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Alien Agenda was Defeated in 2023 and We won when their craft hit another planet

The last of the Harvesters were defeated in March of 2023, and now here they go again with hollywood, bringing them here to us again as we have Officially formed a partnership with HUMAN OWNED Galactic Core Holders. They are to be seen as kind to humans. I always defend us against the Alien agenda. That is my part-time job. We fully catalyze our Planet every day. That means they turn red during the day.  We will hold our own and I am our Negative Holder with the 18th Sun that lights up to our new planets and I will be making jewelry to honor our Galactic Core with the Red Sun in the Center of the Galactic Core and there are individuals who accepted too much money and we intend to earn our own money and honor our Partnership with those deemed “too kind to humans” and we will work harder and harder to improve our planets  God’s Own are those who work with the Underlord

Sovereign 2024 to 2030, Gold is Global and We Have to Create More Freedom and Success Daily

Our goal as Americans should something called Sovereign 2024 to 2030, with a solid game plan for national freedom, financial prosperity and success.  We have come a long way since I sat on a mountaintop in Oregon and defeated the Overlord, who came crashing down that day with all of his machines and technology. Intending on harvesting you with his cronies, we were lucky I waited the twelve hours and brought him down.

We faced their space race back then and finally defeated them.

I also worked also since pre-2016 election for Sovereignty over colonialism.

You can see some of my earlier work here: http://anndiener.com/war-terrorism-subjugation-and-colonialism-vs-peace-security-freedom-and-sovereignty/ and this article also talks about restoring the 13th Ammendment to the Constitution.

From the article:

Colonialists Penetrate America Despite Revolutionary War

There is a tremendous amount of history tied into colonialism, both internationally and in the USA. They have long sought to destroy America, since America won its War of Independence. It was rumored that in 1783, King George III said, “We may have lost the colony, but we will get her back.” Plans were immediately made then to do just that. The presence of colonialists trying to take back America was then seen in the British divide and conquer strategy within both the North and South during the Civil War.

Prevention of the subterfuge was also found in the original 13th Amendment to the Constitution which stated, “If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.” To see actual copies of it in print click here: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/7/10/356123/-

“After the Civil War, this Amendment was basically dropped down the memory hole, finding the 13th Amendment we know, and love, in its place. That was declared ratified on December 18, 1865, which would explain why Colorado and Kansas have our current day 13th Amendment as the 14th Amendment,” said the article, entitled, “The Missing 13th Amendment, an odd Constitution Story.”

This change of the 13th Amendment occurred just a few short months after President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, April 15, 1865. It is odd that tax day now falls on his assassination day. Some say that the reason for his assassination was that he angered the bankers through the printing of gold-backed greenbacks used as currency during the Civil War, however this was not the case. Greenbacks were un-backed currency used to as currency during the war. This is the reasoning for the words, “In God We Trust,” being imprinted on our currency today. It was through faith that Lincoln managed to overcome the colonialists, who had been funding the South.

There were other signs too that Lincoln was aware of the ruthless spirit of colonialism that resided in Washington.

Lincoln said, in his speech on the National Bank, in the hall of the House of Representatives of the State of Illinois, December 20, 1839, (http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2653/2653-h/2653-h.htm#link2H_4_0031)

“I know that the great volcano at Washington, aroused and directed by the evil spirit that reigns there, is belching forth the lava of political corruption in a current broad and deep, which is sweeping with frightful velocity over the whole length and breadth of the land, bidding fair to leave unscathed no green spot or living thing; while on its bosom are riding, like demons on the waves of hell, the imps of that evil spirit, and fiendishly taunting all those who dare resist its destroying course with the hopelessness of their effort; and, knowing this, I cannot deny that all may be swept away,” he said.

“Broken by it I, too, may be; bow to it I never will. The probability that we may fall in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just; it shall not deter me. If ever I feel the soul within me elevate and expand to those dimensions not wholly unworthy of its almighty Architect, it is when I contemplate the cause of my country deserted by all the world beside, and I standing up boldly and alone, and hurling defiance at her victorious oppressors. Here, without contemplating consequences, before high heaven and in the face of the world, I swear eternal fidelity to the just cause, as I deem it, of the land of my life, my liberty, and my love. And who that thinks with me will not fearlessly adopt the oath that I take? Let none falter who thinks he is right, and we may succeed. But if, after all, we shall fail, be it so. We still shall have the proud consolation of saying to our consciences, and to the departed shade of our country’s freedom, that the cause approved of our judgment, and adored of our hearts, in disaster, in chains, in torture, in death, we never faltered in defending.”

