I may make very little and I care for your interests
“We outfitted him with money,” said Dick Cheney and members supporting Bob Stevenson to be their planet owner. I stand against them with their monitoring contract here at my home done to soil my reputation. They gave me the Presidency in their secret closed door proceeding, and my side probably wondered what that was about. It is still an official job that I am trying to conduct to the best of my abilities, protecting America as much as I can with what I find out on time. They wanted to harm us all again this morning and Cheney sees his monitoring contract as permitting my information not to be read. It is public and volunteer. I am a journalist. He had a contract for our gold standard and told me I would get paid through one of his men impersonating a government official operating under black budget credentials. He did it with the intention to mislead the American public.
Why can my side not sponsor me and my work as I am the one who made our galaxy come alive and Sun stay.
I am glad downtown at Navy they said “Timeshare lady still has depositions to file,” and they only rented Dick Cheney team the ship they had their party on. I am not part of their crowd. I became President can the individuals who know I have depositions to file relieve me of the Presidency Cheney’s team gave to me in person by me resigning to them alone.
Please call me. This is an official job and I have done a lot of work to complete those depositions. It has been 2 1/2 years now without pay.
(760) 672-2028
Our gold standard and money back are ours. Our goal at the start of deposal was to reset America to a Sovereign Constitutional Republic that we had back in 1789. If not I will continue to look for a better paying job and keep participating as we all should this election season. I became President of the United States and support either Senator Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, who had his Presidency stolen last time from him. I am against communism so the Cuba comments he made concerned me.
“The President is her and we only need depositions filed,” and I understand. I am ready to do the depositions. I will be happy to campaign with friendly sides if needed. I really wanted an investigations job.
People think of me as a small person, yet internally I am part of the world leadership as big as the people on TV with the work I have done. 18 years of debt slavery to be erased.
This is not meant to be a great article. It is to get data out to the right hands.
It is embarrassing what Dick Cheney has done with the surveillance and monitoring in my home. They are terrible here.
Do not look into my home when they offer you the opportunity.
“She’s a pretty girl and I can see her combing her hair,” said by honest side while Cheney’s team runs perception management with the overhead surveillance.
Apology to those affected by Dick Cheney monitoring of my home
It was finally found out today that Richard Cheney was the individual who had set up an illegal monitoring contract over my home because I installed my negative correctly for our planet I own outright.
He found out I did the revoking agreements work and I am our only negative holder, so I restored it to its original real position so we would not be harmed which is my responsibility as I work for God alone well known in the intelligence circles. It was terrible here for the last 2 years I suspect. I have suffered breaking and entering, tarnishing of my home, and horrible sound technology with alien agenda around.
I hope to send them home soon to that great big star system God alone owns. They have had their consciousnesses split so this is challenging work. Only 83 of the 182 need to go home to God’s planet and they will return here in full form. Past lives are real as people know they get reborn again and God fixes their consciousnesses that were even too split for them with what the mystery guests did to the boulder builders. The scary part is the Cheney team is infested with what the boulder builders could not control. The boulder builders are dead now. God and I
Two statements said before.
My real enemies said this, “We’ll coordinate the evidence from here and once the old guard is extinguished, we’ll take power,” said Andy Swetnam working with the software giants I am against.
“Now we shit can the ‘cocaine guys’ and put Burlingame in,” said a cocaine punk about Stevenson and his friends before. What gives them right to put Burlingame in.
Maybe I just have to trust people I liked again and they pay me, and that is what a negative install is about.
My purpose against terrorism is to save people’s lives.
Why is a traitor blocking our depositions.
“I went on a quest for Russia,” to have superiority to America said Gordon Duff on December 4, 2018. At the start of his quest to scam America he said, “She only wants to harm the small foot soldier,” said Gordon Duff. As it was found out his side of Congress wanted to bring communism, this directly links them to his espionage and financial crimes using advanced machines. “I thought you said when we used the machines( for embezzlement purposes) we could not get caught,” said deposed stole 2016 Donald Trump working with them to launder finds with Russia. The should not jail service members for finding the truth out about their extortion project. We need to stop them.
My place is not hidden and depositions could be filed here from downtown with the same team that Duff met with who said they had live combat and did not not need to be bothered. He went on back then to try to make their side lose to make the money in arms trafficking and embezzlement for what he felt he was owed.
