This quest only got strange when the Lucifer portion started. Lucifer is the peaceful masculine name for the Sun. It got strange because I suspect they wanted to leave only the harmful aliens and my deals have only been for positive aliens. Only certain people wanted those harmful aliens.
We figured out other bad things along the way. The detention center are not needed. There is no purpose, because of the work we did.
isreali agenda.
need for below people.
Back then. they were only going to come pick me up. Then it became a strange male quest, where a male was chosen to participate. This reminds me of Tim Harris. “The wanted no positive agenda.” means to have a positive agenda.
super power. human.
Then the nasty war criminals started spell casting in my house.
writing for detention centers. purpose. crime. needs.
We need oversight in Washington DC. Payment. Keep Convictions. dia
Same old thing I proved, about the war on terrorism and the need to set up the above agency, and the war crimes.
combined conflict. company and dhs.
means for america to retain super power status.
needs for american success.
“Human Rights. Gold Standard. Constitution. Keep Convictions.