Ann Diener, PEACE STRATEGIST & News. Serving Our World

Cashless is extraterrestrial and defeated

The source of cashless was actually a green life form that stumbled into our galaxy as I found out. “We invested in these Chinese,” said a rather slender green humanoid form extraterrestrial who went to China and procured the gold from Indonesia once they surrendered their gold to the British Royal Crown. That began the Standard Drawing Rights basket for the unlawful agenda 21 the harmful off worlders wanted with sophisticated banksters and war criminals. We took that down years ago and fight even now for Americans and internationals alike who are freedom oriented, our Constitutional guarantee here.

“They were all in on it back then, the currency swap for the handmark,” remarked Xi Jinping months ago and many have disbanded their interest in it any more. Our currency is solvent now. No one wants to be second to extraterrestrials now.

We need to Vote

Our world is not about money. It is about how well we live with the money we have and the data available to inform the voters.

Pay Dirt for the Voters

We would like to play a little pay dirt for the voters over here tomorrow

Checks need to be paid

God exists and wins.

“There are other aliens,” that even threaten the devil we know according to him, a white alien.

Listen to the song, the article is in progress and is very hard to write


When I was born they knew I am our only negative holder and we have been fighting a big war against the green ones, red ones and white ones. The white ones will try to seem nice now.

We want to get to Uranus and that is not your anus, as some believe and are even working for tonight. This is our galaxy for humans and we win.

It was said when I was a human baby who put a necklace in my mom’s shopping bag accidentally and my mom was caught “shoplifting” though I had no idea why I did it and my mom would never have wanted to steal anything at all, she got called in to the store office. She did not get arrested. They just scared her and they said, “I saw that necklace go in your bag.”I did not even care about it nor know what to do with it to get it purchased. I did not want it. I was eight months old. My mom did the best she could then and I suspect she may have been illegally here for some reason. She came from Cuba in 1961, and claimed she became an American when she was born here in Miami, Florida on June 29, 1935. I always felt like she lied about being born here. The story made no sense. She came here to be born with my grandmother and there was some guy who was her father no one knew. Shen allegedly went back to Cuba then and I don’t know if they even came here to give birth to her. She gave me two different birthdays, when was she born, actually come out of the womb, was it in Cuba. Should she have been deported then? Leave the baby daughter with her dad and say have a nice life lady.

She is dead now and to me I felt uncomfortable with what she did, and I hate what I did. Why did I as a baby throw this necklace in a bag. I told the true storey before and it was the old now dead former overlord who manipulated my hands to make the necklace fall in the bag and I have that on tape.

“Who is the guy that made the baby,” said and I agree with them regarding my mother. Where was he? Was he American or extraterrestrial?

I am always honest and work hard. I have fought for many years for American people to be the best.

and because I am our negative holder of my planet I now own outright, they implanted me in my butt then. To confirm this statement, when it happened it was said then, “I can’t believe they found her,” me our only negative holder, and they added, “they are partying with him,” referring to what is a large green extraterrestrial, who I found out today to be the “green god of the Mormons,” and I found out how green hybrids get their parts as Duff referred to his alien parts from this large green one who described the process, “We give them parts as soon as they mutilate me,” meaning the alien parts Gordon Duff referred to as his “alien part” are given to him, when they cut them off, like the hands in the photo here. Born here and of m planet I am stuck confronting them to understand what happened here to us all.

cut off a hand for green ones

Imagine these hands connected to a green alien and when they get cut off they are given to a follower trying to steal from you to make them stronger against you. We take our planet back now.

“When they cut it off, we put it in another human,” said by large green one. The green ones weren’t popular to the people who initially tried to harm our planet, the robed ones, who said boulder builders “were too disjointed, we were always in the background.” Did the green ones then partner with the robed ones covertly.

“No green ones, I always have my own horse traders,” thought  the boulder builder now dead before the green ones got in likely through the mystery guests.

The white aliens are harmful and other aliens observed them working on my planet I own outright, so they came here and the robed ones got discolored into grey slits in their energetic matrixes. The robed ones used a grey field against me and it was very much like a wall that is dissipating.

“We side with the higher power,” said the robed ones which explains why they have sided with the mystery guests that could have brought in big green. We are soon to be the higher power now.

Exopolitics: Con men behind the boulder builders who are dying and ancient aliens

A couple of days ago we discussed the ancient aliens that have been here for thousands of years as robed ones. They have harmed our planet since they illegally entered our atmosphere. The robed ones with oblong heads arrived here initially, and later the boulder builder species arrived that traveled with them. These were part of the tribe of white ones the Iranians hate, and they truly are real. We found out now more about what came after the boulder builder and white species, who are terrible harvesting races, others looking to get in on their action as con men.

