
Real Estate Acquisition Corporations

We need a proper accounting for how war criminals were rewarded and continue to operate in the background. Bernie Sanders would have won 2016 with exit polling used. The Trump administration managed to abscond with billions through stock market crime and other criminal activities billions of dollars. I have served through 3 justice departments and we know the $90 gazillion was delivered after Biden received check clearance and Sanders received medicare spending.  So how can we know what the tech giants hold when individuals such as Barack Obama admit to owning buildings with drug money they brought in. We have been hoping California could have an idea center for real water and energy independence and with what the tech giants planned moving to Texas, California badly needs an innovation center free of corruption. Newsom is being Recalled and is corrupt.

“We built great mansions in high-rises with the drug money that we brought in,” said  Obama and so we know I busted those buildings and they took them over and so who designated my piece of the pie as a payment for investigation. We need to begin to look at Real Estate Acquisition Corporations as these are the companies that may be concealing the mansions and foreclosures that were purchased by them. When properties were purchased with drug money they are under investigation and I found out it is illegal to run drugs through someone’s home. I reported to the German Foreign Office that trump officials and also romney ran drugs through my home. I did not include romney to the German foreign office. I have documented evidence showing that.  In September 2020, “Debt backed securities contain more cocaine,” said Mitt Romney.  So we must question the markets and identify who controls what and how much drug money went into housing, building acquisition and also the foreclosure markets. Now with the DEA bust in San Diego, we can hope they are pursuing the methamphetamine men, as there were 16 outstanding warrants.

I am owed payment for honest service. I did drive across the United States and find housing developments in at least 14 states I visited and some may have been from cocaine. Many were concealed as debt backed securities.

We continue to be against war criminals and they are openly known and for that reason we must monitor the media to see when foreign conflicts occur who is spending and hopefully we can finally have a real audit. With 23 years against the same criminals it seems pretty long to fight against them without a check payment and maybe I will end up working finally on this RAC investigation that the media wanted.

It was nice the cheney bench warrant was admitted to and in reality bush was campaign was arrested.  We are waiting for audits in Texas as bush was a bench warrant there and others are going through their bankruptcies.

With all data against the war criminals @a_diener I wish we had a tribunal like we wanted and I could purchase my home and include the outgoing war crimes that occurred which no one accounted for  and people need to talk to me in person.  I deserve to be on TV to talk about the truth of Trump administration and work against the war criminals.

Kamala Harris won Vice President and she would not run drugs through my home. Joe Walsh should be on the ticket in 2024 with Bill Weld based on what was already achieved. Justin Amash should stay honest and honorable and work to campaign more. He would go after the GAP funding which was “that is where all of the cocaine was hidden” at  Department of Homeland Security.

Some badges were fake so how can we protect America and have a good job and get paid? RAC’s could be looked at

“Cheney’s staff” is not our side and we had a nice wanted poster that could have come out from the OSCE showing them,  and I tried to save 7 billion lives at $1 per pound of everyone’s belongings and lives and here we stand.

Young people deserve real projects to work on with water recycling, waste to energy and water production. I hope to get working on something honest where I can enjoy a comfortable living again.  72 million votes stolen by

To tell lies is not me and who will harm us

The differential was calculated as $47,000 times 18 million homeowners and should anyone be responsible now with what was deposited in the Biden administration, probably not.

If anything happens I have on data on who weakened us

I am never with anyone who accepted bribery from our adversaries nor ran drugs I reported on


Water and Oil Flocculants Could Treat South Bay

When talking about the border wall, nothing was more useless as they previously allowed immigrants to cross the border. Now that Kamala Harris is Vice President we may be able to introduce real solutions to real problems in the South Bay for real cleanup of real problems to include the Tijuana river.  When the water flows across the border it remains untreated and according to a recent article,  “Millions of gallons of sewage are flowing into the Pacific Ocean every day, causing contaminated waters and frequent beach closures,” said The Coronado Eagle Journal. “In February 2017, 143 million gallons of raw sewage flowed into the Tijuana River and eventually onto our beaches. Since then, there have been hundreds of smaller spills into the river, resulting in a massive health and environmental hazard. The San Diego County Board of Supervisors needs to declare a State of Emergency in the area and provide annual funding to remove trash and chemicals from the water.”

