The beginning. “What do you think they’re doing over there? Why won’t they at least let us come in here and pick her up (as President),” was asked by the Navy after Donald Trump was legally and lawfully deposed in 2017. The plot uncovered, Obama Brennan syndicate with cocaine men against me.
These were disgusting men involved in a quest around here who used Christian Fundamentalism to attempt to steal area real estate, that began this criminal cartel in the area in conjunction with Leahy and the profiteers that came in to town. This was outed by me and involved with Dick Cheney and the illegal indefensible weapon they put above the state, that is being removed today.
“We were supposed to pick her up back then as President, but the we got derailed by that horrible company she used to work for,” said June 2018 about Marriott Vacation Club and Dick Cheney team that was possibly harming children in conjunction with the Rosicrucian Fellowship.
Do they pick me up as President, eventually soon.