at the time posed no threat to American citizens or soil and admitted that fact recently. The incident was used to later distract the deposal Stafford performed. The Navy then became the “boat explosion members” working for 3/17 against American citizens. “I hope she never realizes we were always working against her, even when we did the deposal,” said a Navy Chief now operating for communist threat with the UN Secretariat, as was admitted by him on February 26, 2019, “We just lost the communism that me and that Navy chief put in.” There was a team that did want to pick me up post deposal and they were confronted with likely the Navy Chief and the Secret Society members aligned with Stevenson, 3/17 and Duff. I found out they said, “What do you think they’re doing over there? Why won’t they at least let us come in here and pick her up,” asked Navy after Donald Trump deposed in 2017.
Before that, around July 28, 2017, Duff said to his friends here with the communist threat men “I’ll bet we can get her to play along with us rather than do all that deposal stuff they wanted her to do.”
Even if the Navy Chief was working against me, Trump is legally and lawfully deposed and I am President, obviously Constitutional, and want a better Navy than that Chief and those working on communist threat.
Xi Jinping admitted the other day, “I did not intend to strike then,” so Trump’s strike would have been offensive and according to the laws of war I am very familiar with could have likely encouraged a retaliatory strike at American soil and citizens by China, and it is approved as retaliation for an unneeded offensive maneuver conducted illegally if it had happened then. I am glad that I stopped Trump then and will continue to work for American citizens as President until I am recognized and deliver my Presidency to the American voter.
When I protected the Navy vessels and American citizens from attack back then, Duff then got involved and wanted to use the opportunity to weaken our Navy, and attempted to explode vessels as he admitted which we stopped, Duff confessed the same day as the Xi Jinping admission, February 28, 2019, “Some vessels needed exploding,” he said, knowing that was and would always be against my will, and I am not his friend.
When Stafford came in as this covert group operating against American citizens was installing technology, I asked him subconsciously, “Why are you even here?” Stafford replied, “I don’t know. He asked me “what are you doing?” I replied, “I am protecting my country.” Stafford knew and knows I was right to prevent the strike against China and defend American Naval vessels. If you know something is being conducted against our Navy it is illegal not to report it, and could be seen as treason in the future.
I remember saying to him then, “ I don’t want you to hurt me with the technology.” He did not, and maybe accepted their contract for their “quests” or better stated work against American citizens with Duff. I am unsure of even now if he is with them completely, if he is “hard right” working with communist threat against American citizens, or actually on the side of American citizens afraid of Bush. Based on what I added at the top, I would have to say it is number 3 here, afraid of Bush, as Stafford admitted, “W’s men have got me afraid.” Navy at the Pentagon has admitted that they hired me to put Bush on trial.
It happened much later that Stafford was hired by the Navy to depose Donald Trump. In my opinion now, knowing what I know, additional charges need to be added against his entire administration for working with the Russian men, two men identified today, who Stafford admitted earlier that Trump “liked too much” even for his tastes. One of the Russian men was admitted to earlier in the day by Trump who refused to disclose his identity.
Donald Trump was asked who it was in Russia he was in contact with early on, Trump said, “I cannot reveal that contact,” concealing it from the American intelligence operative who asked him, and it is likely his intention were and are to work with that contact and others to harm American citizens intentionally with malice.
“We’ve got these two partners we met overseas,” replied Trump after being asked by Hillary Clinton, “So how does this bankruptcy work?” I found out today, that confirms the two men likely included in the Steele Dossier possibly connected to Alpha Bank.
I had already been working on identifying the Russian oligarch participation to protect American citizens when the Steele Dossier came out because it had truth to it in the two Russians mentioned I suspected then. Duff knew I worked on understanding the dossier intently and intentionally likely wanted to harm me because long term he had been involved with these individuals operating against American citizens in the background and disclosed the fact that he had been working on bringing communism to American soil and citizens since 1957 recently. I also found out he was hired by Vladimir Putin around March of 2017 against me and American citizens.