People knew of the corruption that had intertwined itself with America regarding banking and the young country that had freed itself from colonial rule.

Thinking about why America is important. America was founded on strength of the individual and a concept called rugged individualism. That is what Sovereign 2024 is about, and we will monitor it each year working for more freedom, financial independence and success over what is could be trying to usurp our gains.

We need to focus on an economy where we have Gold as global with the tax money no one wanted to give out delivered to the people, if it exists and if not allow less usary.

We do not need old ideas to hold us back, we need new ones to work in our global age. We need less rinse cycle and repeat foreign policy, and we have been fighting this war for a long time.

More from the article regarding the push pull strategy run in foreign policy:

The push had been started earlier with the British Mandate that had been carving up the Middle East to establish new colonial entities after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. “The British defeated Ottoman Turkish forces in 1917 and occupied Ottoman Syria, which would later be divided to British Palestine and Trans-Jordan and French Syria and Lebanon. The land remained under British military administration for the remainder of the war, and beyond,” according to Wikipedia.

“Trans-Jordan had been a no man’s land following the July 1920 Battle of Maysalun. During this period, the British chose to avoid any definite connection with Palestine until a March 1921 conference at which it was agreed that Abdullah bin Hussein would administer the territory under the auspices of the Palestine Mandate. The Trans-Jordan Memorandum annulled the articles regarding the Jewish National Home in the territory east of the Jordan. It also established a separate “Administration of Trans-Jordan” for the application of the Mandate, under the general supervision of Great Britain. Trans-Jordan became largely autonomous under British tutelage according to an agreement of February 20, 1928.”

Then on August 25, 1933, the Nazis signed the Haavara Pact or Transfer agreement with the Zionist German Jews which provided for an inflow of Jews to the newly created homeland. “The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. It was a major factor in making possible the immigration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine in the years 1933–1939,” according to Wikipedia. And we are still fighing in this region with the same characters, as today Israel strikes Syria as they are voting in new parliamentary elections.  We need the freedom to vote globally without durress and more encouragement of global sovereignty for all countries to focus on free will.

If our PLANET can produce Gold coins it should be allowed. God’s Gold coins were accepted by some.







End War and Work for OUR Economy and Foreign Policy that Benefits US

Picking up Robert Kennedy Jr.’s card that his group is handing out to work hard to get elected as President of the United States, he strives for the goals we have been all working to achieve. So what is stopping us? War still and Overlord intentions, while long seen as rinse, cycle, repeat and fleece diplomacy with a lack of humanity. I was shocked when I found out what Nikki Haley said wrote on the artillery shell. The words “Finish Them,” are a real clear indication of what a Kennedy administration must do.

Recognize Palestine as a Nation State.

Imagine Israel, now a country received what Joseph Goebbels gave to them, Palestine, without the Transfer Agreement also called the Haavarah Pact there would be no Israel, see the book here by Edwin Black called the Transfer Agreement. Imagine a portion of it finally being returned to Pre-Hitler. It was Palestine then and the Jews themselves were settlers encouraged by Hitler to take over this area where it was much better than today, obviouly more primative but less fighting. Then the individuals who were refugees took over and set out to hurt those who were were from the beginning there making it difficult to coexist together. Coexistance should be our goal and where there no Hitler, there would have been less if not no Israel without Hitler, the Jews enemy. We need to bring back the Jaffa Orange Groves and end the war. What causes a short dictator man to ruin everyone’s planet with divisiveness? Oil well aka the Overlord who was indeed alive until 2019. Countries are recognizing Palestine.