This group saw the boulder builder and white species working on my planet I now own outright and became involved here. Boulder builders have died here recently for the most part including their Arcturian ring leader known as the now former overlord. Here is imagery that confirms their race.

harmful alien agenda posterWe had incidents happen early on that made me wonder about them and things here have been somewhat off set with the Paul Allen kingdom men. Mystery guests are connected to them and came upon the white ones when they were working here against us for harm to happen. This conversation was uncovered about their relationship here.

“Is there something you did not tell my about that mystery guest we had,” said Boulder Builder leader now dead to now dead overlord, “he brought us nothing but flowers and we ended up with multiple dimensions,” one of the problems the overlord said he tried to “put glue over it,” relating to inserting a substance in their friends brains. They look like grey energetic slits that are a void and a mistake that came into their world they were not able to fix until now and we are helping ourselves against them. This was an interdimensional problem where grey appeared energetically being changed now. There has been a battle going on with these two factions of harmful extraterrestrials and at times they have incriminated even us. The con is up for them. I do not ever want to see any criminal on my flyers and I fight real hard for them to go in custody. There should be no end times for our planet. We have an election coming and we should be happy to elect a new President who works for us. Why are our gold standard and money back not delivered directly to the people now by those who work for the voters or by whomever wins.

I provided testimony against Donald Trump I later validated and I would not vote for him, however at times there have been good things he has done, yet in reality he should be impeached, removed or lose 2020 because he is calculating and even against his voters. I supported him some ways at times until I heard him say this statement regarding the equity he cost homeowners which proved to me he did it with intention, something I did not know at the beginning nor even suspect. I always saw him as more stupid, not a calculating con artist with bad intention for the American people.  When it was said that homeowners would lose 15 years of wages put in to pay down their mortgages through their cocaine land grab, he actually knew it and intended to steal that euity, meaning 15 years X 4,160 hours from two income families, Republican or Democrat.

The exact quote of Trump’s was, “They (referring to AGs) know how much they (all Americans who AGs serve and protect) are losing (10 years or more saved wages in housing equity),” and stolen by a deposed con artist. It was his intention to steal it from his constituents and that scared me because a President no matter how criminal they are should want their people to do well, not steal from them using their position. Our people are our fighting force globally that make America number one with every job they do. We have to motivate them and inspire them to do great things because they make our country grow. It is like if you work for a company and your boss stole your wages and those of all your co-workers personally, he would be fired and your company would lose global standing because no one would be solvent. I would never want to steal families’ or single people’s wages through drug money laundering to devalue their homes. Imagine stealing $200,000 or $300,000 from seniors on fixed incomes. How low is that? That is not presidential. It really bothered me.

Back to hopeful alien extermination by Orkin Ann, and just in case we do have a permanent moratorium on unlawful detention also illegal in all 50 states, with Elizabeth Warren, a courageous candidate who needs to keep fighting the financial predators with me.

However, any jails contract was a lie from the boulder builder species given to the con artist on the flyer, Duff who claimed he was a disabled veteran. He really scammed the Navy. I guess he was a Marine for under four years. I tried to find him and found very little about his service career, though he writes at Veteran’s Today. I did find out he is owned by Russia and adversaries including harmful extraterrestrials who die here now, and everyone would want them to if they knew about them.  There was no validity ever to any boulder builder contract, they lie, as the boulder in the quote here admits, “I’m going to SAY I had a contract with that completely disabled man,” they claimed Duff, pictured, to be. The con on the flyer  then went into the Navy and claimed, “below ground jails were for the Americans unless I get the buildings I want,” this was completely untrue and a scare tactic he used to get what he wanted free real estate for his friends through cocaine money. They jails were never to be used and he used that weakness to obtain the buildings being constructed with the drug running and added telephony, some unlicensed from China, and connected to Russia to harm Americans.

He used an alien as a bargaining chip that he killed and said the Navy did it. Basically he framed Navy with the mystery guests whose octopus it was and the mystery guests really cared very little for him.  It was an octopus in a large tank I knew about and tried to understand, unknowing about the mystery guests. I suspected it was theirs as I always saw suits around its tank when I remote viewed it to talk to it. I suspected something strange and did not know what it was. It would not communicate most times and I did find out the mystery guests brought him and other species here to our planet to harm us. We have the power to get rid of them soon. The octopus was killed in 2017 by Duff. “I’m going to say the Navy killed that octopus that wins the contract remains upstairs,” referring to space. This made them look bad to the mystery guests they had to bow down to.  The boulder builders, Duff’s partners, chose it to be that way for the fraud to begin. Duff told the boulder then about killing the octopus that belonged to the mystery guests, “I say we kill him then we keep those builders working on our side,” for the master plans in the land grab they hoped to make money on. The Navy did not know and got blamed for the incident. It had a pass through effect to Stevenson cartel allowing for the drug running because the octopus murder framed the Navy.  That allowed the mystery guests to beg for the drug running Navy disagreed with for the land grab, even when known by the mystery guests, who were initially upset about the death of the octopus, Duff killed him. Both got to build the land grab housing set to devalue homeowners that I write about. I intend to hold Trump team liable for the devaluing when it happens. 74% did not vote for him and likely 24% if devalued by his drug running with the mystery guests and boulder builders would be angry and against them all. The mystery guests used the octopus frame to steal from American voters  through the drug money laundering