Water and Oil technologies and a new company to be formed have the research and development to address the needs of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. We had developed cleanup methods relating to the British Petroleum oil spill and Ed Laurent had extended phone conversations with Governor Bobby Jindal at the time, however through proven and reliable our treatment processes were not to be used at the time. They chose instead to add dispersant which made the oil spill worse not better. Living in San Diego for over 37 years, I have been concerned about the contamination and have worked hard to form reliable partnerships with scientists who are experienced enough to deliver real solutions to real problems. Congressman Mike Levin had been involved previously in providing waste water treatment solutions for the South Bay and Mr Laurent and I deserve an entry point to deliver a presentation the San Diego County Board of Supervisors to present waste to energy solutions and waste water treatment systems as well as organic chemistries that can remove the chemicals from the water. The South Bay could be beautiful and a tourist attraction with clean water for swimming, boating and fishing.

We need to conduct sampling of the wastewater and identify the chemistries needed and research and development funding is required to conduct the testing. We have advanced machines that have been developed to process the wastewater previously and other such Dissolved Air Floatation systems can be purchased and designed for this project.

We have developed complete systems for recycling and processing landfill waste and converting it to electricity and also recycled components. These systems could be used along the Mexican border both inside the US and in Mexico.

New Planet

We own our planet exclusively and I have been working for the American people never to lose. America is Sovereign as we have never been before. With our investigation into alien agenda we are making our way to number one globally as more aliens die here we become more free. We are achieving our goal of sovereignty that I outlined here. They cannot take the debt back from harvesting and below ground jails we decimated.

It was confirmed yesterday that the Commonwealth was a hand holder for extraterrestrials and we currently have $94 gazzillion in Treasury. This morning with the following revelation  “We were hired to collect their (Americans) taxes because of that one star base; they had,” Elizabeth Hapsburg that there is no such thing as royalty and what we must do now as a country is to begin to work against that star base with our gold program. Yesterday I saw what our Vice President, Kamala Harris would think about our gold program when she found out how quickly it could get to other galaxies, 6 days or less and I want to be paid to own our planet so we can make alien agenda die here. Constitutionalism is guaranteed

Good sides have always been into space. We should never trust the Branson side and they have gotten paid throughout even with drug money funding their programs. We need our human space program, our gold program.

Americans should be free to get paid and today it was said, “We own the whole planet they don’t have to collect income taxes,” said President Joe Biden, so because of our steady progress you should be more free and hope we defeat the rest of the extraterrestrials and Americans have opportunity ahead and can I get a check based on Biden’s check clearance.  That check will help to develop green projects and I chose to be involved in space as I have worked for this moment to happen. I installed our core independently and to protect all people. Billions saved and served by my income  and I have been working now since the install to finish our planet on my money. How much further do I have to go to collect a check and it should be in the millions of dollars to get started on our projects that I have put 18 years into with testing and development funding to deliver multimillion dollar projects in our future.

Good times are ahead. Yesterday it was nice because 363 Congressional members acknowledged our planet is for humans. Please do not allow others who have sat here and stolen my income to continue to steal from me. Gordon Duff and Robert L Stevenson have been turned in. I have a boyfriend and want to get married and do not know how to collect the millions I am owed. They actually admitted to doing such. stealing our income and should I go to the media to announce that we are sovereign

I deserve my payment as owner to build our assets as good ones of sustainability for every American and I should be a large political backer with my funding. We have a right to real elections and Constitutionalism and no jails for the American people should ever be built and we deserve for the American people to beneficiaries of my work and we have 663 aliens against us. How do we win and get paid to get working on something beneficial. What is this adversity to paying me for my work, as I always work a part time job to fight our enemies. I put my own money in and I am owed at least $300,000

They cannot start agenda and why would a committed to one man woman sleep with individuals turned in and we know who has been against our space program. I was almost murdered by the captain of the ship here and he was a thin white alien commander.

We have our gold standards globally and how exactly does anyone reclaim my planets when they do not have the experience of the install and also being almost murdered by these aliens? I did the work and should be paid and should we allow our enemies that were wanting to eat and kill every American to steal. I am anxious to meet the people we saved and look forward to speaking to media and we can command our star system

We removed boulders and jails from our planet we own now

They did the world trade center and I was a victim of defamation, an advocate for the American people and our armed forces since then and when you fight large spacecraft why can’t I collect payments?

Those who did 9/11 have been collecting payments. If we pay those who are attacking us, there is something wrong with our country. I work hard for the American people daily.