These Russians have worked with Duff and likely Michael Flynn as well Rex Tillerson who cooperated with 3/17 man and Les Wexner against American citizens financial interests with the paypoints in their stores. The payponts will not work as Brennan told Wexner, they will not work, “with their identities returned to normal,” as Wexner’s friend over American citizens interests.
This constant drugging me senseless to be less serious than I normally am, during their harmful quest here at my home was called “making her have fun” by them as I took sometimes beautiful photos of things I thought were nice. Duff had malicious intentions participating through me to harm American citizens with the team that he was working with, and said, “We’re only making her (me) have fun, to get job done over here,” which meant to use the genetic sequencing hardware to professionally brand all Americans like cattle for their cashless pay-points. I have to work really hard against them here for American citizens.
Duff continues to attempt to confuse the authorities by saying, “You were meant to be with Stevenson,” while in reality, Stevenson too was hired by 3/17 man much later to conduct his quest with them for the land grab against American citizens to go along with the sequencing and the pay-points.
The thing that makes Stevenson less culpable is that he made a statement, that the financial back-end W’s guys tried to create here using him, is the one thing he hated about them. I do not support what Stevenson did at with the land grab and the stuff he did to my home. He harmed me professionally and has gone behind my back to damage my reputation that is for American citizens not compromising to W’s men operating against American citizens. I stand against them in their entirety and against the oligarchs, W’s guys and even Stevenson likely partnered with. I have a right to work on American foreign policy with what I know, which has required years of reading and education on my own that no one can take away. Stevenson did not invest the time or the money into understanding American history and the world. He could no longer work in American law enforcement, and I can and do. Our Constitutional values stand strongly for everyone to protect us all.
I suspect Trump is in on the genetic sequencing against even his own constituents who voted for him, wanting to entrap them like farm animals in America with the pay-points to tag them unlawfully.
The Russian contacts working against American citizens that were involved in Donald Trump’s Administrations, as he worked with Mike Pence to setup a new one through the fascists with them, need to be added to any removal from office for the whole administration that stole election 2016 with malicious intent.
“Yes I really knew the Russians really cheated us, but they pay me,” admitted Pence today, because God is on my side. Why are we allowing the oligarchs to listen here against our Navy? It is time to depose the Trump team publicly, and have no more communist influence on American soil through them, and no more harm conducted against American citizens. Their fans need the intention of Trump and his administrations explained to them professionally by me and whoever deposes them. Let freedom happen.
Timeline and miscellaneous quotes for use and more available. I have not finished my tapes I recorded also about the alien agenda hostages that we have.
2016 Trump made contact with the two Russians in the Dossier, those were the attempted bankruptcy Russians operating with him against American citizens. And he brought in the 3/17 man with Duff’s team in around the time they installed the harmful technology in the buildings in San Diego and other places likely.
3/21/17 Buildings started with team including Les Wexner, Gordon Duff and 3/17 man who hired Stevenson and told Stafford to “go after her” me, for the Dictator by Tweet stuff which was nothing bad that I did, other than protect our country from attack by China and preserve American service members rights.
Stevenson was hired against his internal wishes, which are our gold standard and money back now, to target me with them for the building construction contracts with their teams against American citizens, called Israeli only in my report on the Hard rock Hotel and Intercontinental, as well as Marriott properties with the cashless standard men I am against, even then. He just hates me personally for the informancy work I did back then.
3/17 man and team paid the Bankruptcy oligarchs who Trump worked with and liked too much, possibly in the Steele Dossier.
3/17 team and oligarchs moved money back and forth for the land grab to force cashless against American citizens interests.
“We’re going to feed in the cashless barrier,” said Oleg today at 8:01, which is the harmful white sticky preventing people from deeply understanding and seeing the truth.
“We’ve got these two partners we met overseas,” replied Trump after being asked by Hillary Clinton, “So how does this bankruptcy work?”
3/17 man said regarding one of Trump’s Russian partners, “We definitely paid him before,” likely relating to Alpha Bank (ck spelling).
It was confirmed when Donald Trump was asked who it was in Russia, Trump said, “I cannot reveal that contact,” concealing it from the American intelligence operative who asked him, and it is likely his intention is to work with that contact and others to harm American citizens intentionally with malice.