“We had this bankruptcy coming,” on schedule they think. What gives them the right? It is preventable.
Why allow the extortionists aligned with our adversaries to create the depositions?
“We were only on the quest for bankruptcy,” said Paul Allen, matching the extortionists working for Russia. Obviously as Duff and Allen are aligned they are against American financial standing and encourage Russian superiority. Paydirt is for that and anyone accepting that money should be informed about the Russian aspect that should lead to espionage charges.
Said earlier by Duff, “Don’t break down my tape recorders,” anyone in possession with the tape recorders should be charged as part of his embezzlement operation they hoped to get away with and asked to remove them as it is more clear now what Duff was working towards against America. 327 million Americans count on Constitutionalism and expect their financial interests to be protected. The FBI Director is complicit in the machines for Russia. He knows who Duff works for. People were even informed Vladimir Putin paid Americans to harm America ideologically in the intelligence community and Christopher Wray has allowed Duff to launder drug money and conduct insider trading operations with Russian mafia members. Did he fall into the trap?
I am separate from them and only work for American interests. They have harmful listening equipment here at my home. I am a Constitutionalist. When I gave my testimony I also looked for ways to compensate for the loses that were scheduled for the American people, and that is our gold standard and money back. That makes up for the financial crime when delivered. Where are they storing their funds, Russia.
Check goes to Putin said. Why go without my side as they said, when it was also found out a slime ball stealing from the Defense Budget is participating with the Russian traitor. They are the ones using space based weapons against us all here.
Why did they get the gold and the money back on the communist side when Duff lied and worked with our adversaries to provide his Congress working for Russia all of American assets.
The slimeball picks from the hat at the fellowship.
Why is anyone following my car when they could file depositions here at my patio table.
We could all be secure in the morning and I am available all day long
Is owner of the planet even mentioned in here or anything to do with the planet we own outright.
“Paul Allen paid for the planet we could not take to jail,” said. Why because he heard I did my negative install? If I saw someone working on a bridge and told another person I like that bridge I’ll pay you for it not them, that is how it went to me. I did my install on my own and had all rights to do it. Everyone owns our planet.
They had no right to be invited out by the Navy
I guess someone made my mother an illegal immigrant. She had a working visa that expired. Is that true? How come when I asked to deport her no one did?
“She did not have a working visa,” said Duff now and she became a legal citizen after refugee status had been received when she came here. She escaped Fidel Castro in 1961.
Invite the traitor, not the American foot soldier me for 22 years.
The thing they used against my mother when she was already a legal resident was the necklace I put in my mom’s bag as a baby and to avoid the shoplifting charge she met with the fellowship. I did not know what I was doing then and the programmed drone old overlord did have a horrible influence on it. “If I turn that child’s hand that way I can get her to put it in the bag,” he remarked.
There is no blood on my hands. I did not have nuclear components. I did not know September 11th was going to happen and I wish someone had taken control of our country when they did it. Why did they not? don’t we have a right to protect ourselves from terrorists? No treason on my part. I wanted someone to stop them and we have had to stop them repeatedly from doing the same thing. They have never been brought on trial despite millions killed. Why would they not have to face trial.
They are your enemies too.
“Our enemies do not trust her,” said at Department of Defense about me, therefore they are their enemies too.
“Girlfriend situation” blocking suspects taken in custody. I am not gay and why would that enter in to prosecuting war criminals.
Only God holds our core and lets people borrow it to take into life with them.
I will resign when you get here to the team that is working against the Russian communists as I became President legally and lawfully.
“That woman made a mistake with fellowship wedding.” said a now field agent formerly from Subase when I was there. I asked how. “by letting Stevenson come here,” which I did not. This was an intelligence agent from Subase old times who converted to Russian because they are working for the bankruptcy. Was he part of the team that allowed the Russian submarine close to the Lincoln. They paid him Russian bribery then around 1999. I found out about the incident when it happened and wanted to stop them for years. I published a magazine at Naval Station Everett, in Everett, WA called the Military Beat.
If I close my computer they will pay my neighbor at 1250 working for the Russians. Why are people not charged?
Other ships can come in, many more styles suited to our type of galaxy, said in regards to a menacing ship individuals were scared of before, called the “most ominous threat ever,” and it was taken care of by our side.