Biden won and is against alien agenda so how much more is needed to defeat them

We are in a good position to attend the G20 with what we have and intended to have and American standing is growing for Biden. I did our install for permanent defeat of extraterrestrials and the American people deserve to meet me in person and see me in the media and they are in decline permanently. What I hate are liars and we own our planets with all I tried to save from the beginning on 7 Billion people.

It was nice when an astronaut remarked “Today I have a feeling Ann really owns our planet” said about me. Finally that flat leg divider can be removed from NASA

No killing should occur by those seeking to protect advesaries and why are those with espionage continuing to harm me. I would never accept payment from our advesaries as they have.

Who gets paid for crime. All data used. We are against DeVos

War crimes tribunal

Biden won and can preside.  It is pointless with the issues America has had in foreign policy and the implications with our adversaries not to have a war crimes tribunal. We have spend too much time to gather too much data and it is public and who wants them in the media without hearing their sides of the story? Why could we not discuss the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on TV? Why could we not get 9/11 over and have individuals say “We admit it, we did it and here is why” This frees America. We need a proper accounting of their spending from October 2000 until now with the questions regarding our defense spending as we found out individuals who have been obstructing a tribunal refused to allow us to order parts for the USS Abraham Lincoln when Naval Station Everett had been designed for forward readiness

How much experience could Obama have then and why would romney want to preside as he was likely with the Congressional men who put the sub in harm’s way of the Lincoln, it is like allowing the wolf to guard the chicken coop and we see the wolves in sheeps’ clothing based on their actions. They did all of that for harmful spending against our armed forces and the American people

More than 23 years against owned opposition

We exposed who did September 11th and we know they are into some kind of secret court and secret proceeding which we oppose uniformly as a people

We own our planets outright with Biden only leahy will call this a bogus story because he is white extraterrestrial fan club amongst olive skinned people trying to take Biden’s power away. Who wants a good life after we won the election?

Wray is still with his handlers because resigned barr wanted to arrest trump supporters while leahy and schumer those who wanted to kill trump and trump killed his own supporters outspend us with those aligned with our adversaries against Biden.

Our money back should be growing for Biden. Should we pull cash out or should a sole supporting woman defend our planet against the guilty on a poster

I want a real contract for not working for our adversaries and credentialing as we do good work every day for the American people based on years of study and work 8-10 hours per day while working to achieve and out controlled opposition as a journalist since 1991, we knew the media was censored

No one should accept facial recognition software to benefit our adversaries “See I have them in his face because I am with bush campaign” Putin would say aligned with gates and duff

We turned them in for election theft and continue to work for our armed forces to enjoy real space travel with our gold program on my money which “We made it on her income”

Ryan and mcconnell owned and many wanted mcconnell arraigned for his betrayal of our country and his constituents. People were waiting for Merrick Garland to indict him and he could include the fellowship as we want no religious cults and why is my work illegal and they should be illegal for “Not allowing the Lincoln to order parts then” in October 2000 and how can we keep Biden and our country protected when owned Congressional members are aligned with an owned supreme court continue to work against an elected President. I notified Al Gore today that we can win and I continue to work against them

We can deliver the money back once the last harvester is decimated

Ongoing Planet Payment

I set out to save every American with both my testimony and negative installs. When I provided my testimony I did it post haste to secure homeowners’ values and that goal took years to achieve with the depositions finally filed by an insecure party. When I worked to install our core I did that to secure my planet. And today we work for American freedom and ultimately payment for our planets I have worked so hard to save. It was found out to my demise that Robert L Stevenson, who was turned in on numerous occasions and had the intention to harm me and the American people with his properties, can collect payment for our planet because of the large size of the debt he holds on them and I need to find out if it is correct.

In regards to the properties he holds debt on, he set out to use them for failure and against me and the American people. I have an exact quote that I do not feel like repeating and why today when spending begins on our armed forces can the Pentagon not cut me a check for all 9 planets that are for the American people, as I worked for their freedom and success to achieve them.

One armament could not be bought in the amount of $289 million and I could collect payment for all installs in our star system and begin work on the projects that I have under development. Can this debt be used against him from our projects and why is debt used rather than the standard definition of a market driven business? You fulfill a need with what you build and create

These aliens were tough to dissolve

The nice thing is President Joe Biden stood against alien agenda like I have and it is known “he was against the alien agenda we stood for for all these years,” and we should get paid $128 million through my attorney and all those before had paid them

Many had sex with them and they had been outed and they should never take credit for our victory


“We always collected payment,” for aliens existing because the marine base needed to buy weapons so my request for payment against those supporting the alien agenda is warranted  against those who bought weapons and declared their bankruptcy already.