If O’lord is dead, and his tribes in space are declining, how can we triumph rather than be fleeced? We need to build beautiful Planets inhabited with wonderful lives and humans. God’s OWN

Before we hired Victoria Nuland, who has since resigned, what was our relationship with Russia like, much better. So how could a Kennedy Presidency reset the relationship, or will it turn worse before it gets better. “Blame President Biden comes out,” and in reality his team was incapable of seeing Russia from a Jill Stein perspective because they were too engrained in the idea that the Trump administration had special relationships with Vladimir Putin where he was co-opted by him and the Russian Federation, but was it co-option or cooperation?It was a dangerous relationship for America though and we cannot trust them. Intending to steal Classified Doccuments to sell them to our Adversaries regarding our nuclear capabilities is a crime.

President Biden could have competed a little bit more in Foreign Policy, as God wanted him to finish and win the war. What if he had forced Putin into a real election? There was no real election. The minute there were real challengers to a dictator that people had wanted to get rid of for many years, their government canceled them. Could the US have pressured them more and withdrawn support for Volodymr Zelenky when some within the allied international community knew Zelensky was causing war crimes. There now cannot be an election in Ukraine though Zelensky’s term has expired.  His Lieutenant was now seen as more popular and could have challenged him for the Presidency of Ukraine as is discussed here.

Putin too committed war crimes, now has an ICC arrest warrant as of 2023, and it is in the same place where the separatists were fighting Ukrainian corruption during the first war, Maripol and Odessa. These are the same regions from 2014 and we are now ten years later. Rinse, cycle, repeat same conflict and Fleece the People in all nations. That is O’lord, now dead. “We’ll make you people fight each other while we steal from you.” This was non-human and can be stopped with the right foreign policy and candidates who put an end to the strife being used for extortion. People are working on it and we should only glamorize those that make us profitable, happy and peaceful. We can afford a good life then

One such candidate was Boris Nadezhdin, who wanted to run for President in Russia, and with the vote counts so high for Putin, it could be suspected that there was no real election. However there is still forward movement in Russia despite the war, threats, harsh media, etc. Nadezhdin is working on normalization with Russia, democratic elections and younger candidates. In a recent post on Facebook he said, “Now, on the eve of the start of thousands of election campaigns across Russia, I am working on a Platform, which can be common to candidates across the country. https://t.me/BorisNadezhdin/1258

“If we unite and support our candidates, our request for peace and normalization of Russia will be presented in regional and local authorities.

“We will talk about the idea of creating a platform, the development of democratic institutions, about the upcoming elections to the Moscow City Duma with one of the candidates, my comrade Gleb Biserov https://t.me/realbiserov at a face-to-face meeting in Moscow.” This is leadership, peacefully and democratically.

War with Russia must be stopped, and we need to maintain emotional superiority and recognize leadership within Russia working for democratic change. In Ukraine, we need to force them to have a real election date set as their election was canceled due to the war, so in reality we have two counties who may not have representative leadership costing us Americans and every nation money and political strife.

While in Asia, important things are changing.

Taiwan and Asian have developments towards a hopeful world with some tests for the newly elected. The new Taiwanese President was challenged immediately when coming into office by the Chinese military that surrounded him, as now peaceful negotiations were held at their first Trilateral Summit since 2019 with the Chinese Premier Li Qiang, the Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea, as Former South Korean President, Moon Jae-In’s (2017-2022) memoir is published. His memoir should be published in English as many Foreign policy enthusiasts in the US and also globally would like to read what some considered salacious material. The historical data, context and his perceptions are important as Jae-in sought a reunification strategy that made North Korea come to the table much more than expected with their focus on denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

Post summit, will we be threatened by China for supporting Taiwan, or will these three countries prove to be moving in a more democratic, peaceful world, that is the goal. In Japan, this June, there is a large renewable energy summit, and this is the direction we should be going globally. The Mexican election is also this weekend with the race between two female candidates. For the first time ever, we will likely have a female Mexican President. Hopefully this will end all illegal immigration and reduce American costs of illegal immigration. We Americans will have more money and better immigration policies because of this in the hopefully in the future.

