
Sleaze versus honor

When you think about a person you think is honorable who you have known and served as a quasi asset for for many years, knowing hands down that they are embezzling funds with prostitutes when they question your honest credibility is criminal.

The way this sounded was like the man was sitting there with this woman he is cheating on his wife with recollecting how they were embezzling funds from our Justice Department.

Brian Stafford said to her, in a sleazy couch talking voice of remembrance of criminal activities conducted that they got away with, “Remember when I said we get paid for bringing the aliens in here,” and that was History in the Making to cost American citizens long term financial standing. I would now testify against him on behalf of his wife who knew he should not go to San Diego, CA. “I don’t think you should spend any more time out there,” she said. An he said about me that I had no honor as trustworthy. He is trustworthy to cheat, cheat the American people, cheat on his wife and pretend that he is  a loyal American asset while my files were allegedly stolen from him regarding terrorists I fought so Americans could be safe is criminal while likely stealing from the stock market with Rudy Giuliani is pure criminal sleaze with the cocksuckers. We can count on it. He has a level of sadness about that so I empathized with it and that was the same like the aliens when they came here that should be killed in hours. We can no longer empathize with financial criminals depositions must be filed and testimony completed. May his wife and I ask for a divorce. They, those of criminal intentions, tried to make me fall in love with him, gullible I was with that, Basheert, to keep our planet in custody, thinking we misaligned our negative which is untrue and they set up a false core with the Mars rover in the old hole intentionally. I am only attracted to honor in our future.

Deposed Donald Trump admittedly by Michael Pence, “stole 2016,” so they have no standing as an elected Presidency. Deposed made me President with conditionally released Trump speaking in the media. I used my honorable Presidency, despite the agency guy, to investigate Trump further, and no matter what they did not win 2016 important in an election year, they were the losers of 2016 still trying to seem relevant despite the cocaine money laundering, and having lost 2016. I have my data sheets and know Hillary Clinton won the National election, yet refused the recount to take power. It was confirmed by Pence, they knew they lost 2016.

Pure sleaze is them. American honor is me. Depositions get filed by my team and me.

In Science, Everything Proves Itself Over Trime

Nature is stronger than any force known to mankind. In science everything proves itself. Our planet was infested with alien agenda that had moved our core thousands of years ago to harm you. Magma is filling the false bardo they created and our lives our ours because of our negative install done two and a half years ago.

“Alien agenda bardo is filling,” said yesterday about the fake one they created to control your lives criminally. North Korea is almost done.

From August 3, 2017, “The Negative is what makes the Earth in alignment. The removal (repositioning is the correct word) of it was done quite possibly to allow the alien agenda to exist and create the “bardo region” that allowed for soul erasure by the overlord and his accomplices. Bust ’em today!,” said said in an online publication I wrote for, with the article re-published here. This was written about the time our negative was repositioned in the center where it is supposed to be for our planet to function normally physically.

The false bardo setup which is like a fake hell is confirmed by the statement above. It was referred to by me in my early writings about our install at that time with the estimated dating to be 18,741 years ago at that time, and that was several years ago when it was set up criminally to rape our planet.

Our natural bardo opened a few days ago that corresponds to our sun opened a few days ago and was reported on by a Buddhist monk that said, “Our bardo is open now.” Shortly after, the white aliens were taken to the sun for prosecution.

This is about our larger planet, not one subset of a corrupt culture. The planet of billions  of people is repairing itself as my negative was correctly installed several installed years ago and we have validated it at every step to prove humans own it outright. We were conned when alien agenda arrived here into moving our core. Now magma is flowing and we have the Northern Hemisphere almost repaired with the south still repairing itself.

It is like a large joint pulled out of socket, when our Earth’s core was moved, now that it is back in the correct position, two and a half years later, the blood as magma is flowing normally and our pain is subsiding all over our planet.

There is a fake visual sequencer in use to con remote viewers so make sure you have your apertures correct. We own our planet outright.