At least we know the truth and we will tell anyone in the main stream media what you do and we know who sleeps with them.


Confirm William Burns

Burns is long confirmed. Paul Ryan attempted to kill him. So who is in command and attempting to do good work for the American people and I am against harming the Biden administration so can burns add russian convictions against ryan. We deposited the treasury money after Biden won

We have espionage that has gone on with Robert L Stevenson and other individuals who accepted bribery since 1998 and encouraged other members formerly of our armed forces to receive foreign payments that were ongoing before with other Defense contractors who were questionable now with what I found out about the Russian sub and removing forward readiness. James Slyfield deserves an arrest warrant based on payments possibly and suspicious activity he conducted previously. “I monitored her office so we could accept Chinese payments” he admitted regarding mine when I was an honest publisher of Military Beat who knew about communism, and so this team is corrupt and President Joe Biden should pursue them as we had Rudy Giuliani and others. Richard Cheney was a bench warrant in Missouri and Bush campaign is making covid and should be liable for any new cases by providing basic income direct draft from their accounts as individuals who accepted bribery from Russia and China. Were they already charged with Covid to include gates who should ba a bench warrant with Gordon Duff and was Richard Branson involved? They scare us and honest hardworking Americans have no need to resign. Why should those who accepted bribery from our adversaries be allowed to harm the American people?

What was cheney most afraid of “russian convictions” we already made. This is not a slight to Russia and we all want covid over

We have no jails.

We know who admitted they had received notice from Biden they were resigned and they accepted bribery from our adversaries

“We have the gold standard, money back and differential was paid”

We could audit outgoing administration and remove communism threat.

These communism threat individuals directly relate to Islamic threats created


Forestal ended

We can compete with our current standing and should not let that slide as it appears that someone has done in media



Biden removed van

Biden does not believe in aiding our adversaries to have free apartments and the drug money van was gone this morning, so I hope it is permanent as with the Trump administration there was too much given to those offshore and accepted bribery internally. What is bad about the apartments from yesterday’s article is the package costs of monitoring and surveillance that goes with them and so it is a lose, lose for Americans and humans.

Do we care if Colin Powell owns them? As long as he pays for them. The methamphetamine trade should stop and North Korea should consider jobs for its people.

I work to eliminate costs for Biden. Is there anywhere where I can help today? “We have the gold standard, tax money and differential paid,” and I should receive a stipend from the drug money I have stopped as an informancy fee is typically 4-6% and stopping the drugs will eliminate other costs of jails and other costs. We hope to bring back the friendliness in Los Angeles I expected.

Pay per arrest should be reviewed in Los Angeles. We need steady pay for law enforcement that is not reliant on shipments of drugs to seed the market to stimulate salaries, courts and equipment purchasing.  Fewer courtrooms will be established saving municipal costs and costs paid by the American people, police will look more human and we will have far less drug use. Can you imagine a city of Los Angeles free of methamphetamine and the savings?

We reduce debt.

I have served against methamphetamine since I was 19 and was involved with the Carlsbad/Oceanside Police Departments in California, as an informant and now container loads have been stopped. William Burns is active and looking for espionage and these criminals are “on the run.”

Gold had been kept to prevent devaluing due to drug money and the debt can be serviced by Biden Administration and as debt spending is reduced it is easier to service with more money coming in to Treasury.

They expected jails to be built for the drug trade we endured. Wray had been arrested and duff from yesterday’s column had been the last to help trump with only a small amount of cocaine. Biden is in and good standing can happen


War crimes and identifying those who aided our advesaries

Biden won and he has claimed our victory over the harvesting with loose ends still to tie up against the outgoing administration that had aligned itself through Melania and Trump’s banking contacts as well as others they were involved with. Remember long ago we found out how their family was only able to use Russian banks, this is significant to identify others owned lurking in the background.

Michael Flynn lost credentialing and was likely bribed, and Gordon Duff still remains so as we look to the Biden administration it is important to point out Turkey and the relationships that lead up to the overspending by Trump officials

The Differential was paid despite them.

Richard Cheney was a warrant in St. Louis Missouri and a war criminal known

Please examine the roles of individuals who partnered with Hulusi Akar and the buildings they attempted to bomb as they should not receive credentials and they had been fired from DOJ and were considered “convicted felons.”