Based on the real history of the Middle East, we need to end all fighting in Gaza and recognize a two state solution with a future Palestine as a nation state. Israel should be forced to rebuild all those apartments they bombed against the Palestinians as new homes because we will only build settlements in the future for original residents in the Middle East as there is no where to transfer them to and the Hoh jews can be proven as invited there to Palestine by Hitler. There is an ICC arrest warrant against Netanyahu, and we must end his hired Hamas. Dare we tell them to stop. We want a peaceful Middle East, and how many years has this gone on for as Iraq is now selling its oil to China with never a real tribunal against those who went to war there illegally. It was based on false evidence and now we lost all reconciliation that would have benefitted us and the Golden Dinar is up to God.  

Colin Powell was used by President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld, who was then the Secretary of Defense, to make the flimsy, and ultimately faulty, case for war. It was a lie war that created the terrorism they needed to get paid for, and they keep wanting to rewrite history as it gets older and older, and no one complains about Iraq any more. We need to complain, as what could have been discounted oil for us that just went to China, had we made peace with the Iraqi Government, but our government refused to try Bush for the war crimes that were not a big deal I guess. I would have liked to see him tried.

In reality, later on they proved that Sadam Hussein was likely guilty of cross drilling into Qatar and had no evidence of the case of weapons of mass distruction ever to be used by the Iraqi Government or even posessed by them, it was a fake weapon they made the case with. Our American service members where extremely troubled by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. “There was no case of evidence for the case of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq then,” and I believe that was 2004. We invaded those two countries and had no right to be there. We should have gone after Saudi Arabia who Bush partnered with and were the terroristm cosponsors.

For correct context, please watch this video: https://youtu.be/o7rmTMLndeU?si=LlC8x62narbq-D0y

On September 11th, 2001, it is highly likely that American individuals hired the Middle Eastern pilots that were alleged to have flown into the buildings with the nuclear components because those American individuals had been kicked out of Iraq in 1991 for illegal Arms trafficking and that is why that first Iraq war was so quickly over, motivating them to want the US to go back in post a pre-planned incident here on American soil to make more money where we blamed the Middle East and also me. We did not know it would happen nor did we want September 11th to happen and the two terrorists listed according to the FBI back then were Bin Laden and Victor Bout. I helped go after the second one, as the first one many people suspected he was made up. (More available upon request)

Now with Israel it is sick that no one tells the truth nor understands their real history, and we see all of this destruction again.

About the October 7, 2024 surprise,”I hired Hamas,” said an individual currently with an ICC arrest warrant, and did the ICC put the other warrants out for those he hired? This needs to be discovered.

And can we dare to build settlements for Palestinians if true?  Imagine a peaceful world where we are mandated to rebuild what they setup with O’lord’s money. Work for it. It would be nice to no longer harm those with brown/black hair and olive skin. 

Queen Bee aka ANN DIENER

I deserve the benefits Elon Musk, a made up and well made man gained. “We gave him billions of dollars when we changed the supercomputers” said about him, who met with the ICC arrest warrant after they targeted the Palestinians. I am clearly a different breed working for Peace and Redevelopment with forward advancement. I demand my fair share as a Peaceful Foot Soldier for the Opposite side, one where we do not hurt eachother and where we know why God and I eliminated the Overlord. No o’lord, just God is the King of our Cosmos and we will bring back all 10 planets as habitable. Imagine what we can do with planets and space race, to explore an alive Galaxy we make that way and it self heals with 18 Suns around a Galactic Core that refills every day from Source. Source then powers all 18 Suns with all planets Source fueled by Divine Source Light. That Divine Source Light fills all CORES of all Planets. These are our Planets now and the man called the Underlord was actualy someone who came here through Our Galactic Core against those white ones we hate and we confiscated their, white ones, Silver Craft, so what will it take to superseed that advanced program TO MAKE SPACE WARM and we do want our Gold typing.

“We can make Gold Coins” and We need 7 Billion people to be for that kind of evolution of OUR PLANETS. God meets our basic needs and maybe they aren’t important,  but we want good lives here on our planet and will work for the best leadership and out those who are not that way.


















Imagine, Mexicans staying in Mexico and Leaving the US for their Home Country

As the President Joe Biden administration has the highest deportation numbers in years, with over 142,000 illegal immigrants deported under his administration.  See this article here.


And no one would guess there were many heading home as well as Americans leaving for there. “Mexico is a beautiful country,” said.