3-4 homeowners lose because of an octopus

It was said by the mystery guests, “We put him in command,” to steal from American homeowners said about Robert Stevenson. I am against both men and Navy thought otherwise because they are connected to the telephony in my home corrupt people put in here. I have plenty of photos of said telephony and people know where to find me. The white aliens get dead here sooner than expected.

Duff who is a criminal who framed the Navy told them I was to be treated as an outsider when I never was before his frame. My testimony against Donald Trump was taken seriously and he was deposed. There was original deposal paperwork that put me in leadership. I later validated my testimony with a visually verified investigation to protect those who supported deposal and I insured success for those I sought to protect by continuing my investigation and informing other affected parties to insure that when the crime expanded I testified against there were groups who would favor justice making it easy for the Navy to always look good through prosecution. I always worked professionally for Americans’ success.

Exopolitics: Robed White Big Oblong Headed Aliens

This morning we finally had the connector quote and I am so angry with myself. If you ever go to sleep and wake up with the answer to a question, make sure to keep a notebook or your charged cell phone by your bed. This morning that was not the case. I received a verified quote from when the rather thin robed bald headed extraterrestrials, they look like robed white men with Brennan like heads yet more pointy, sent a representative who they knew would die here, to harm us through their negotiation process. This was thousands of years ago after we had experienced harmful sound vibrations on our planet before the extraterrestrials got here physically.

They created confusion on the planet I own outright before they arrived to harm us intentionally.

I woke up early today and had the quote. I was so tired from working, I said I can easily remember that quote. There is no way I could forget it, however I went back to sleep and only parts of it remain, so I will tell it as a story to the best of my ability and luckily I have gotten other quotes by looking into that time period.

We cannot have compassion for aliens who came here to set us up thousands of years ago. Back then we did not know what they did to stage what they did and that their intentions were to take over our planet. Before the aliens arrived, and only one was able to arrive and live three hours on our planet then, because when my core is installed correctly they cannot come here as they harm humans. They die almost immediately. Then, and even now, they used terrible sound vibrations forcing us from our regular housing and building structures to caves to protect ourselves.

We experienced what I called “corporate energy” before in an article I wrote for Veterans Today, and it ties in with the visit that set us all up.  When I wrote the article, I felt it as sound waves blasting our planet. I a small boy child then, who was our negative holder, said to someone, “We had horrible sub-surface vibrations.” I found out now it was caused as they were attempting to land here, and we had to move into caves as our normal building structures were under attack by sound waves being emitted from horrible spacecraft. The only place we could live was in this cave below ground almost. I remember it vividly, and described it here with my brothers. We have stopped the human meat processing facilities in this article.

“The white alien came to the cave where our family was hiding, and my brother met with the alien who made him an ‘offer he could not refuse.’ I suspect they stole my brother and I may have made a deal with them trying to get my brother back. That was the start of the cults on the planet including Goddess worship and Luciferianism.  He was Baal. All kinds of myth and legend came after that. My goal is for everything to be normal and natural here on the planet again.”

Our cave then had a fireplace made out of stone with small beds around it and was very rudimentary. There were six to nine of us sleeping there with me against the wall in my small bed to the left of the fireplace when the alien came to the door. I overheard only whispers of their conversation as my older brother went with the alien outside. I was not allowed to hear what they talked about though I was our negative holder then. I was very sensitive then as I am now, and knew later when they talked about moving my core I felt uncomfortable. “Why do I feel like I am being conned,” I felt and we were. The extraterrestrials then were very persuasive and used advanced psychology programming to manipulate our conversations for their benefit. With an enemy like that it has been very difficult for us, however since I re-installed our core in the correct position, where it was originally then, in August of 2017, we have been gaining ground against them.

When the extraterrestrial died, they tried to say we should feel sorry for him, however then I knew, “We were just lying. I know how he died that way,” I said knowing his death was correct on the planet I own outright.