As the alien agenda is like a harmful virus that entered criminally even lying into our planet thousands of years ago, it is like a virus we are treating, so sometimes there is no period at the end of a sentence. That helps God work for your interests. Once our planet is no longer sick from the infestation, we will feel better. We were sick for thousands of years and I earn their respect over time. We need a collaborative effort to repair our planet based on our knowledge that we have gathered.

No killing spree is needed I work strictly on a scientific basis for our planet to be corrected to perfection where it was originally before they came here. People here have to stop asking what’s going to happen to alien agenda and start asking about the billions. What is going to happen to humanity? We win

Just because you install listening equipment in someone’s environment does not give you the right to control there life as Stevenson said, “We installed listening equipment,” that is much smaller of significance than the work I have done. You can listen but you are not doing. I tabulate based on data about people. What do they do that serves billions? We have advancement forward to helping every humans life on our planet, and that is what I started my mission for. The people need to be told so we gain momentum. Why fight. They were wrong in the beginning and facts and data should outweigh their original misconceptions. The people are to be protected over anything else in our world and that is how I live. We provide for the common defense for them. When we find out something is wrong it is up to us to correct it. Back then it was hard to tell how controlled we were by an infestation. They have infested everything we eat, drink and our environment surrounding us. We are winning and I did it on my own surrounded by opposition

People have to be nice to me and recognize what we are doing for everyone globally.

God is here on the planet and has been working with the other side to select them for future missions

Why is anyone being paid to keep an infestation in the background? Sorry to be mean, at some point when my install is proven, I get paid. We already had the two waves on both hemispheres, and the fake bardo is filling, so when is my payment scheduled for?

It was such a scam with these aliens, as it was found out this morning, they were running their alien arrival for human eating in the future through the Justice Department, Brian Stafford said to one of them, “Remember when I said we get paid for bringing the aliens in here,” and that was History in the making to cost American citizens long term financial standing. we keep our gold standard and our money back to be delivered and know we are overcoming this outcome.

In the future it would have been said, “What a mistake we made. No one will accept our currency. We (as the United States) cannot borrow again.” Going into the 2020 election, those who have worked on my side can say we have saved our country and my planet I own outright with not much money.

With our work that started with mine as negative, we own our whole star system, known to human Americans and others as our galaxy, now and can add other repaired planets as we move forward. It is actually a star system as our planets revolve around our star, the sun now fixed.

Constitutionalism exists and I provided my testimony in earnest against still deposed stole 2016 Donald Trump and I tracked the election in earnest proving it was stolen, meaning they should have no standing, or less because they did not win and have been involved in criminal activity I informed on laundering drug money and conducting prostitution.

Rape and Incest Among Political People Harming their Followers.

I have a friend who refers to Mitt Romney as a snake oil salesman and that part is true when you look at his face. One would never have imagined what he did to me with his following in my home.

“She’s got her vagina controlled by those aliens of Romney’s” said and they are disgusting in my opinion. I am a love focussed person and a con man said that I unconsented energetic sex with him because of  my setup feelings for him. He set out to make me fall in love with him, and claimed those were grounds for statutory rape. I imagined having sex with him and he is married. I wrote with him at Veterans Today, and he is part of Jeffrey Epstein’s group with Leslie Wexner and I had no idea how he was into setting up young women with pre-sexual behavior I was lured into, even when I was young. He admitted recently “We wanted to make her just like we are,” having sex with no meaning I am against. He actually intended on that when he took off his shirt on a Skype call to lure me in with Putin’s team and said in his mind before the call, “I’m going to make Ann fall in love with me.” He used that fake relationship with him and worked with Gene Khrushchev and Vladimir Putin to try to have America fall to Russia because he knew how I work, for America first. In reality knowing who he is now, I would have never liked him. I called him in July of 2017 and felt he was a crusty con artist salesman and this was after that phone call, I stopped liking him then and have turned him in repeatedly.  There has been commentary in the background regarding this alleged statutory rape that in my opinion never existed because he and I knew he set me up, and I did not fall in love with him.