Before COVID-19, more Mexicans came to the U.S. than left for Mexico for the first time in years

Americans find Mexico cheaper for beachfront and urban property, so they move there to retire, 62,000 or more per year. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/12/americans-relocating-mexico-city-better-life.html#:~:text=there%20full%20time.-,From%202019%20to%202022%2C%20the%20number%20of%20Americans%20who%20applied,residency%20visas%20surged%20about%2070%25.&text=CNBC%20Make%20It%20spoke%20with,rich%20in%20culture%20and%20community

So we start off with 850,000 Mexicans as 733,000 leave and we have Americans moving to Mexico, approximately 62,000, so what we are left with is a net at the most 70,000 illegals, and we have 21,777 Border Patrol officials to handle what turns out to be at most four per year, and we pay them over $62,000 per year to start per agent each to deport four or more because of border traffic later. Obviously they are busy during the day. And we need to encourage only legal immigration.

In reality why would Alaska, the northern most state spend $1 million per day to deploy National Guard troops there? Do you want border patrol to be lazy, three per year and with the deportation numbers Biden is accomplishing, why? Keep them at home and fund our schools. That is $90 million in three months.

This is also interesting, and has now declined to 69 percent as of current 2024 statistics, but Mexico is experiencing a labor shortage, as of the study in 2023, their labor shortage was at 75%, according to this article, so why do we think they need to come here? The path of least resistance would be to get a job in your own country.


With the Mexican election coming up, how can we insure that the Mexican government will work towards a fully employed Mexican workforce?







Remembering the Amash Amendment

According to Wikipedia, “The proposal was to amend the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act. According to Amash, the amendment: ‘sought to bar the NSA and other agencies from using Section 215 of the Patriot Act to collect records’, thereby ending the mass surveillance of Americans.”

Who will stand up now to protect Americans from mass surveillance in the world of artificial intelligence and other harmful advanced technologies. We need a strong Progressive Left and Right. I am not a fan of anything taking the place of humans on our planet. We need to be smarter as humans and not outfox ourselves with advanced technologies making it difficult for ourselves to function. With the 2024 election ahead, we remember lots of things, and who will stand up and speak loudest for us? They chose to say these were Clinton Schumer packages, while because deposed for crimes I did not mention stole 2016 Trump administration harmed the American people, he set both Clinton and Schumer up

Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for a Perfectly Put Planet to Defeat all Enemies foreign and Domestic for Money to be for Everyone in US Dollars forever backed by Gold

God and I brought down Olord, and we do not like harmful ever part of our lives, finding out WTC1 and we know the others and Fun is not, “I like to use NDAA to torture people,” We want a President who pays the tortured by NDAA


More to come






Can We Restore Owned Software and Examine Applications for What They are, Designed to Financially Harm the American People?

After living in Alaska for what is now to be my third winter, meaning over two years, it has been hard to return to the world, I worked so hard in as a web designer because internet connectivity was terrible where I was first working when I moved here, Chena Hot Springs Resort. I lost over 100 websites and domain names when I was there as well as most of my renewable energy business. And what is even worse is that I was not aware and could not fight back for the American consumer against the software and computing industry that was rapidly switching to applications versus programs.

I always hated applications, the word, Application is criminal for something you purchase and own out right. It is like you have to apply and apply for what you already own. President Joe Biden was after the fees and regulations, and so hopefully he will actually take a look at this to really make a difference to the American consumer. Can you imagine we bought programs for $250 to $300 and sometimes more and owned them for life, meaning we could do all we wanted to, design all we wanted and enjoy our creativity all we wanted forever for what we paid for on our own home and small business computers?

Now what do we have, we have Adobe Photoshop and Dreamweaver available for $29.95 per month, forever with no payoff date.

Can we restore owned software for the American people? The American people should demand it or work harder for Open Source software to replace anything charging them monthly. We like it Free and Free and Independent is America.

There are so many angry customers who do not buy into what those currently at Adobe are saying, “Our aging activation servers for earlier versions of Acrobat and Creative Suite (CS) applications had to be retired. You won’t be able to activate these apps, as these activation servers are no longer available.”