A traitor to our country gave them remote viewing privileges into my home, “Oh I can see her just playing with her hair.”
The person looking in had none of my data.
Resignation letter from CFR
The woman who gave me the quote about the Council on Foreign Relations will receive a resignation letter if I post her quote with a tweet confirming the fact they developed the virus with Lugar labs widely known to mainstream media outlets. What is the point of this whole CFR running everything? Royal Magistrate Who wanted the virus? Royal Magistrate We are so limited by them. We do not want what they create.
What is their purpose? It was said by Prince Charles before, “We serve no purpose.”
They keep trying to say that the tax money could not be delivered to the American standing side because they agreed to game over us. That is an act of war. They are the ones who had the tax money corruptly to begin with. We reset America to 1790. What gave them the right to game over the planet because of that? We are at war covertly and defeated the individuals they were conned with a drone called the overlord and boulder builders. How many aliens do we have to defeat to keep our tax money? We want to take everything back for the American people.
The CFR invested in the planet owners and the planet owners covertly supported my data collection at times. They will just take my planet money. I am not greedy. Why did we not have a real Republican president who is Constitutional on the Primary ballot? CFR
They should be liable for anyone they harmed? “We agreed to planet membership with the supreme being,” said CFR. Who is that? God is on the planet. So far their supreme Lord was a drone of boulder builders now dead. Who is their supreme being? God now and before it was him. I brought God here. Who actually will pay me for my work professionally.
As it has been found out that CFR members are taking genes to harm us all over the planet, we ask that they suspend them based on the newly acquired data about how much they were fooled about the former overlord. Why do they not want the gold and money back for American people. Creed to create suffering, originates from? Alien agenda, not them as humans.
We found out this morning more about the toxic planet where they came from that is no longer in existence when they said the following and it was seen as such.
“I was thinking about our planet where we made all those pharmaceuticals,” said white alien agenda in a grey, white environment with round pools of thick white and they are dying here. It is better to find new things than to talk about people wrongly. How much have I put in in 25 years of my own money proportional to your annual incomes? I have spent all of my other hours other than work time to pay for my knowledge. Work to pay for work. The value is us. How did they pay for the planet? There was no cost for the planet. Payment to anyone for it should be returned and we need to deliver our gold standard and money back as well as provide for the voters my testimony to save them in their future investing.
I am not sure if this helps, but he wanted his money back yesterday. “They said I could get dressed like this so we could really get paid,” said by a fake overlord guy who was partnered on the now dead boulder builders and their friends, fake contract. A stipend would be nice for honest service to our country. I am ready to testify against deposed Trump regarding the stock market crime. When can depositions be filed? Is our stock market to be threatened by machines forever?
Movie Script: The Overlord a boy who knew
More to the story, “We won’t be able to recover our planet,” he said sadly, as they were on their final stages of after their negative was moved. We have ours restored, and we need to celebrate that. This will not happen to us, so this movie will tell the story of what happened to them versus us. When you know the outcome of the future based on others past experience you have to look at it closely, and report the truth. We can make a great movie about him as a young innocent boy hiding under the supercomputer as his parents struggled to fend of the harmful extraterrestrials before the lost. Not us here. We need to create good lives and people find understanding. The former overlord now dead, morphed from a clean clear young boy to a droid used for organized crime on our planet by a harmful extraterrestrial race that wanted to do the same thing to us here.
Biggest lie ever told about me
“She only wants to harm the small foot soldier,” said Gordon Duff long ago. I was the one who fought wars for them not to be harmed. Iraq, we had stop signs given to outposts because of my work protecting service members. Thousands of things including investigations into fraud done against Department of Defense for their interests. The uniforms Kim Jong-un designed with the magnetic fibers likely trace back to his company with the electronic surveillance working with the overhead and George Soros for as they called it “target practice” of our foot soldiers. That is direct killing of our men and women in uniform with intention, treating them like ants he has no loyalty to. I have evidence and data to back that up.