My brothers then after the alien met with them, forced me to move our core off set so they could land here and be here with us. They cost us thousands of years of good life, however we learned as a galaxy what could happen to harm the perfect natural planet in God’s cosmos. God owns the Cosmos, however these ones setup a separate system away from God. I work for God only and God lives here now.

We have dealt with all kinds of extraterrestrials through our negative install, started around the date of this article here. We had the old now dead overlord, the man from Arcturus, who was kidnapped by the boulder builders when they were operating in the Arcturian star system and he was a small child, the son of the supercomputer operator as the last human like people were killed on their planet because their harvesting plan was completed. We have stopped them here and now in our galaxy.  There were the other stowaways with these extraterrestrials and the white team leader with the silver craft who died too. They had the Mintakans and also the green agenda ones which are now known to be zygote oriented. Those are like snakes, similar to what was in Tilk on Stargate and they were green. They zygotes were created by the old now dead overlord with the white ones. The white one with the silver vessel tried to kill me so I am glad he is dead. They misrepresented themselves as God on our planet, and their misrep is starting to end more quickly now. Some Congressional members are addicted to alien agenda, however that will soon hopefully separate from them. They and others have been separating from them and we had a taste of it, do not eat me, when Stafford who missed Kennedy was found to have encountered shapeshifters during the Kennedy administration.

On January 11, 2020, I remote viewed back to Stafford and his thoughts before attempting to kill Kennedy, where he missed. He was in his car and thought this, “We can’t be America anymore. They are using shape shifters to take our guns,” a confused Stafford about JFK because alien agenda communism was operating in background of JFK then. JFK confirmed it when I found out. I can talk to the dead at any point in time and space. The shape shifters are part of the alien agenda, creations that look human made by the white aliens connected to those thin robed ones who seem to run their mission. They are very concealed and use a lot of cloaking. The shape shifters are suits like spies that have less power now.

As our planet grows rounder through our install they have less power than the day before. It is a relief and we do not need them here at all. They use sound psychology programming and installed the package here with green agenda. What a contraption that is. Do we want all of the junk? Why? None of it is needed or benefits us. I hope it collapses. Behind it all are their real leaders, these I want to say 6 or 8 robed ones. They have created strange spiritual traditions for those they enslave and befriend, that explains the priest like robe. The alien who died, they knew he would only have three hours here on our planet physically because they were naturally selected off, good for us, however they later I suspect created a strange spiritual tradition of sacrifice to represent the one who died. These guys were advanced have no home people in space looking down at our planet to steal it and everything we own. They physically could not live here by God’s natural processes. When they made us move our own core to accommodate their lies they told us then, they created human challenges going inert now. In the background is the Romulan rat or is it. These robed ones seem more powerful and are not. It is a hodgepodge of  what needs to die here in hours and we are growing stronger against them. They created complex algorithms to enslave us and made humans buy into them.

Back then, these robed ones thought “poor boy,” about the one they sent here for the three hours to negotiate with my brother before he died, and the quote I had in the morning conveyed that they were out to ensnare us through sending him. When he died they used our compassion for his death against us likely and I learned that, without quote here intentionally. We humans did not recognize then how God protected us naturally from then on my planet I own outright and they helped misaligned my core to harm us over time. This morning after I learned this I went to the beach to connect to the ocean to make sure the message got transmitted to the ocean, the largest most fluid body of life. If I stand or sit, is better, on the ground I send the consciousness and knowledge of what I know into the ground specially as negative holder. The ocean is more powerful with its vast reach so I go there to give us an advantage. We are winning.

Here is what the robed one who sent down the young man who died before said then,”We can’t go no where so we’re sitting here waiting for the earth to turn to smuggle him down there,” so there was intentional harm they intended to inflict as boarders. They had nothing then, were criminals who came to steal from us, a sophisticated threat we knew nothing about. We were blindsided then by them. They now have killed thousands of our young and millions globally using complex tools and machines to even manipulate our deaths and use memory erased souls against us by torturing our dead souls. We are taking ownership of our souls now as God is on our planet and active combat is ongoing to recover them. We can and are. Good times ahead

Back then, Baal met with his friends then and said, “I know God will just talk to us and say we can’t kill the demon seed,” said about me when my brother was thinking about killing me. “Why don’t we just go along with it,” said his friend, now called Gabriel

“We have superior man strength,” the off worlder said when he met with Baal then. “You just don’t know about other star systems, we live until eternity,”  “not when God tells you to visit,” Gabriel added. “We always go to God,” he told Baal who added “Not when he tells me to go to the Cosmos with him and his friends,” referring to the extraterrestrial he chose over our planet’s people.  His friends from then die quick now in nature

Many years later Baal said, “So much disdain coming from that extraterrestrial. They always worked for us,” as they began to subjugate him and his friends who were controlled by them.

