Ann Diener, PEACE STRATEGIST & News. Serving Our World

About Ann Diener

Ann Diener began working with renewable technology after seeing the need in the marketplace to provide technology that enables clients to realize benefits in previously untapped resources that are problematic including, waste and waste water. She is the owner of Raven Knight, a full service consulting, marketing and web consulting firm geared towards renewable project development, and also addressing the needs of conventional businesses.

Renewables Development

Ms. Diener has been determined to deliver zero waste technology, water independence and sustainability, as well as water and energy independent housing systems. Ms. Diener is focused on the business side of each project, helping clients to address their needs and take advantage of innovative solutions that will increase sustainability and profitability.

Ms. Diener assembled the team of professionals that have their individual expertise in developing the overall project or product to suit a client’s particular application and requirement. The company is now focused on completing the development phase of several projects it has been working on for the last several years.

Ms. Diener has been involved in marketing for almost 20 years. She saw the need in the market for efficient, simple renewable solutions and began focusing on identifying technological leaders in the field nine years ago. She formed Raven Knight in 2002 and worked with numerous developers and manufacturers to evaluate, refine and further develop available sustainable technologies. Over the years there have been many technologies that have not proven to be reliable by Ann and her experts. See for more information on technologies and expertise currently available through her company, Raven Knight.

She will be launching the Sustainability Initiative to further promote the development of new technology in 2012 for Water Energy Independent Housing and Waste to Energy through the initiative.

Marketing & Web Development:

Ann Diener has been involved in marketing through her own businesses and through assisting other start-ups to mid-sized companies with advertising, face to face marketing, internet marketing and web development. For a list of references, please contact her directly.

Celebrating Winter Solstice 2012

Every year I celebrate Winter Solstice as a way to set intention for the coming year and get rid of the things that encumber my progress. I invite friends over for a nice bonfire, and we share food, stories and enjoy a ceremony designed to empower us in the coming years towards our goals.

One of my favorite parts of the ceremony is when I read my favorite poem of all time, My Dream 3000 which I change the date each year to the coming year in the hope that I can speed the process to achieving the goals set forth in the poem. I found it at a store in San Francisco about six years ago. On this day I wanted to share it with everyone. The words are by Robert Muller, Former United Nations Assistant Secretary General and Chancellor United Nations University of Peace, Costa Rica. I have the Prose Poster by Sami Sunchild. You can purchase one by clicking

My Dream 2012

I dream that we and all beings will lift our sights, hopes and dreams to the year 2012. I dream that all governments will join together to manage this beautiful earth in peace, justice and happiness, that all religions will believe in a global spirituality, that all beings will become a caring family, that all scientists will unite in an ethical science, that all corporations will unite to preserve nature and all humanity. Continue reading

Mission Statement

To create a sustainable, self-reliant yet mutual aid oriented world where everyone has their basic needs met so that we as a people can all focus beyond those basic needs to create a more secure and evolved world, collaboratively. Sustainability is positive and profitable for all. It is progress that we can achieve.

Ann believes in working with people worldwide to achieve attainable goals to better humanity.

My Favorite Projects

Here are the projects I support:

Sustainable Housing

Water Recycling

Waste to Energy

Hydrogen Power


Making Science and Engineering Education Interesting



Idea Central

Here you can submit ideas and take ideas and expand upon them in a collaborative environment. We use Intense Debate, so you can register below to post or just post as a guest.



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