No wandering necessary for Jews nor Americans, as the myths seem to require, communism and the holocaust was attempted for transient aliens called the below or Mintakan’s (see yesterday’s discussion about them). This was set up by Hitler’s team formerly, possibly that wanted access to their harmful technology that we are dismantling today. We are going to profit on components for peaceful beneficial purposes only.
Jews can find a beautiful place to live, work hard and no one will you harm you, once we remove Benjamin Netanyahu and others aligned with him who wanted a horrible police state for the world to live in, and this can even be verified by Angela Merkel.
Settlements are never needed. The very word means a home above the surface that does not belong there nor to the people who live there.
Settlements were created for aliens who are transients.
We can have our vacation planet now.
All of my posts and videos can be shared. I have evidence to back up my truth about the Presidency. People have told me “stay the President,” and I am.
I was almost finally picked up as President yesterday when we proved Trump’s conditional release was violated. It was exciting, but then individuals in the down south network interfered.
“We are picking her (me) up as President of our country today,” said Navy yesterday, so none of this telephony bribery scheme by criminals should go on. Finally Americans win their vote and gold back I thought.
About the harmful transient off worlders who may have been behind some of the suffering the Jews went through the holocaust. They do not win here now, not ever.
These are pure thieves using the advanced technology that are outlined in this report. I am honest and justice oriented and it outlines also that I am the only President there too. We keep our Constitution strongly over here. I would only select a Democratic Vice President.
Today’s task to take down the down south cocaine network.
Confirmed, the pavement came from Netanyahu’s side. Ehud Barak is opposed to the pavement, and he could likely win in Israel.
We need to stop the hard right election theft admitted to here.
Follow the Executive Order and get the down south network and harmful “alien breeding area” over.
Since they were thrown out of Iraq these unimportant people have been stealing elections to win because they lose naturally.
Because they were thrown out of Iraq by Americans for illegal arms sales, they should not have more rights here.
Our voters have dreams of a real elected President and that is what we will deliver.
They wanted to control the world from here was just admitted to by an Israeli chosing to rethink their strategy. We found that out here about California and I am working fastidiously hard to remove the pavement and the advanced technology. We are rooting them out here and we know about the numbering of their alien men.
When the numbering was found out, the evil white alien said, “so what’s going to happen to all the harmful technology we put in.” It gets destroyed by Americans now.
The white aliens came here through the boulder builder race who had their green men numbered to accompany the one in the middle that we removed when the negative install happened. There were 13 left and these are the harmful white ones that get killed now.
The pavement can be covered over with a silicon based spray to eliminate its magnetic effects.