Updated 2/23/2020, last night and I am putting this here to understand scientifically how this works, Carol Duff, his wife said in regards to my vagina, and from my understanding they both have green alien parts, previously spoken about by even Duff, “I’ve got to look at her vagina to see if I should add some enzymes to those jailer guys in town.” What do the enzymes do? Increases sexual arousal for them. Why is she allowed to “look in my vagina?” It makes you want to cover yourself and I am disgusted. Sex locally is not needed. We have earth’s magma flowing. Why are they impacting my life? Please remove them from here.

Early on this was Gordon Duff’s intention.

“We tried to ruin Ann Diener,” I found out later, and I continue to work against his outcomes. He is a war criminal I found out solidly who was kicked out of Iraq in 1991 to later join George Soros to embezzle oil and harm our service members overseas playing a duplicitous game with what he writes at Veterans Today to fuel their business. He did not like that I provided accurate testimony against Donald Trump and hated that I work for American standing to be number one as well as our service members to defeat all enemies foreign and domestic. He knew I am married in my heart to our country. That is all I care about.

Our government sometimes does not know when they are being stolen from and that is what I watch for. He embezzles funds, so obviously he would be against me.

The vaginal portion hurts and when I heard this today, I actually was emotional about it. It is like what gives them the right to mutilate my body for their sex stuff. When I saw a documentary about the Mormon women being submissive, having sex at 14 years old, this rang true to me to correspond with this type of behavior from Romney. I am non religious, however I care about God alone. I always want to help others heal and have wanted to bust their sex cattel to stop this. I wonder if Romney has coerced other pretty Mormon women into having the same technology. To me that is someone who should have to register as a sexual criminal. They are a danger to society. I have turned in so much on him and at one time they were willing to put him in custody. So what changed? Can he be reformed?

Pressure them to stop the God hates you side of the aisle of Congress. God is love from the heart. What is wrong with people. Normal people if they knew how they really are would be disgusted, and that is who votes for them. What is his membership for? He can’t be a member of society if it seperate. They are prostitutes as was found out that Duff said, “Instead of Mintakans I will call them below ones to get their prostitution started.” Constitutionalism prevails here as we vote and dirty laundry gets aired. People know what they see.

I don’t understand why the government got lured in with him. His intention was to harm out government from the beginning. Why can’t they talk to me directly, my side fighting for freedom? Why harm me? I do not want stole 2018 observing my home. Wray is complicit in cocaine laundering, and this is my office against it. I became President and am waiting to complete the depositions to be completed. I know a man was here before as well as a team and was turned away. I spent a long time validating my testimony to make the depositions more solid. I finally made the ones against my side hopefully soon. We can now get the war crimes tribunal over without sex, so I can find someone to love without being attacked by war criminals who are communistic leaning.


Constitutionalism Our guarantee and Getting Our Tax Money Back.

There was never a need for unlawful detention and we have a permanent moratorium on it with Elizabeth Warren and myself. Constitutionalism guaranteed.

But what gave some the right to negotiate our tax money with the fake agency charging for protection. They actually were embezzling money through the Justice Department saying, “We don’t want to put anyone in jail, so we will take $80 million from the Department of Justice.” Their jails contract was fraud. The signers of the contract for the jails were not the originators of the found contract. They just did it likely for embezzlement purposes. It was found out the contract was illegally executed by people who had no right to sign it, prostitutes and cocaine dealers. Deposed stole 2016 Trump signed it and he was not voted on by 74% of the people and the rest of them believe he is sworn to uphold our Constitution which all Presidents are.

Trump did that to avoid justice against his stock market crimes and other financial crime he has been running globally. Congressional members were in on the con against the voters not wanting to deliver our tax money, which needs to be returned. We need to identify all Congressional members collecting our money back. We vote post haste and should know before Super Tuesday so we can vote them out. Nancy Pelosi is running.

New War Crimes Tribunal Data

It had been heard before regarding the conflict in Idlib, Syria previously reported on here as conducted by insider terrorists who received gas masks 24 hours in advance of blaming the Syrians for harming the people there, that this was set up and verified as insiders. I scouered Twitter back then and found the terrorists communications about receiving the gas masks to validate that this was true because I could not believe it when I found out. I wanted to make sure it was true before thinking about it in that way.

