As we sit here waiting for the next crash, communists are chomping at our ankles to ring in a cashless economy, where Americans will be forced to own $17 trillion in foreign debt, one has to wonder why congress is so slow to act on the Mueller Investigation that could wipe out the corrupt government politicians who should not even be in their positions right now.
The threat comes directly from the British Royal Crown that has wanted to take America down all along. Similar to what they did in China during the Opium Wars, we are all plagued with an enemy of bankers that have sought to destroy freedom. As I have said over and over again, this is connected to a global and planetary conspiracy. Will anyone be responsible enough to face it? Or are we going to just sit here. I was personally almost bankrupted again by them.
There are much greater fears ahead from off-worlders and had I not done the work I have done, we would be in a much worse planetary situation. Off-worlders exist, whether we want to believe it or not, and or whether we wish to work with them. My focus is to work together with them on an even playing field. We need to stand up to them and stand side by side with our own sovereignty.
Can America be Sovereign? Are we depending on members of congress to stand up for us with a global economy that is seeking to eliminate the American public from participating evenly on the world stage. Where is our Treasury Direct today? Where is our Gold Standard, the gold that was stolen and brought back?
“I had it brought back,” said John Brennan. Well then where is it? I can here a foghorn in the background as we sit here and wait. Are we going to let ourselves be destroyed? Let America be destroyed, for whom, Bernie Sanders comes to mind then. Then the former Queen, the hapsburg queen. Whether you call me God or not, doesn’t matter to me. I am the NEGATIVE HOLDER and no one is stealing our planet today. Even the “skinny arm guy” who is sitting here inside of me typing with me internally is not stealing our planet. (people and beings meld with one another) some are scary.
I connected aliens to God, to clear out unfriendly enemies for weeks and months. I worked very hard to bring our planet and Galaxy to the highest level. The former overlord of our planet was deposed. He was all about stealing the raw materials of our planet and basically about creating a waste land. Oil is unnecessary in the future. We have hydrogen.
We have hundreds of alternative power opportunities. Many more advanced than the above video, which is actually antiquated when considering even what Central Valley HHO could develop with a minimal amount of funding.
There is also E-Cat that is fully developed. He had hundreds of machines ready to be deployed.
What is wrong with being “too honest”?
We should be happy at this point.
Treasury Direct and our Gold Standard should have been released to the American Public. It was the Navy that stood in the way back then.
I am standing firm.
Trump wanted to buy our Golf Course here in town, that is quid pro quo.