God said now, “When you were led away then, you were the only pariah that didn’t want to move the core,” and it was a great teaching tool for our star system to be stronger.

I want to tattoo it on our planet, “Never move the core,” and hope our galaxy learned and will instantly kill anyone who tries such a thing. We learn by experience and have this one in solidly now for over two years. Our core area is churning and as my planet expands their below ground jails dissipate. I would like to say as our planet expands they get crunched. Think about jails built below ground and as the planet expands their structure is forced to expand so they are forced to collapse but the gaps in there need to be filled so the magma must come up to that surface area and fill it in then we are round again.

It is like this time we have to make it our mission to keep ours perfect and take the one gold ship we have and mass produce it to travel to other planets to put the cores back in the center. That is the only way to correct for this harmful invasive species that invaded our galaxy and likely others. We can begin on Uranus I found out now and I updated this story on 1/29/2020. Good times ahead

These robed ones were the reason for “spiritual talk” that is not God. God is very simple and these are cunning. It is that annoying  new age groupie you know they try to emulate fakely

Sorry my writing about such things is tough to read. I try the best I can to get it correct and make complex histories easier to understand We are harder than they are.

Protect and Defend Our Duty.

It is our duty and stole 2016 should not attempt to not. They will be held personally liable

When the story came out they decided not to prosecute and it is not a story. Put them in prison. The data is there.

Perverts and pedophiles in jail.

Now they needed to dark side to pick up kids from school will be said.

And a pervert padophile king who stole our ballots in San Diego said, “we have Ann’s storage.” They have no right to my storage, here is a poster with their picture on it and it is a felony to steal ballots.

I became President of the United States not them. “Arrest warrants will be written on your behalf,” mine.

Watch for devaluing of your real estate in March 2020.

All battles are local and individuals always think of me as a peon because I work a regular job that allows me to gage American situations on the ground. I provided testimony against the land grab long ago, and am one of the few people who continue to care about the American homeowner’s values. Donald Trump who is deposed by my testimony did not win 2016, he stole the election as Mike Pence admitted, “We stole 2016,” so the fact that he and others laundered drug money and put it into housing I testified against is significant.  74% of America did not vote for them and of the 26% who did vote for them in 2016, probably about 24% would be angry to lose 10-40% of their home value because Trump covertly laundered drug money with other Congressional members to put into housing developments competing against their homes up for sale this spring.

Over the last month I have been canvasing homeowners and found out at least one in 15 intend to sell with many moving out of state after spring time. If you have a 10-30 year old home in California and maybe even in the USA, as I saw many similar developments cross country, and intend to sell, your home maybe competing for sale with homes in developments acquired through methamphetamine and cocaine laundered funding. Here in California, as you and your wife commuted to work, working 40-50 hours a week each, stole 2016 Donald Trump and his teams have been building large housing developments that have not really began selling yet on cocaine money. They had tranches of $500,000,000 in drug laundered funds to put into the developments that will be competing with your home paid for with real work equity you and your spouse put in, 2080 hours per year by each of you. His and their homes will start selling soon and there are already more than enough homes on the market, so when thousands of homes become available in spring, what will happen to your housing value if you and your wife decide to sell this spring, you guessed it, you will lose that equity you hoped to receive when selling your home as you may have to sell way below market value because their drug money laundered homes are competing with yours.

Today, I yet again asked to press charges. Deposal of Trump went through and was not completed. It must be completed before the next election. I provided my testimony in earnest to prevent homeowners from losing their equity through his scam against America, what he termed as “the largest land grab in history,” basically acquiring housing using cocaine funding. These are huge developments locally and there are plenty of existing homes on the market, so when spring hits and the one in 15 list their homes in competition with the new cocaine housing developments, all prices will drop, criminally against the homeowners who earned earnest income and paid for their housing earnestly through work, not drug money laundering which is criminal. It is likely intentional by him and his team, and it was surprising that he had that level of malice towards the homeowners, and voters truly intending to steal their wages through illegal competition with drug money laundered housing.

Trump actually said this, regarding homeowners losing their wages, by devaluing, that he encouraged through use of drug laundering,  (“Keep up the devaluing,” said), on January 7, 2020, Trump said this, “They (referring to AGs) know how much they (all Americans who AGs serve and protect) are losing (10 years or more saved wages in housing equity),” and stolen by a deposed con artist. It is chilling to think an American President would enjoy stealing American citizens’ wages through their home equity. American Presidents of our past have sought to enrich our country and make America number one and the most profitable globally, now not so much. He sees you as his ATM. I guess that started on September 11th, when he and his friends knew and some of them planned the act of terrorism against American citizens on American soil, so they decided to play the stock market that day and make money while 3,000 American citizens were killed. He made money that day, while the American bodies smoldered both on the ground and in the towers. Yes I think about it daily and have wanted to put them on trial for over 18 years now. We have a right to live in a world free of internally created terrorism and have a right to fight them until they lose.