It was true. I have the data somewhere. I visually saw their communications on Twitter discussing the gas. They were Turkish sponsored terrorists that gassed the people. It was the United States that did this then that sponsored the Turkish terrorists then. Why did we blame Assad? To steal the oil for Soros? It seems like now they were clearing some sort of trucking route for the oil coming from the south. That is the part that we were missing. A change of hand could be going on overseas to our side the honest one fighting for freedom and that is who I support.

How does an operation like this happen? It was also heard, “If he crosses I’m going to take that one down,” said about an American service member with the overhead weaponry.  He was part of the team working in the area for freedom. This overhead weaponry has been an issue of huge contention.

I am always fighting for the guy the overhead took down, killed, to kill the terrorists who are harming the civilians. As the people grow stronger on the planet we own outright, we can take down the overhead.

How does it work the overhead work? Why do we allow it to make our combat decisions for us, especially if it harms our side. They seem to spy down, as it was called before “Dick Cheney’s eye in the sky.” Then when troops are moving in their positions they chose who wins and who loses to steal oil likely. Why do we keep on fighting for war for oil?  It was found out concretely now that our wars are for oil. Not by us or for us, but by those operating the overhead who use it to threaten oil rich countries into paying them for protection, and the entire combat operation is run on the overhead. If we had the keys to it we could control the battlefield and there would be nothing unknown to us. We could stop the killing of our service members and of civilians. America would win the war on terrorism. My goal for over 19 years now. I know why they set up the command now against me.

“I get my money from oil rich nations,” said by someone who pays for a lot of political campaigns. In San Diego it was found his money went into the rival who ran against the current San Diego District Attorney and interestingly enough when she ran after accepting the money she lost.

Our opportunity is growing against these large  terrorism suspects. I wrote at Veterans Today, and I did not have it confirmed why war stories were not reported on accurately. Sometimes there is too much spin. You see a person’s writing and you think they are reporting the truth to the best of their ability and not biased for a side you are against. How could they support our adversaries covertly for money? This would be outed as espionage. Why are they given credit to kill our service members?

“See we can take your ass in,” to our team said Soros to Duff in 1991 when he was kicked out of Iraq I found out for illegal arms trafficking suspectedly. Yes Veterans Today is a Soros funded publication likely. Is the publication used for arms trafficking now? Is that why they arrested its staff early on?

At Veterans Today, they gave you a story and when they were forced to face additional data to come forward to stop war crimes, they refused. I always suspected Gordon Duff, the senior editor there, as being involved in criminality. I searched online and found other people he had harmed. He was likely involved in financial crimes, as he sets people up and profits from harming those around them using them as a point person to conduct his criminal operation. He is turned in to the FBI.

Thinking about that now, why did they let him go and run this whole quest at my house with the telephony? How much money has he stolen during that entire time? That is scary. At least I have the data now against the overhead that harmed me too. We must work to take control of it.

There was something missing to Duff’s stance that appeared against war and to support American service members, yet he would not go against our adversaries and those who harmed us with what he knew to protect America first. He appeared honorable, yet there was something deceptive, and mean to him. I have turned him in. I remember when he gave me a graphic for his website to work on, it was about magicians, and he is a magician for money against most people.

Here he caused people to betray themselves in what they would normally do so he could hold all of the cards after they let him go from jail in Orange County. I knew he was arrested then, yet no one would tell me what happened and why all of VT’s staff was arrested which I thought was slightly wrong then, yet as I knew Jim Dean had been arrested before, I thought there was something criminal to them. You fall in love with publications and cannot believe what you know subconsciously. One day I questioned what Duff did so I spent hours tracking him online, and now based on my personal experience her ran this entire private embezzlement operation from my house against commands.

Not all stories are great.

In our world we are becoming closer to identifying the controllers and what their purpose is, criminal activity, so hopefully soon, we will be equal and able to take their machines down. The first step to taking them down is to know they are there. What would it be like to have privacy? It would be nice.