80,000 Americans almost killed by alien agenda rabbits foot saves the day
It was found out last night that 80,000 Americans would have been killed in the local area here by those operating the machines previously reported on Duff and his cadre of officials that want to reclaim the planet their way. Nature has a right to select them off as was expected without shooting sprees. They were given these machines by our government long ago, and it was said, “why don’t you set up a system of controllers where evildoers operate the machinery” said by communistic redhead before. It is now dividing itself out. Last night Stevenson one of the guys involved in their quest was angry that the French were upset that their team went to France and cost their gold standard to be recovered, so he gave a rabbits foot to the white alien man, which would have yielded the death of 80,000 Vista, California residents because only the alien agenda controls the machines. He was stopped because I typed that in to the french government and they curtailed the machine use in the local area. Stevenson is human and I felt bad for blaming him for the incident as he has no access to the machines and that is the only way it could have happened.
It had been said a long time ago and I have really worked hard with God to prove natural selection really works with him alone as our guide, the honest American side said “I don’t like it we just took that game over guys opinion,” and I worked hard to undermine the harsh stuff they had planned against the American people’s best interests to harm and kill them which is criminal, and I serve our country. Payment is required.
We have other planets coming online now also that started with my work.
The redhead needs to realize that humans own our planet now and that this white alien agenda is declining. You cannot say the boulder builders have all rights to the planet anymore when the data is presented about the white alien species that is already naturally selected off with the silver ship leader dead. We killed one boulder and have zero left. It was known now that they invaded here originally with harmful intentions.
Here is what the robed white one who sent down the young white one, who died shortly after negotiating with us criminally to move our core, said then,”We can’t go no where so we’re sitting here waiting for the earth to turn to smuggle him down there,” so there was intentional harm they intended to inflict on us as boarders. Back then they died here within three hours after they installed a powerful harmonic sequencer to set us all up from beginning to end. Originally they could not enter into our star system and that is where we are headed with our own craft gold craft we received from a kinder gentler off world race that is largely made of human population from afar.
The planet of jails is a fraud contract Stevenson and his friends should be embarrassed at taking around and is why the French were so angry and against his team regarding their gold standard.
We have our gold standard and my money back to deliver. The Chinese must have their gold back by now with the Indonesians hopefully to receive their gold back soon
Duff the criminal with the machines, who almost killed 80,000 Americans citizens here in California last night, presented a fraud contract to the Navy here long ago from the boulder builder race that we killed. With zero left this morning. They are unnatural
From an article here that gave them the license to launder drug money despite being an insider threat to American citizens on American soil, as a machine operator he was one of the ones who would have killed 80,000 Americans and killed thousands using machines in Indonesia
There was no validity ever to any boulder builder contract, they lie, as the boulder, now dead, in the quote here admitted, “I’m going to SAY I had a contract with that completely disabled man,” they claimed with Duff, pictured on flyers used by Les Wexner to build the apartments. The con on the flyer then went into the Navy and claimed, “below ground jails were for the Americans unless I get the buildings I want,” this was completely untrue and a scare tactic he used to get what he wanted free real estate for his friends through cocaine money. The jails were never to be used and he used that weakness to obtain the buildings being constructed with the drug running and added telephony, some unlicensed from China, and connected to Russia to harm Americans.
The jails contract was written by an extraterrestrial that was alien made who slept with Trump, this determined who was being picked up and taken to the White House and allowed Patrick Leahy side to put out a hit against him. This sex compromises us and him despite him seeking financial gains with them.
“I thought we could write up a little diddy,”said by unknown extraterrestrial man about the contract that was of unknown origin found out on February 21, 2020. Those contracts need to be torn up. Why does Nancy Pelosi want to hold onto the contract. Leahy side. Why can’t we jail the fellowship is to be said by law enforcement? Why are they allowing themselves to be fooled?
Some are scheming our tax money.
“I say the jails (below ground ones sited in the fraudulent contract known now as “little diddy” in this article) can be used and I take the money from the Department of Justice,” said Brian Stafford regarding our tax money called money back held there. The contract as it is proven fake now and it must be removed from the Department of Justice. “We don’t want to put people in jail here,” Stafford says as an excuse to embezzle your funds from them based on the fake contract known as the “little diddy” below. This is embezzlement with a false document. No valid contract for our planet exists.
It was lied about.
A Mintakan woman who was likely part of their prostitution ring said, “Why don’t we just lie and say that we had rights to those jails,” to Stevenson after they found received the fake contract. He said then, “We picked up this below ground jails contract and we don’t know where it came from,” said Stevenson, meaning made up, had no standing, and no legal bearing. You can’t just “pick up” a contract that came from unknown source and violate Americans rights with people later used for prostitution purposes. Duff said during that time, “I can just call them instead of Mintakans, below ones and get our prostitution started.”