We have a right to hold onto our income, and not be cheated. That is what American intelligence should protect and serve. No one wants to see the person who stole 4,160 hours a year from him and his wife on TV. We vote this year and it is too bad Republicans cannot get someone on the ballot to protect their working hours.

Constitutionalism exists and we must speak truth to power to protect ourselves and each other.


How do we define ourselves? Individuals participate daily

Every moment the macrocosm and microcosm exist coherently.  Whatever we do contributes greatly to the whole world. Each interaction we have causes us to understand each other more and what we chose to participate in can have a ripple effect that benefits all humanity. That is my goal each and every moment I am alive here. I love what I do even if it is mundane and tedious seen as low level and observed as nothing. Every interaction has something to be learned from it for self improvement and understanding. Everyone is important.

Everything you participate in can give you a better more real view of the world we live in rather than staying on your own prejudging through what you are told is the world. Only through actual interaction with people can you understand what is really going on. Then you must force yourself sometimes to even go beyond your comfort level to understand different perspectives which allow you to be accountable and understand what is behind our reality to improve ourselves. Many people refuse to acknowledge that this level exists as it is very difficult to coexist in. It is where the common man and even the lowest person on the planet who is observed and put down even contains the most valuable information to be understood. And what if they know more than you from a different perspective, and many do not. Even the highest of the high have hidden data to be understood that many may have not uncovered to the extent that is needed for better global understanding.

As we have been working on understanding the powerful use of sophisticated technology, many people have been harmed greatly with what I will call soul splicing. Our goal is to create whole people in each and every person on my planet to where we are not interfered with subconsciously causing bad decision making externally created by machines. These machines create confusion and allow the enemy to benefit against the people, and in many states I visited months ago they had installed the harmful technology to torture people.

I am putting the package here so you have it to refer to. I have worked for human primacy on our planet, so that we are stronger than any outside forces attempting to harm us. The package was done to create confusion to force terrible outcomes that will not happen here.Package with the spacecraft to refer to

What a criminal undertaking this system was by harmful extraterrestrials and people, some who did not see the duplicity they were participating in that was engineered through external splicing by off worlders. Currently, we are advancing against it and them, as it is a component they used as part of a communist system they tried against us. Yesterday I felt that soon the magnetic pull of our planet will be strong enough soon to bring down their advanced space weaponry in one day. This has been two years of work to get to this point where we have the strength and power to stop them. It will be nice when from North Carolina to here these machines are brought down.

When I was in North Carolina months ago, they had put in the harmful package there with chirpers, electromagnetic pavement and ground wiring for internet services which contributes to these electromagnetic jails which I strongly suspect harm everyone. In the video I did, you can even here the chirpers interacting in the background.  As we have been working to remove communism, which is really confusion from harmful off worlders referred to as alien agenda in many books and extraterrestrials by others, much real data has been acquired through our planet restoration project that began with fervor in 2017 when I revoked agreements and later placed our core perfectly put.

My friend and I had dinner the other night and were talking about Jimmy Carter. She told me that he had hoped for full disclosure and then when he sought to release information through Freedom of Information, he was stopped. My work is public and about the extraterrestrials many people had hoped to gain ground against, yet with our planet’s core previously misaligned, we had little chance of success against. Our core or negative is the heart of our planet and belongs as it is currently in the dead center of our planet where it is finally, placed there perfectly put over two years ago in 2017, where it was supposed to be all along. Our heart of my planet is beating stronger every day as we advance forward. I hope someday I can meet Jimmy Carter and tell him how tough this has been to fight back against them, and that we are winning. Carter she said had gotten really frustrated when he was not allowed to release the relevant data regarding the extraterrestrials. That was likely because their plan was too overarching then, and many people with our planet so badly misaligned in their favor thought we humans had no chance to fight them, so they gave them the pass. We can think of it this way. Our heart of our planet is the magnetic core in the center and if the heart is moved by harmful extraterrestrials, the blood of the planet, magma will not flow and slowly over time our planet dies a slow painful controlled death as all the planets in our galaxy suffered before. When we moved our core to where it is naturally, we positioned our heart perfectly to reignite normal processes which we have. About two months ago it was said we finally created nuclear fission in our center, so our planet is alive and its heart is beating stronger naturally more than ever before now.