What positions do we all need on the battlefield today to actually root out the evil doers? We need the overhead. Is there a battlefield, or are we just friends who are taught to fight each other by machine operators?

Hand stamping criminal. I would never want one. America has taken great pride in protecting its citizens from hand stamping, handmarkers and will never have to say, ” What a mistake we’ve made. No one will accept our currency. We won’t be able to borrow again.”

We have our gold standard and money back to deliver to all American people. It was our work today.

There is no cost for the planet I own outright. There is no need to pay other people. They gave those running the embezzlement operation $48 million. They were the ones running the cocaine money laundering operation using the telephony and it is criminal to launder drug money. It is nice when it is all revealed so that we can see who is guilty. It took a long time.

Do not cause terrorism on my watch service. Duff actually wanted our service members to serve overseas detention for war crimes he committed with Soros. That is a big fish. I always go for the bigger fish for America to defeat and own them.

We know why G’s material does not belong in the mainstream media. How much money did they make off it today? I am not liable for their drug money laundering out with the telephony. It connects to Cohen, not my side. They should be charged with it. I don’t own the whole planet and using your wiring here will not get you any money. The commuters own the planet.

Unlawful Surveillance and Sexual Predators.

With the Harvey Weinstein case completing, we have to move beyond it to know what is really going on in our digital age. I have experienced it here at home. It will be nice when people no longer take photos of me naked.

How many of them consider sex with children the norm. They have been operating here through a religious organization I found out about that needs to be stopped. They have absolutely nothing to do with our country other than the land grab and child rape. When I was a child they put me on a table with their creepy members surrounding me as I suspect I was naked. Why is it such a big issue to put them on trial? Isn’t now a good time finally? What is their purpose? They are clearly tracked through Les Wexner and his team’s choice to participate there. I have been tracking them since 2016 was stolen.

Covert intention to harm powerful young women and even men is very important to analyze. As our negative holder when I lived in Washington DC, there were a lot of expectations on me as I became very successful as a sports journalist when I was 17 and still in high school writing for Gannett News Service and USA Today then. Unfortunately my parents wanted to move back to California. The stalkers who started following me in Annapolis at 12 continued to follow me around. Back then I was encouraged sexually to masturbate while I was driving. They did it intentionally to harm my good reputation I had created to start their cocaine cartel here in California in all likelihood by following me and others around. That is the significance of the quote, “I am going to get this kid to really screw up.” There was a positive side that believed I was really cute as our negative holder and they wanted me to be a great future leader.

It was said by them, “She’s really cute, who is that?” “She’s our negative holder.” The sad thing is that the masturbation incident was seen by them on the Incamera. We are all monitored here. The nice guy who acknowledged me said then, “She really pissed me off playing with her vibrator.” Incamera is extraterrestrial monitoring that must be brought down and it will be.

The importance of how fake sexual tension is created by them is significant. They manipulate people into scenarios simulating sexual attraction that is not real. They want teens to be sexual without love to use them later to harm others. Love is real and this idea of sexual behavior being manufactured needs to be looked at. For young women, they want them to be sexual to take advantage of them and then take their success away. It is obvious from depositions done against deposed stole 2016 Donald Trump teams. What can’t we finish prosecutions against them.  They need to be tried and this will finally accomplish what is required for Americans to feel more secure to really love one another without kids being encouraged criminally to have pre-teen sex.  I have been celibate for many years and that is the direction our country and our planet is going in to find real love and no longer be a part of their manufactured sex cult. Over time the perverted stuff they are running in the media will likely no longer be appealing. How do we get from here to there? We need no drug money by criminals.  No sex on camera is needed. Just real work ahead to complete prosecutions.

It is criminal what is done to young women and what is encouraged of them and even young men, ruining their natural identities. I met a man who wanted to have his male identity back, and he was so confused by them he referred to himself as “They.” He was from Africa where male sexuality got manipulated into gay then bisexual and then they. He was hoping to have his male identity back when he was good at math. He was probably a genius at math and used to do calculations in his sleep. They take our best and brightest humans and make them confused by creating sexual tension that is unreal to manipulate their lives even further and surround them with poverty. We can change that and have to get used to the fact that cops are our friends. Controversial informant.