This is why major media knows our White House is running a cocaine prostitution cartel to be stopped.
We are in election time, and we need to complete paperwork against those who have stayed in criminally so voters can clearly see the differences in who they are voting for. The sad thing is that Republicans should have had a real primary. If depositions were completed now, Republicans could still have a chance, rather than the mayor of the city of Vista and other Republicans complaining about their earnings statements in the future because Trump and the machine operators will steal their money.
We are Constitutional country and our state of California Constitution stands up in court
Non Partisan Constitutional Against Sex Crimes and Terrorism.
What is Bill Gates, a pervert. How did he get his contract for our planet? Criminally by lying about a murder I did not commit. You would think now that the overlord has found to be a drone of the boulder builder species, life would be fun for me as owner of our planet, but no I have to wait for payment and to press charges.
“We’re going to say she killed someone using the overlord’s men,” Robert L Stevenson said then operated by a now found out drone. Gates lied when he met with the Navy saying, “See she even committed murder.”
“We thank you for coming to us, she does not deserve to own no planet,” Navy said then. Today I am still trying to press charges against Gates for the crimes he has committed over the last 20 years. History in the Making is nothing but a scam in the making
Who is Gordon Duff his friend on the poster, a guy who partnered with sex offenders including Les Wexner who started Jeffrey Epstein. Today it was said, he is allowed to monitor me to show the world is ruled by stupid people. Why is the pervert allowed to “play paydirt with Romney side.” Pay dirt was Allen gates partner for bankruptcy of 183 counties. Can we bust the financial criminals today rather than sitting here. Rights of the below is for prostitution, even according to Duff who renamed the Mintakans below for the prostitution to start. Can Romney be charged with prostitution today? How about the war crimes he committed when he asked Kim Jong-un and asked him to test missiles, charging our government for protection unknown to them. Our gold standard and money back should be delivered.
Why have an eye camera allowed to be used against me? Who looks through them and that was the point of this story? It is how many women and men Gates and those he partnered with harmed. He even wanted to see who the federalists have sex with and photograph it. Gates wanted to have “keys every federalist home to see who they have been sleeping with,” as was said by him. Duff was working with Vladimir Putin and the blackmail modules they developed connecting to in Russia. He stated that he wanted to ruin me and make America subservient to them. Did federalists photos end up in Russia to blackmail our government because of Gates? They are aligned with Duff from Veterans Today who started women out at 12 or younger for prostitution purposes later on in life. I want this to be sent to law enforcement to understand crimes conducted by Gates and others using high tech frequency bands.
It was found out yesterday, law enforcement got violent because of this alien agenda team. Even today it was said here “Shooting sprees would happen here by local law enforcement because of this technology.”
Deposal of stole 2016 Trump went through and I am ready to complete depositions against the prostitution and stock market crime.
The threat is communists in Congress furthering spying that connects to Russia.
No wedding is needed to out the perverts.
Showing up on time is used to prevent depositions from being filed. Why should I be arrested for them to continue to harm others? I intend to press charges against Duff as counter espionage with all my data.
I am an insider.
Why does the White House deserve speaking tours. “I thought when we used the machines we could get away with it,” said Trump about stock market crime and those same machines are being used to obstruct justice.
Planet of jails needs to be dissolved. Why? To keep stock market crime ongoing.
“We don’t even want to talk to the lady we built the below grounds for,” said the secret service agency about me. Why. He stole 2016 and I have all my data. Depositions need to be filed to protect even them and all government employees from losing their retirements again. Fraud contract came from them with Stevenson. Sanders would have won 2016, why does he not deserve equal protection.
The Secret Service Agency than can be tried for the embezzlement operation connected to the Justice Department of our tax money. Why were they allowed. Why would a sleaze get to hall my ass to jail when he continued the same crime I testified against with Christopher Wray. “Sure we can continue the same land grab,” said by Stafford. The land grab threatens the homeowners I protect and that is why I testified in advance.