This gives us the opportunity as we grow in strength to remove those individuals who are external and harmful, just like parasites. It is like when the body recovers from a virus and naturally kills the invaders, this is where we are, and every day we go stronger. I go to the beach to put my feet in as much as I can because contact with the water consciously spreads the gained or learned information gathered subconsciously allowing it to be processed naturally on our planet. It is for public service that I live and sitting on the ground sometimes has that same effect, but the advanced machines have harmed our natural progress as they were likely designed to do by the off worlders. It is like planetary exercise though, so when you think about the vastness of the consciousness of the ocean, including every living thing inside it working for their best interests versus a few extraterrestrials, the extraterrestrials appear small in number and have weaknesses overcome by nature naturally.

I work lots of small jobs and am not your typical American I guess because my free time for my own projects such as the work on our planet and for honest Americans politically is more important than having a big career being a CEO or senior manager for a large corporation, which I could have been, if I had given up my off time pursuits and chose to be a traditional worker.

I provided the testimony that deposed stole 2016 Trump and do participate politically. The most important thing is honest participation in life. I am excited about our upcoming election and root on the candidates who are honest who work for the American people. We have made it past lots of scary outcomes that some had wanted and it was a relief yesterday when someone I know, said America is coming along better than expected. I work hard for the best for all people. It has been worth it to have the data I have to help American voters for 2020. We can finally defeat communism which initially I thought was different. I have worked against communism for 22 years.

I thought it was human based from China or Russia, an ideology just like many people do, with Karl Marx etc., to be combatted Constitutionally here in our country against our adversaries that were seeking to impose their belief systems on us. We are competitive with Russia and China, however communism was not theirs either in the way it was really developed. Marx was paid for by royalty and the elite for the work he did at the time, which is important to note as the elite and royals had the assistance of these harmful extraterrestrials in the background. The extraterrestrials were very hardy creatures and unnatural here. They served as henchmen for the elite unknown to many. To the people, they are a harmful invasive species that many people have had visitations and encounters with. We are scared of them and I know.

As we as a people have gotten stronger against them with our negative install they can be seen more like a parasite and will be less powerful to those they previously supported and they die here.

It is like in your yard, when you get an invasive species that spreads thousands of seeds, how do you overcome the invasion. We have slowly been breaking down their eggs which are white and are their seeds here. The negative eats them and then they lose strength. It took over a year for us to even get to the eggs and to be able to break them down. I remember on my road trip when this started and inside my body I found out that our negative was eating them. I felt the sensation of this and in some ways it was disgusting because these are eggs of harmful parasites on our planet. Think about eating wasps eggs or something like that. It feels gross initially and it must be done to get rid of the harmful parasites that had hard shells. Our negative breaks them down very good and we keep going every day to make our world better for everyone.

After I placed our negative the extraterrestrials installed the package more fervently in my opinion. The package above was called “the communism,” and this definition for communism was developed over many years.
“Communism is confusion originating from extraterrestrials masked in ideology, making them falsely look like a benevolent benefactor, resulting in financial and other crimes, sometimes using advanced machines and technology to accomplish their goals.” It will be nice when communism is brought directly down from space. We are getting stronger against it now.

I found out that what I thought about communism as originating from China or Russia itself, is incorrect. It was interesting, the Chinese and others had come to America to help democracy building in their countries to help their people to be more free in a better organized system like we have on many occasions. I found out that pre-September 11th, the green extraterrestrials had made a deal to move the Chinese gold to the British Royal Crown who had wanted to evict our planet of people and steal everything from us, similar to that which was done on Mars and the other now dead planets in our star system. They worked with the white extraterrestrials and others. This then set up the Chinese manufacturing for the technology above in the package, and the Indonesian’s gold was likely stolen and given to China to start the Standard Drawing Rights basket of currencies called “Drawing Rights” for the hand stamping or hand markers. Luckily this technology is outmoded now as long ago the supercomputers shut down and their paypoints will not work any more. Still the dots of the hand stamping have been breaking down. Originally people were to be marked and then those markers were to be used ultimately to harvest them like a crop here without honor. We are down to three dots being broken down of a complex pattern and it is good for us to know the truth to get ahead.

Hopefully soon the Chinese will receive their gold back, and return the Indonesian’s gold. “We invested in the Chinese,” said by the green extraterrestrials who stole the Indonesian gold and sent it to China.

Brainwashed Americans “were all in on it back then the currency swap for the hand mark,” said a source and now they are slowly moving in a more beneficial direction for our planet and country to enjoy a good life again recognizing the threats that happened and how far we have come to advance against that which divided us. It was an unseen enemy that when known scared many and was hard to defeat because of the sickness of our planet, now whole again and growing stronger.