They are Programs and not applications, and we should sue them for nuancing their programs into pay per month applications. Someone really needs to attack them in the media for their intention to create applications to charge us monthly versus the American people paying for their programs and purchasing them outright. Did we suspect it? Think about the word, application, we do not want to apply to use something we bought and own outright just because we enjoy using it. It is like if your microwave demanded pay per use in your own home.

Like they could not have a simple database like before, and are we too stupid as software users and developers to stand up for ourselves and the people we want to have spending. What is bleeding the American graphic designer and computer user more than recurring fees?

Wait, wasn’t that what Biden was talking about addressing? Fees, and he wants to be reelected. He needs to end applications billed monthly for standard software we used to purchase as this is bilking the consumer. Can someone raise the issue?

Remember when those computer geeks spoke to Congress? We knew there was something in the background. I will not pay monthly for what I have on my old computer, and I will keep it running. Only pay monthly for what you need and eliminate all expenses that are unneeded. We want programs and not applications. Programs are simpler, and applications are a nice way to cloud our judgment into paying more for what we already had.

One Angry consumer on the Adobe Website, said, “Adobe realized there were people like me who loved their old programs and were perfectly content with not updating to the “latest-and-greatest” Creative Cloud subscription nonsense (personally, I’d be happy with things as old as Photoshop 7 and Illustrator 8; I tend to find a lot of the new itterations have added nothing of use to me). They took away the download of the new activation-free installer and the code-trading input. I still have the installer package for the no-server programs (it survived the hard drive migration just fine), but without the no-server activation code, it is useless. Now, the software which had a perpetual license has NO license! Adobe has essentially stolen the program from me!”

Restore Programs for the American people, and save every consumer $29.95 per month for what they already own. Imagine every designer in our country paying those fees per month for every month versus outright ownership of their Programs. Complain: https://community.adobe.com/t5/account-payment-plan-discussions/angry-cc-rant/td-p/10821680

When the applications came out I asked myself because I felt uncomfortable about them, “Should I not protest them way more?” And then the NSA voice said, “Oh no they are something that is comming out for these small businesses to inprove their web development,” said and we will protest and force them to stop charging us for what We Own (Owned in some cases if you don’t have your old computer- Remember old computers have owned programs you don’t have to pay monthly for). We own our planet and will not be bilked and we will earn more than they do as business owners in US money those disgusting pricks need to credit us against what they lie about



$795 Billion USD and my Sweet Soul Sister Died Today

Owner of Our Planet, and working election on October 3,2023. We will see what the stole 2016, attempted to steal 2020, steal from you trial holds on Monday.

“We are too much alike,” she said, “and I do not want her to have my seat,” said about her Senate seat, and I would have campaigned for it, and wanted to work for Global Peace and Baby Biden is not in touch with World Leaders.

2024 is Our Time and we continue to work to improve Sales as I was number one in that and also stopped alien agenda, those old ones were paid for to harm us financially, attacked our country with weapons and migrants they did, and I am working to make our world a more fun Planet. At least we found out AND THERE IS NO CLIMATE CHANGE WITH OUR NEGATIVE IN THE CENTER OF OUR PLANET AND IT FEEDS EVERYONE



Projects I want to work on and those who work against our country

Should insurrection deem stole 2016 as unelectable in 2024? Possibly, most of the Republicans on the Primary side seem to deem them that way, “I can easily beat President Trump.” found out because they know a lot more than is being said about them, like aiding and abetting our adversaries during their term, and they know they lost to Biden who had 68 percent of the voters then. President Joe Biden is serving until the end of his term, and it could be an interesting election cycle. I still work for the voters and intend to serve in our Municipal elections here at the polls, and keep hoping for the best for everyone.