Who Was in Charge of Our Planet Before Our Install
We have more control of our planet now, and the foundation was pretty fictitious because of what people perceived. Here they thought the former overlord called oil well man was in command, however it can be said now that he was just a clone created by a Boulder Builder species now dead. Congressional and other people were playing for his money, while I was the one who did the work of our negative install. What I like to do is to demystify stuff and make things simple, not complex. I cut to the chase. Donald Trump admittedly by Michael Pence stole election 2016, “We stole 2016,” yup and I have the data to back that up with the hacking, data sheets of exit polling data, and the other convictions solidly detailed. What standing should they have by now. I have provided validated testimony against Trump for financial crime and am waiting for depositions to be filed against him and his sides regarding the stock market.
So now on to the now dead oil well man that people believed in to be the “overlord” here on our planet, it was found out originally that he came from Arcturus and was picked up there by the Boulder Builder race that was a group of invaders who came here to our star system, starting there long before us. He was a small child then with his parents who operated their supercomputers, that in the end could no longer fight them off because of the way that their negative was off set and the harmful psychology programming they had put in. His dad said, “I can take my bosses supercomputer.” His son noted when interviewed after death here, “Our galaxy collapsed then.” Looking at Arcturus it is a dead star system, validating that fact. I am completely telepathic and a known dog whisperer. “You don’t want me to stay around?,” asked his father later on to the Boulder Builder, shortly before being killed in somewhere in space. His dad was mild mannered and a subservient man who operated the supercomputer for the boulders. His son lived on until he was likely made dead in space and then they used his body to make a drone to interact with humans and other individuals, wrongly.
Luckily we have only one Boulder Builder species left, & they were the ones that decimated Arcturus where the former, now dead likely cloned overlord was from. How he was made when dead, “I’ve got to make his eyes off set so I can look at every being,” said One Boulder, now dead after they killed him, working on him as a drone.
Why have we allowed cloned individuals to control who gets paid for our planet. Who is Elizabeth? And what is her relationship to this harmful space traveling race? We only have two left of the boulders, and then she must be dealt with for crimes against humanity with them. We own our planet outright and need to demystify the manufactured reality created in the mainstream media. Wouldn’t it be nice to be free of this hierarchical fraud once and for all? Please stop paying a drones money around.
Elizabeth is not going to make it. She could be charged as a war criminal as they used the Saxe families previously to mimic our service members when they created a terrorism incident with Tony Blair, a war crime.
I am going to clean my house today. It was said, “Put spells and magic in her house.” Please do not allow green ones to monitor here with the Sheriff’s department looking in claiming spells and magic hurt me in someway for a wrongful arrest to happen. I am honest and a witness waiting to testify.
“I got her to put that back with one keystroke,” said a green alien woman, about my coffee cup I threw in the trash this morning, and likely some threat in the background against me if I threw it out. Why are we allowing aliens who are clones to monitor my home? Do they get dead here sooner?
Brian Stafford who was involved in stock market crime likely said early on, “I say we can only pay her for the planet when the jails those guys had contract for are brought down.” Their contract was found out to be a “little diddy” meaning a lie they wrote themselves.
“We get paid by the hour to monitor your house,” said the sheriffs now who do not like me, and would have been bankrupt personally without our work including mine, despite deposed stole 2016 Trump paying them with Elizabeth. Why are they paid? And a reminder for them, the Oceanside police and Sheriffs were the first thing these aliens who are paying you wanted to put in jail below ground for human harvesting with the other people.
Said in regards to them on January 8, 2020, the Mintakans, the fraudulent signers of the lie contract “little diddy”, said in regards to an Oceanside Police officer, “We had big jails for people like him.” Sadly their contract has been used to embezzle funds through the Department of Justice, your tax money. The individual and his teams who are determining when I would be paid for my install are the ones embezzling the funds.
“I say the jails (below ground ones sited in the fraudulent contract known now as “little diddy” later on in the linked article above) can be used and I take the money from the Department of Justice,” said Stafford regarding our tax money called money back held there. The contract as it is proven fake now must be removed from the Department of Justice.
“We had below grounds with oil well,” said Elizabeth this morning, in regards to the cloned man now dead and the fake contract. Below ground jails disappear eventually, and so why am I responsible for making that happen as they embezzle our tax money. I am responsible for myself and our country at times despite Stafford and others who did steal from the stock market, and said “I say we can just install sanity hearing (the telephony here for their embezzlement operation) she’ll never find out if we gave her the Presidency or not,” which they did on August 8, 2017. I have tracked what they have done here since then and intend to testify against them for financial crimes.