When you think about it, honest intelligence complained about a vibrator when I was a teen and now get off on taking naked photos of me showering and peeing.

“We used the Romulan wedding here,” in my home, taking pictures of me naked in shower using surveillance, “to get them all hot and bothered,” disgusting old men.

The Little American Diplomat

At five years old I went on my first trip to Germany and I was a very intelligent child. I enjoyed everything as we departed, yet I made a mistake of squeezing ketchup too strongly with my strong hands and it got on the suit of the man who had just got married close to me and my dad. My dad was angry and I felt embarrassed never to do that again.

In Germany when we were there I spoke with many children and told them about America and how we were just like they were despite what was on TV. I had never learned German yet picked it up in a day or two. I learned French in a museum we visited. I loved to talk with people diplomatically. That was what I spent my time on then as a five year old. I translated for my mom who did not want to learn the language and I took her shopping. My mom hated me for that. I was always a strong kid. My mother hurt me so much.

When we returned, I enjoyed our trip and continued to tell the neighborhood kids about the German kids, and they enjoyed learning about them. My mom was angry and still hated me since I did the translations for her. She could not stand how in command I was at times, always working for her interests, yet I always felt there was a deceitful side.

My mom contacted the Rosicrucian Fellowship she was associated with and the criminally operated on me to dumb me down. I was always motivated by God to talk and be diplomatic.

“She was too strong in Germany,” said my mom to the fellowship director who then installed handmarking on my left hand. “I’ve got to let this one out of jail,” he said then. My mother had been talking with them and her communism friends and said to them back then, “We all know communism is coming.” I could not believe that she would allow this and thought then, “Why is my mom getting together with all of those people talking about communism.” I have served Constitutionally since then and know the American people expect that.

The handmark he put in was the start of my implantation which dumbed me down and took away my languages. I fight very hard to stay strong and intelligent. America number one Constitutionally our goals.

Her fellowship friends are criminal sexual predators and make me uncomfortable. They initially installed the first sex camera in anal area. “We wanted to view whatever was going in there,” said and is disgusting. They are part of a green zygote oriented agenda for sexual behavior where extraterrestrials control our sexuality by sending zygotes at us to fall in love with one another for fake sex.

God referred to them as “external catalysts have been provided by harmful off worlders for sexual behavior.”

Abortion should be legal as it was said by God, “having unprotected sex you end up with an infested unneeded baby as zygotes are in the air.” I witnessed this sitting on the ground as I watched one fall from the sky and two squirrels interacted with each other very amorously.

My mom was likely part of their cult and in the photo at the top, “I can’t stand her, she cheated on my dad.”It was very sad for me when she asked me how she looked for another man in the pool that day.  I was angry and against her when my father took the photo. I was looking for my little diplomat photo and could not find it. I always told my mom I would defeat communism which if she was a normal mother would have been a heroic victory, for her she hated that fact. She was nasty to me my whole life.

My dad was the most loveable person I ever knew. He was there to help me win always and he got likely murdered, poisoned by the communists at National Security Agency.



Who puts real discretionary income in your pocket with America’s restored assets?

Our gold standard and our tax money, known as money back are America’s recovered assets, and we have to wonder this campaign who will make Americans rich in the future and not steal it from us. Discretionary spending has been at an all time low and as we head into the primary, who is working for American homeowners and taxpayers. They put in con men and women into Congress known as stole 2018 to steal more from you through Russia. Many of them are House members, who can be voted out this term and it would be nice to have the McConnell list from last time to know who is who. “We knew who every winner was,” said McConnell, and as he has been criminally working with the Russian Ambassador to steal or launder your tax money known as money back through them, espionage and financial crimes charges are long overdue. With those two details this Congress could be charged with the same. We are ready to vote in 2020