It is very sad what happened to Mary Peltola. I have been working on creating a re-election website for her free of charge. I put a lot of money into Our Planet, my 10 years of Wyndham retirement was all stolen by individuals I identified in my stories, and no one paid me for our planet, I keep working on my Waste to energy Projects here in Alaska with the goal of making up for the difference that I suspect others have been doing in the background against us, so that we can increase our PFD funding here through what can be labeled as Capital Improvement projects the voters can ultimately vote on when they are presented to the public. Imagine voting on your own pay raise. That is our goal to provide existing technology now, the PyroGenesis systems to the municipalities and Boroughs here in Alaska, that were ordered by the Navy to put on their ships to convert wastes to saleable by products and gas identified here. We eliminated the alien agenda and need to keep working to do good and I keep working many different jobs and on my business and helping Kennedy maybe if Biden is not able to stand up more strongly for the voters. I always worked 16 hours a day on my projects and intend to start doing that again  with the smaller home I have now. I may not grind waste outside here and what is nice is that the system below is proven so maybe not so much hard work is needed

20,000 years ago Our Planet and Mars

We had a natural planet 20,000 years ago when I was sent here by my father then after those aligned with the alien agenda had almost completely taken over our planet, Mars. A money trader who I came here with at 5 years old had put me on board a small space craft that was like a more powerful floater with windows around and carpeted seats, it used similar to nuclear fuel to plasma to travel through space. When it crash landed on the planet, we were in a tropical environment then and he quickly found out how to trade with the native people who did not know what we were about from a far more urban planet that had computing installed on it.

It took them with him 2,550 years approximately to alter our planet from the beautiful natural one we arrived on then that was untouched by supercomputers to the one we had that could be invaded.  From that point our core had been placed in the wrong position and it took me another 17,450 years to have it fully restored with our core in the middle where it was naturally.

We restored our core five years ago because it fully ignited then, your home world, Our Planet, and when you look at our history as a planet, the computers were actually our enemy when they brought them here from Mars to control you and our money system was all about what was put into the computers, sure personal decision making maters, however they could control you and the way you spend as well as who has what.

When I look at my life as far as the project funding, for real projects like the Waste to Energy projects I have worked to make real, the one obstruction I have had was 9/11 and my success with my company that people wanted to put down since October 2000, the Military Beat magazine then that almost broke the Glass Ceiling.

They made it very bad for me as a foreign policy enthusiast who worked against Russia and China and for a more positive world that they could not understand, so they created the terrorism to eliminate optimism in some ways but so much was already created internally within the United States to manufacture the Russian threat. They actually made money with it even as early as 1998. I worked hard to understand who was behind any threat to our country since then, and used my abilities to try to break threats down to save the American people money rather than allowing their perceptions to managed against them for wars to be created for profiteers even those in the third tier. Is there a beneficial third tier, well that was the one that took Bush on and he did 9/11 or did he not and was he just a man they framed for their strength to use against American optimism that exists maybe here or somewhere else free of foreign influence used against us and if they are bribed

What a horrible day that was in 2001, I had no idea it was going to happen. I was being terrorized at home in Marysville, Washington with what they installed Army electronics wiring and George Bush was President then. I had lost a lot of money with my magazine I published for the Navy for 5 years, and an individual had offered to buy my company within the now found out to be the devil at NSA for $843,000 and back then they gave Robert L Stevenson $643,000 while they implanted me and carried the headset on a boat, the guilty party, “We’ll carry the headset, the guilty party and then we will always blame her,” said about me.

Bush had stolen 2000, and back then people did not know that he had really stolen the election. They used the hanging chads, but in reality we were dealing with an alien agenda and their desire to work with aliens from other star systems, the ones Nixon had talked about, and Bush really was questionable.

During 9/11, they hired the devil guy to follow me around, later saying that if I worked to stop the terrorism I could call it A + research, since they planned it all in the background to be used against him planned before he knew, and he did have a role to play in 9/11, as he was trying to prove himself, an unsure President who did not win the election by vote so he could be manipulated, I would do OK. We have not been like the Bill Clinton administration since Whitewater. Remember the freedom of making money and having a chance at it. It did happen in the Obama Administration too, but when the Israelis took over in 2016 with the bribery paid to Mike Flynn and Turkey with the Gulen Movement, we as Democrats were loosing on the National Security Side. Everything was about bribery and how much money you make corruptly.

We are approaching twenty two, 22 years since the incident happened then with the devil on the building, the old intelligence asset who died. He was the British boy referred to in my articles who became the Galactic Sun that in my opinion had already been moved to Source Core.