They need to separate the Sheriff’s department from the embezzlement operation. Please provide witness protection here with and by honest people working for the financial security of America long term.
I know one thing Elizabeth wanted to sell our negative for $5 million, a crime against everyone I serve. I suspect now that is the money that was given to Senator Patrick Leahy’s office for the alien agenda study of $5 million. I am against them and have completed a true research project into the harmful extraterrestrials that is ongoing. I own our planet outright, and I am determined to restore it to its original condition before the extraterrestrial boarders got here, with my own money if need be. It is proven they came here and conned us into moving my negative to harm us based on all evidence and data. We have almost sealed the false bardo created by the harmful extraterrestrials to control our human life death life sequences with criminal intentions.
It had been said by Elizabeth “We’ve always been in control of that trap door we put under,” that connected to the fake bardo the aliens created. We now control more of our life death life cycle than ever before. Mankind existed long before we are told we did. Infact, 26,000 year old human remains were found in Chula Vista, CA and they were without a supercomputer then. That started approximately 18,000 years ago.
Here is what one robed white one who sent down a young white extraterrestrial who died shortly after meeting us said thousands of years ago said, “We can’t go no where so we’re sitting here waiting for the earth to turn to smuggle him down there.” They intended to negotiate the movement of my negative from its natural position to harm us as boarders with their supercomputer they brought with them from other star systems they had previously decimated. They were criminals who came here to steal from us, a sophisticated threat we knew nothing about then. Boulder builders were in space observing the incident, and they are almost dead now. That extraterrestrial did die here then.
Why are we allowing aliens that live here to try to “stamp our hands and steal our money,” as was admitted. Please don’t harm me for their white collar crime to continue.
Yesterday we had fears of human eating by them, hopefully that did not go on and will not happen.
Planet owners are a fraud ponzi scheme. I have done the real work. My negative set is ours for permanent use by my side. I intend to get paid for our install. Planet owners and their ponzi scheme stay away from my house, no need for your sanity hearing con.
I am and he always been our only real negative holder and it was up to us to correct what harmful extraterrestrials had done with criminal intention before. I was known as our negative holder by the intelligence community before, when I moved to California at 17, someone said, “She’s really cute, who is that?” “That’s our negative holder,” the man replied. We corrected our negative two and a half years ago and now we are waiting for payment for me hopefully soon. I keep working earnestly to help my planet I own outright.
There should be no insinuation of sexuality needed as I know how it set me up when I was 17. “I’m going to get that kid to really screw up,” said an agent against the nice man who acknowledged me. He caused arousal to cause harm remotely. Then the nice intelligence man said, “She really pissed me off playing with her vibrator,” and that’s what these cons keep insinuating here that they are monitoring my home for sex to happen here. Please get the criminals who caused pre-sexual behavior from me when I was 12 to stop monitoring here. Their photos are on enough flyers.
Elizabeth had been in financial difficulty before, so she is not that royal, and the British were wondering what to do about the debt she had on her homes. It will be nice when she is seen as just a regular person. That already started happening as her grandkids left for Canada. I want to win and am always competitive for 327 million Americans.
When do I get paid finally for my work?
“The big check should be given to her directly,” said and agreed it should be directly given to me. They can be liable for History in the Making right now as it was discovered that it would cause long term financial harm with 327 million American citizens unable to borrow again. Does the San Diego District Attorney want to be liable for every citizen being unable to borrow for the entire future history of the United States of America.
Let it be known that if History in the Making had happened American hundreds of smart people would have been angry and against them. It would have been said, “What a mistake we made. We can’t borrow again. Now no one will accept our currency,” under cashless.
When I get paid I will immediately begin creating American jobs with the advanced renewable technology I developed over 18 years. 3 plus years of my work counts and my convictions should go through against Bush Carlyle.