These old guys were also brainwashed by an old contract that is invalid that stated that I as our only negative holder could not own our planet until all aliens are dead. Do we have to make them dead first? It used to happen in under three hours because they harmed our sun then to gain illegal entry into our galaxy and our sun is repairing itself now with our negative install. If not they would have died upon entry into my galaxy. Other planets are turning on. Yesterday one of the coldest smaller planets started after Uranus had been operating. It was very painful to my hand. Why are we programmed against our interests to accept less than everything back? I keep working hard for the voters and no one including me likes to be stolen from. What gives anyone the right to steal from your income? I do not want to talk to those who steal from me. Why is it that because I put that down, “I can’t say she’s not allowed to talk to anyone from dark side.” I don’t want to talk to dark side, that is already criminally complicit in the theft from Americans through the stock market repeatedly. I own our planet and became President. “She really became President and owned our planet,” said. I want to get my stock market convictions made and American citizens repaid for the years of financial damage caused by the predators. All my data needs to be used to press charges against them and recover American assets. There is no saying because I made the complaint, it cannot be used. There is no secrecy of the planet owner, as I have documented my install. We owned our planet our right before our core was moved, said then by the lying space travelers, “If we could just move the negative then we could probably get through,” and they never moved it back to secure our planet, they just kept gaining ground against us until my install. They knew what they were doing then and smuggled one of their young men down so they could later gain power over us. Said by one of those who bought into the extraterrestrials plan initially and was drained by them then, “So much disdain coming from that extraterrestrial. They always worked for us,” as they began to subjugate him and his friends who were later totally conned by them.

Before they arrived here, humans owned our galaxy. They asset stripped every planet that is coming online now. Humans through America and me with my work are taking their power back now. Said by a con artist, Duff pictured, who stole your 401ks likely in 2008, to me this morning, “What are you going to do with the money from that additional job.” They should not be monitoring me or anyone, as they clearly have intention to commit financial crime and do it daily. To put a woman down saying she does not earn enough income and when she does to try to prevent her success is criminal. There is no stealing my planet I own outright and the authorities should stop their income streams finally, and repay all Americans just compensation. Please file a restraining order against them. We work hard and our government should work for us. Where is my $800,000 for my Presidency of two years, it was criminal for them to say because I own our planet I did not have the right to have the Presidency then. How many aliens do we have to kill. Green dead. It is up to God. Zygote kills all hopefully soon. My investigation should have been paid for that validated my testimony. That is in addition to the $800,000, because deposal went through and the testimony was accepted. To validate it and provide additional data to press charges against the same stock market crime he was tried for, such as the October 2019 data, should be extra.

I want no restraining orders from Bill Gates who was proven to have lied and said I committed a murder, which I would never do, to obtain his fraudulent contract.

With all of these evil doers in my life, no one has a right to claim I should have had children. Imagine them monitoring your shower daily. When you know the truth about our history, why be ignorant. Do they expect me to carry a gun and use it liberally? No thanks. Intelligence is used daily and there is no point to call the people ignorant, when leadership is ignorant by not protecting them and increasing our holdings of other planets. People have a right to use their knowledge and intelligence to save all American people. When data is obvious it must be turned in, that is expected by the people. I have a right to earn my income and for our incomes to be monitored for our success. Why protect those who steal income, to walk into a green traitors trap. At least I learn my lesson and use my data appropriately. Data is earned through work and that work deserves to be paid for.


Cashless is extraterrestrial and defeated

The source of cashless was actually a green life form that stumbled into our galaxy as I found out. “We invested in these Chinese,” said a rather slender green humanoid form extraterrestrial who went to China and procured the gold from Indonesia once they surrendered their gold to the British Royal Crown. That began the Standard Drawing Rights basket for the unlawful agenda 21 the harmful off worlders wanted with sophisticated banksters and war criminals. We took that down years ago and fight even now for Americans and internationals alike who are freedom oriented, our Constitutional guarantee here.

“They were all in on it back then, the currency swap for the handmark,” remarked Xi Jinping months ago and many have disbanded their interest in it any more. Our currency is solvent now. No one wants to be second to extraterrestrials now.

We need to Vote

Our world is not about money. It is about how well we live with the money we have and the data available to inform the voters.