June 10, 2017, I was electrocuted in my car while driving to work because I reported correctly about controlled opposition terrorists in Syria who are left leaning, I thought for a long time, however I suspect it may have been as a result of the email I sent to Robert Stevenson. They are connected to goons, also called white alien agenda that electrocuted me. I always thought Stevenson and Paul Allen were good Americans then, and have proven myself incorrect through my investigation. I also found out who Gordon Duff really is, a purely evil communist I did not fall in love with. He set me up. Stevenson has been in contact with one of the goons or white alien agenda who likely participated in electrocuting me in my car. According to Stevenson, “He (an extraterrestrial who is white) always made all of those false promises.” I wanted to figure this out because back then when I wrote this email I was so naive thinking Stevenson, Paul Allen and Duff were innocent. They are guilty of being involved in the pre-planning of September 11th for harmful genetic sequencing against American citizens that is stopped permanently. Gold only now.
This electrocution went on for three weeks and I bought shielding pants to drive to work. I have a photo of them.
I made the mistake of calling Robert Stevenson by telephone on June 17, 2017, and asking him to help me find out who electrocuted my legs which was ongoing. I sent him another email and I told him about the alien agenda that had harmed me and I suspected was against humans.
Stevenson hates and hates himself and has hated me since he knew me professionally and back then I tried to be his friend, that is not possible. I learned that after the second email I sent him when he did not contact me.
Duff was not my friend either, though I wrote for Veterans Today and avidly read his articles. I found out soon after his quest against me began that he is working for communistic alien agenda against us. Stevenson partnered with Duff here in my home to harm us.
“We’re only making her (me) have fun, to get job done over here,” said Duff, which meant to use the genetic sequencing hardware to professionally brand all Americans like cattle for their cashless pay-points. I have to work really hard against them here for American citizens. That feeling of having fun here in my home while they were torturing me was inflicted upon me, as Duff stated in the quote above.
This story is hard to write because no one likes being made a fool of, especially not a hardworking person for American citizens like me. These individuals are criminals, and I want to be clear about my historical participation with them. A person must know the truth about their participation level to understand the past influences and what may have happened that was unpreventable.
I went on to do revoking agreements to place my/our planet’s core perfectly put in August 2017, and provided deposal testimony regarding Donald Trump’s team’s criminal conduct behind the scenes.
It is disturbing that a ship’s party was conducted by service members working with the above individuals who were and are against Constitutionalism that they are supposed to uphold.
There was an incident that happened shortly after I sent this tweet to Greg Palast, Trump had been deposed already, according to what I found out later. I misspelled Mike Kilburn’s name here, and he came to San Diego likely working for Duff as Duff mentioned on telephone he was looking for property in Montana, which I knew was suspicious at the time. When Kilburn came here there was some group harmfully operating in the background, and I knew Stevenson had gotten involved with them since my email to him. Kilburn was suspicious in his intention, and I knew he was flying out to a Naval vessel from what I overheard. I suspected he was doing something wrong, and may attempt to kill service members who knew about the testimony I provided which later I found out was true. This is called the destroyer incident they caused and information on it with quotes showing their guilt is found here.
Then they had a party with service members who killed the service members the night afterwards. What I found out now confirmed that Trump was jailed correctly on August 18, 2017 and then Mike Kilburn came here to run the scam for him with the oligarchs and the guilty of nine eleven. “I don’t have to be removed yet?” asked Trump asked Kilburn then who replied “I’ve got a little game going over here,” them.
The game involved the van that was placed here by Brian Stafford’s company, that was pointed out by the honest Navy who did the honest deposal and removal back east, as it was said by them recently to Stafford, “You knew I put Trump in jail,” then when we were trying to prevent the “scam against America” and the “largest land grab in history,” by deposing and removing Trump teams. The land grab has continued privately through the criminals Kilburn hired.
Here on the West Coast, Kilburn partied with these cocaine men and service members, telling them the deposal was not in earnest likely. When it was done to protect American citizen from Trump team and their plans that they had, and we found out about in advance through my testimony.
This was confirmed a few days a when it was brought up over the sytel, and someone in the area was asked about the communist threat party with the Navy Chief and his friends with Stevenson cartel on board, and the individual said, “I told none of those men to tell anybody about it,” referring to the correct deposal of Trump. Destroyer incident was conducted by them. It was attempted to be concealed here to allow for the land grab and scam to continue. Many people were harmed here in Vista and San Diego county because of them.
In the lobby of the hotel where I worked that night of their party, they hired individuals to make it seem like I was invited to a party and I was scared. I felt like they were going to try to kill me when Kilburn came to town.
“We were told to believe that you were with them (quest men) part time,” said a source on December 29, 2018 who was told that by the “boat captain” at their party. No. They were all against me and our Constitutionalism, and American citizens who I tried to protect with my testimony about the scam and land grab.
“We’ll make her get married or something that way we’ll delay their nice homecoming,” said boat captain them wanting to delay the formal removal of Donald Trump. We can release our US gold to the American public now. Election convictions need to come out.
The sad part, and what I complained about repeatedly was there murder of service members for individuals who should be in jail, even because of the stolen election of 2016 and they are known criminals who have harmed millions of people before. No further death is needed on their behalf. Why would accomplices to election theft be part of any deposal of the guilty in capital punishment white collar crimes they stole the election to accomplish, said for individuals claiming, “W’s guys weren’t part of the deposal.” These are individuals as has been stated, “Could not win an election if their life depended on it,” so why kill people for them, and drag on individuals who used premeditated white collar crime in the background to steal from 327 million American citizens through election theft.
American citizens are not to be treated like their cash cow to be ridden.
And no more terrorism will be needed from George W. Bush, like the threats yesterday.
Not one more death for Bush.