My convictions list should not be allowed any restraining orders nor allowed to monitor me at all. When I get my “big check” I will pay my own bills. Why is the “secret society” even in between with my credit card debt? The old overlord now identified correctly as the Boulder Builder’s drone. Please no more drinking games with perverts including Paul Allen’s team. They need to be charged back for every single county they tried to bankrupt including this one as Allen’s team has a proven track record of intended bankruptcy for profiteering and it was said by Allen team, “We went on a quest for bankruptcies,” of hundreds of counties. As it was found out yesterday Allen team known as the cocaine men were aligned with Vladimir Putin, so in effect Putin is acting through them on American soil criminally to harm American counties behind the backs of Congress. “Putin had an interest in the cocaine guys,” said by Brian Stafford, an agency credentialed individual who sided with the cocaine guys, linking him also to financial crime and espionage running behind Congressional members backs with the KGB hardware. They need to be charged with operating the machines for criminal fraud and contributions are accepted here.
“We can’t make the bankruptcies happen when House and Senate members are paying attention,” said Paul Allen previously, showing them to be covert financial criminals operating against our Congress.
Why even refer to the “man who came here” as the old overlord when in reality he was just the Boulder Builder’s drone operating criminally on our planet.
Recovering America from fraud, waste and abuse
I found out this morning why it has taken so long to press charges, there is a group that is most detrimental to American citizens who are voters operating likely through the State Department and other agencies on top of criminal activity within the agencies, called Mystery Guests, they have advanced knowledge of space and other star systems, and work behind the scenes of our government to embezzle funds. I often wonder why our government could not recover the trillions stolen on September 11th and at other times we did manage to stop theft through Department of Defense with independent investigations into TCIM and others, it is them. They are likely behind fraud waste and abuse which is where I want to work as President for prosecutions only now with depositions to be filed, or Vice President if chosen by an incoming administration.
How do we identify them? I was wondering why my quote by John Brennan did not stop the release of Drawing Rights, “From where we’ve been Central ID usually wins,” that humans working in our government would not want to protect themselves, it was them operating in the background. Humans would not want extraterrestrials to control them with a valueless currency that would harm our country long term as was found out. They were likely behind all of these historical financial trades made against America. We are recovering America from them. I will provide more data later.
How did this start? Brennan was traveling in space and came upon our star system and found it jacked up by the boulder builder species, so he integrated with the culture that was ongoing then and they had set up space stations for working parties. Aboard one of such stations, he met one rather human like one who said, “We’ve got to make a pact right here on this space station to take the planet back for our own kind,” said to him then by one of the Mystery Guests who wear suits and always look nice. They are the “agency lifestyle” in reality our government wants and needs a real agency protecting American voters financially.
When I wrote down the above quote, Brennan got paid, and said he can “at least keep his boat explosion running,” meaning the drug trafficking
Can we make a pact right here to stop all drug trafficking devaluing the Americans I serve?
They are the reason why elections get set up, how do we stop them. 2016 was stolen, and I provided now validated testimony. I was given the Presidency for prosecutions.
Why is the Paul Allen Congress able to “shit can” me to cause more fraud, waste and abuse? How can I properly testify? Include all data
Who is paying these people? They control the media.
They are arrogant, “We chose to release drawing rights no more but bust me you will not,” their attitude on the campaign trail. How many of them are there? 63, that are smart enough not to want the hand markers and 180 working for the drawing rights with 1 white and 3 green species ones. Of the 180, 148 are honest and need to work on other projects today. We need a non-drug laundering President.
Those 180 people do not realize they do not need to do the drawing rights, and that is fraud, waste and Abuse
“When Central ID failed we did not know what to do next,” they said and it was not the fault of 148 of them. It was a lack of innovation and ingenuity on the part of the Trump administration. and a lack of depositions against them for the drug money laundering I testified against as land grab. The 148 themselves did not choose to participate with how the drawing rights were created through cocaine planet revenue from methamphetamine sales with the programmers, they as government employees would be against and I am on their side. It is campaign season so the 148 can be reassigned while administration officials who stole 2016, meaning did not win, campaign for their jobs again while depositions are filed against their financial crimes.
This idea of Disneyland planet was done just to keep going with the same land grab I testified against before and was even referred to as such by those who launder. It was testimony, and used evidence by the individual who came here to take depositions. Anyone laundering drug money has no right to comment on me nor my credentialing abilities.
How can we make a good functioning financially sound economy without it?
It is clear why they would refuse to give me the Presidency, because they launder drugs, though I became that.
Because I spoke with Senator Patrick Leahy before do not pay him money back
When Brennan came into our star system, he had just a small spacecraft, why did he need all of that money from drug laundering? It is for Congress, so it can be shut down now.