It is like undoing a large covert plan against humanity one step at a time. The most interesting thing is that the extraterrestrials play a middle ground war co opting both sides, favoring whomever gives them an advantage and that is how the definition for communism evolved. It was found out that during the Kennedy administration the communist entities had found their way in and caused harm to the real freedom loving right who felt like they could no longer be American anymore because the shape shifters had found their way in, and the shapeshifters then came for the right with the “white giants,” using that for white supremacy and selection of people to stir up low level emotions as they splice, meaning cut up the whole people into parts to manipulate. In reality President John F.  Kennedy was more like the man who wanted to kill him that morning and missed. The external threat must be eliminated, and people made whole again.

It was found yesterday, our moon was dirty from the white giants hiding there. Hopefully they are cleared from there like we are clearing our planet from them recognizing the harm that had been spliced into our subconscious, now being separated and destroyed.

Your Life is No Longer in the Devil’s Hands

“I always felt like I made some deal with the devil that does not like mankind’s hands,” said an unnamed source about arranging for his daughter’s birth to him on my planet. I only work with and for God and installed my negative perfectly put in the center several years ago and slowly as our earth turns the dark side, that is connected to an off world agenda, loses. Recently I met his 61 year old daughter who told me about her entry point onto our planet in vivid detail. She remembered about the negotiations for her, last of six children’s, birth.

There was some place in space where alien agenda put individuals they did not like together with our families. She initially claimed she was an off worlder and I wondered if that was true. I found out later that it is untrue, her soul was discarnate and previously part of the supercomputer system that is now disbanded almost. She described where she met her soon to be father as a house in space with no walls except for one small room called the “room for improvement.” That room was very small, had walls and was where the negotiations took place with her father to give birth to six children and a woman he did not want with her as the cutest bargaining chip and I earn their respect for telling our stories. He was told he was to marry a woman he did not like and have six children, and then was upset until he saw my friend’s face. This made him finally agree to the sentence for his life. I suspect they called it the room for improvement because she did not fit in their mold of easily controlled human.

Their life was traumatized with her two older brothers dying at 6 and 8 years old and later individuals around her used dark magic to torture her because of her spiritual side. She almost killed herself two years ago and then was likely implanted as when she woke up after being out for 5 days, a large mass was on her head. I found out what they said, “We’re going to implant this one so we don’t have to worry about her,” humiliating them in the times ahead was said by the NSA criminals. She has continued to live and worked as best as she could. No one should be implanted ever.

She is a kind woman who cares for many and they try to ostracize her. Our planet is working harder than ever for freedom to exist here for all people. It is hard to write this as they read it, the enemy, and it is your enemy too. Who wants their life determined for them

I am working on God determining our lives not harmful off worlders, that exist at NSA. Our Gold standard and money back get delivered to all American people.

Feel freedom all around you and on the beach. Gold

Sun works through the core, South America ongoing.

There was discussion among children today. One with bright eyes said, “We get to stay because of them,” referring to alien agenda and a smarter one who was younger and more rugged said, “they did not like that we got a free planet,” and I know that to be true.

We are now making sure that God sets your lives up for success constitutionally.

No one had a right to make any contracts for my planet behind my back as I am our only negative holder and that is and was known. They do not like the fact that I work for freedom of every American.

“I sold her negative set,” was said by a criminal who stole 2018, and just like if you know someone owns the Brooklyn Bridge and you sell it, you have to deal with the ramifications not them. I work for the people and am not part of a religious group in Oceanside I consider criminal. Now we have to correct the life side and I am helping the woman who has had a hard time all her life with evil stuff used against her as I have. It will be nice when babies are born and only know of God’s plans for them and we are almost there

Good times ahead.

I have been hoping to finish our install soon so I put a lot of work in every day, so that we can move on to other planets. Mars needs its negative placed correctly, and the other planets are owned by us exclusively. Each one was habitable until the criminal extraterrestrials arrived in our galaxy.

I was wondering today if the Chinese were from Mercury, and as our sun heals if they would like to get it back. It seems like their squinty eyes may be because they lived closest to the Sun. With our healed sun, Mercury is habitable and less radiant. Nope, they are from Saturn.

Venus is where the Zetas live, they are black, and they can have it back too. Venus is perfect for a the tan they have as it is more radiant.

I will correct our work as I continue to work for the people as I always have.

Why is my point on a standard sentence need to be stopped. I want no criminals who are on a wanted poster by me to ever stop by. They did what they did and they are criminals.

I look forward to working with non-criminals and I will.

Helmet loser on a wanted poster. I didn’t steal ballots.

Why do election thieves deserve anything.

It espionage to remove our gold standard and money back or file bankruptcy on American citizens.

Below ones are cheap prostitutes as their name denotes. People are better.

Those who stole our ballots should go to jail before the primary. 

We have clouds.