In 1997, I began to research heavily against communism when I published a magazine for Navy Region Northwest, so I analyzed China and Russia because I detected these foreign influences operating aboard the installations. They were very disconcerting. When I was working on my computer then, and American individual energetically was physically shoulder surfing or what is truly called melding.
“We harvest them from alien agenda,” said John Brennan today as to why Constitutionalists cannot use energetics and they, the communists, have been able to use energetics even as far back as 1997. I use my own energetics and work with plants during confined surveillance operations through meditational techniques. Constitutionalists like me feel that they are so advanced from us, and they don’t experiment like I do and have been successful with. I have implants from them to overcome, communist alien agenda, and I do with my own methods.
I have an eye camera they implanted in me that takes nude surveillance videos and photos in the shower, so today I used my mind to put a Yucca plant’s energy field to meld with me there when I was showering so no photos could be taken nor sent overseas. I identify, adapt and overcome. The plant works with me and was happy to help me shower without onlookers. There is lots of evidence and data on the power of plants to assist human American citizens. The Secret Life of Plants is a great book that validates this research, and my work with plants as surveillance and protector individuals that do communicate with you. Constitutionalist intelligence and service members can win for the highest good through working with plants as they connect directly to God and Nature.
“The plants remove us,” admitted Brennan now, about the alien agenda that is harmful to humans and American citizens.
Plants are pretty powerful and have likes and dislikes, here they dislike the hired gardener by others. They produced a very large cat that was a tiger when he was around telling me not to go near him because we are always afraid of them harming us since Stevenson started paying the Mexican ones to use dark magic here. Some of the objects are seen here in the photographs that he paid them to deposit here. It has been very scary for them and me here by ourselves. My plants always protect me intelligently and some monitor frequencies. The Department of Defense hates how telepathic I am, yet that is how I protect myself. I can teach other Constitutionalists and they do not need to depend on communists. It was said the communists built a “wall around” me today, yet I fight the communists every day to stay safe. It is good to work with plants, and they as well as your own consciousness can provide the same benefits the communists have been using through Alien Agenda for many years claiming it is exclusive. I suspect because I was so harmed publishing my magazine that the individual I mentioned at the beginning was a communist working against American citizens since then. They used advanced technology to attempt to take over our planet. They are wondering now, as I write this, “what is communism about?” It is an outside extraterrestrial group attempting to control my planet. I am our only negative, the core of my planet who I have met personally, holder. It was a wild and scary experience to meet him, very hot and intense yet wonderful.
Plants, Nature and God always win.