When I connected to God in my car back in 1994, after I was told about the key, I always followed my heart. My quest has been about the real United States of America and that’s all that it’s about, in addition to understanding myself and saving the planet. I learned about being the Negative Holder and I am glad I did the revoking agreements because it gave me the authority to place the Negative perfectly.
On Valentine’s Day, I really have no interest in men. It has been painful because of these blow job men and their stupidity. People have hurt me and tortured me through poisoning, cointel pro and targeting fluid, Nasty aliens, yucky stuff I would never want a daughter of mine to go through. No one would do this to anyone or allow it to be done. It pure complicity to torture and abuse someone. At least I found out what men are about.
Give all these men cointel pro for a day and see how they like it. Then add some targetting fluid make their lips hurt. Bug their computer steal all their files. I guess that’s what men do is steal because they can’t earn anything on their own.
Men suck. Women just work hard. And get no credit, especially when they are God or Jesus. They don’t even get their Gold that is theirs, or is it stolen by Netanyahu, who gets applause for stealing gold, land, everything from everyone. People know I “Jesus” the “Prophet” “Divine “Conscious Mind Channel” How many names does a person have to be called to get credit for helping America and initially asking for nothing in return for their quest because mine was not about money. And that’s why Paul Allen hates me.
I found out about his master builder taking over the bases because I made people aware of his quest for quest for communo-fascism and to steal the planet. So how many more days is it going to be before I get payment and applause? People know where I am.
“Leave no man behind.” How many people have I saved? When do I get credit? This no blow job woman.
Every day I have worked hard in this office. Many days for 15 hours in addition to working full time. I save this country. I improve foreign relations through the articles I write. I have saved thousands of lives through fighting some of the worst terrorists using intelligence means and online searches, breaking them and scenarios down as well using people finder services, twitter, publicly available searches, online news, even translations of publications from foreign countries. I do anything to locate a terrorist and take them out. I also hate coups and people who steal from the poor in any country. “NOT IN MY NAME.”
MUELLER INVESTIGATION. people we put in power. illegal arms trafficking. honduras. council on foreign relations. kissinger. nixon.
Mueller Investigation. American Ideals of Justice.
Happy Valentines Day! CIA. no martial law. freedom exists for the public. john arpaio. no war. scherff junior. chenney. complete the september eleventh investigation. nixon vans. trump administration. why God is here.
“Why can’t they arraign us…” Good question.
Peaceful Election 2018.
CIA can investigate foreign crime against Americans.
NAVY can take care of Master Builder.
“We’ve got a deal from down there, so they can share.” We need to make sure the deal is fair.
Is the sun technology destroyed? I get Yes, but I want to see footage as proof. And the American public needs to be told.
Those stone builders had a plan in conjunction with the rosicruicians.
“I get indemnity policy for Israeli citizens.” What does that mean? We have American citizens, not a “few bad apples that spoil the bunch.”
“You stick with alien agenda.” Nope, I want my own notoriety.
Humans have a right to their planet. And I hold the Negatives for this star system. NEGATIVES HOLDERS. New Election for the United States of America. Ballots ready, no redlining. just get the Presidential Election for 2018 done. How big a case do we have to make for September 11, 2001 and those who were guilty then and now. The financial collapse called “the biggest land grab in history.” Are we going to allow this to happen to the American public.
I am ready to straighten this out peacefully. Will anyone call me who is human and give me the respect that I deserve? I’d think that people would be pretty excited to know the truth.
They keep dragging this out. Do they want humans to win? Yes.
When you are ready to talk, please call me and make an appointment at (760) 672-2028. Please be professional.