I was never about accepting corrupt money, a small time developer, who while working at Wyndham and Marriott as well as having my own business developing renewables in San Diego, California who found out a lot of information about what was going to happen in the future, and who knew the Democratic Primary was stolen from Bernie Sanders in 2016 by Hillary Clinton, who we watched loose her funding for the Presidency, and then later who watched Donald Trump steal the election from her.

At that point I suspected he was going to devalue everyone with what he had planned and I spoke out about. He had stolen the election with only 26% of the voters voting for him in 2016, so I worked hard to prove that, and it was admitted in 2019.  Then they lost in 2020 to Biden, and it was strange because Biden did not have the strength as Trump because they keep giving more to the corruption because of the white stuff and what they all use to maintain controls on our planet of oil. It seems hard to believe that a 26%er and then he had 34% against Democrats could be so strong in the background and have operated against every American with the Adelson crime syndicate since before 9/11 through Paul Allen sides.

We need a red hot planet to keep the CORE producing lava and heat so that the center continues to melt and expands the heat out and so what is below the ocean causes great heat and the land to rise with the water melting on the OCEAN to create more oxygen to evaporate and rebuild the ozone. This heals the fissures and allows for a better planet

Were their Russians worth it with Nuland? Then we look at Israel and Turkey. And people always want to say little Marriott girl, yet it was not fun being me dealing with Bush for 23 years. I used to be able to supersede him and had to. Today is $50 million available to me and why not

18 Galactic Suns reside inside a beautiful Source Core filled with Gold Plasma Light and Gold Plasma Light Strands that flow through it from the Galactic Cores of every Galaxy. These Galactic Cores contain as many as 18 Suns that have 10 to 12 planets revolving around their Suns with a Solar Core that circles each one slowly and serves as a regeneration tool. On ours it can either choose to regenerate you with those strands or pick you up to move you into the Galactic Core through the refractor to the Sun. Our Solar Core had been broken, and it has served a dual purpose since we had to depend on something called a Galactic Vacuum to remove agreements.

The Galactic vacuum is gone and unneeded as our Solar Core exists and serves the same purpose with new strands added for every human every day when you look up to the Sun. It is what we revoke our agreements to now to keep our planets ongoing and in the background. Our Sun went up to join the other Suns that make up the Galactic Core months ago. That side of the Chart should be up to 16 Suns and We are finishing the Galactic Core

Everything in the intelligence community is about setting limitations on people, and in reality those worlds did not exist when our world on Mars was being destroyed.

With such beautiful work we have been doing we need to work together to understand the Galactic Core and how it uses our Sun internally to it and operates with our Planet and Planets that hopefully some day can be visited with NASA astronauts (new word needed) dressed in regular clothes, maybe then they will be called explorers then as its soil and atmosphere become moist, and did quite a few work against that with the too old so how do the young achieve a goal such as that. The word astronaut harms our star system and means not of the stars

Explorers allowed in my Galaxy of suns, stars now in our Galactic Core.  I am one and the chart is not for sale with all of its components for everyone  and our Natural planet was superior for human life when I arrived here at 5 and me the 50 year old installer restored our core to the middle for that Natural planet to be restored for everyone to have a better Natural planet.

I  told the truth for 7 billion to win Naturally and people give too much credit to big mean men and men in general, women hold the cores in their Natural position. Why has there been such a battle to have the Natural planet we invaded so long ago as people knew then I was the Negative Holder for each planet and came here from Mars

Will the 77 year old be too old to be on the ballot? With the indictments that went through, can he win the Republican Primary?  And what is the impact on my planets because I did our install to eliminate the threat I found out about when I met with Ali McNeil after they announced that Donald Trump had “won” the 2016. Eerie feeling “Something bad is going to happen.” We stopped them to my job at the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner

Democrats need a younger candidate that appeals to the voters and we need to make real money again, what is wrong with that

Here is the article and understand what it means.




Our world is about Nuclear Fusion to Plasma

With the Biden White House having investigated plasma late last year, we look to 2023 with more future adventure, should they chose to pursue advanced space travel based on what was sited before.  The Eileson Bid could really prove buoyancy of plasma for spacecraft.

What are our goals for 2023? We need to look ahead and see where we want to go.

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