Long before Americans were compensated by our victory against the extraterrestrials with $80 gazillion that no outgoing official really wanted and whom these men slept with, these individuals worked with Akar and flynn who with Stevenson admitted, “We were terrorism suspects,” Akar was “dying to meet with us and he can’t come out of the states right now because of terrorism we (duff and Stevenson) planted in the building,” in 2018, and these individuals received bribery from our adversaries and how many women have worked against war crimes for 20 plus years to find out weakening American forward readiness was behind receipt of bribery from our adversaries.

Biden worked hard for Turkey to be honorable and honest financially and we keep honest standing as Americans.

We did recover all controllers and Biden was delivered them and others have been identified as Chinese side based on data and they were harmful. Obama had been fired from DOJ and these individuals are hold over in the background as they accepted Russian bribery

Will the outgoing administration be able to repay their war debt, differential and Covid expenses and individuals could be held personally responsible.

Cocaine was obvious and instructed to perform and those Russian ones we’re still going after. They had an impact on turkey and on decreasing forward readiness.

God works here and is free. I work for him.

I hope this is confirmed as Romney said on December 1, 2020, “I am am now arraignable for the covid we created with G and his team,” referring to Gordon Duff  and Trump administration both owned by adversaries and Biden did receive their paypoints accounts and those can be used against him and applied to costs by Merrick Garland as part of an ongoing housing investigation. “We were given the war crimes debt” they said  and it has been found that individuals who accepted Russian bribery were in the same position so who else could be included and Bill Gates comes up.

As he was forced to resign from Microsoft long ago during trump administration whose officials were photographed serving his cottage industry, how much do they have left against Covid and we do have other high profile people we can charge for American’s sickness and the vacation industry must be made aware of who is liable and the Department of Justice must be ready to charge those individuals for millions of travelers harmed since March 15, 2019.

How much revenue comes to California from vacations and who is liable for Covid?

Biden should never be second to treason and owned individuals.

Media appearances should be mine made up as a beautiful honest asset and all data should be used against anyone harming Americans or internationals

Turkey had been ruined by trump team and our armed forces had been confused and lost ground through 2019. Secularism should remain strong with anti-colonialism because we have a non-owned President with a non owned first lady.

“We all could have been vacated,” known about the owned trump administration and in reality that was the people’s will who believed in Mueller time and did not know how bribed they all were. 87% wanted them removed.

What would that 87% feel about giving them free apartments as a severance package to import adversaries to steal their jobs? That is what I reported on here:

Payment due to me.

Can someone at Department of Defense status my combat by intelligence means as assigned combat for 23 years with Military Beat as a startup where I learned what some did in the background against us, and we do not fall to our adversaries.  The best thing that we can do is collect their data and Biden was amazing saying “We charged back the wealthy landowners,”  and that brought funds in to fuel our fight against owned ones. Depositions have been filed by us.

Can you imagine if he published a list and stopped them, those 31 members creating debt and charging us for it. “31 members are under arraignment” versus Senator Patrick Leahy is up for reelection in 2022 and “those are my leadership for agenda 21” as he said. So we should campaign against him and them as we have all data against him, search @a_diener and 3 aliens are left. We know they are owned and should never arrest Americans and their names need to be published for the American people to secure their common interests against those who sided against them unknowingly and vote as many as they can out.

We have a duty to inform the American people who do not know those who suppress our freedom and we are a Constitutional government for good and we can pay out debt backed notes because Janet Yellen  knows Colorado has snow

Americans must serve their interests honorably and we serve all based on what we know and uncover.





Gold Program

Based on the flimsy construction of the SN10 it is not right for space. Seeing it explode again yesterday caused me to think about our gold program spacecraft that must be brought back to Biden Administration officials and is it found at the home of individuals caught yet again laundering drug money for Trump? They may have it there to keep it hidden so America cannot be independent in space travel, free from private interests who were too involved in their drug trade previously. Those individuals are separate from Biden Administration and outed.

Our gold program is sturdy. It has thrusters that enable humans to travel to other galaxies in 5 days. We need a real space force and the gold program is like a MIG 29 or F-16 fighter versus the SN10, a twin engine plane repurposed for show. We want the real ships to be made and used by our pilots in space to work on all 10 planets.  Thinking about when the arrived here, their captain was killed and he was human. There were two humans who arrived on gold spacecraft and they joined in the fight against the large boulder builder harvester that was later exploded. One died. The captain was later killed by Trump Administration. We did not approve of the killing of him.

He went through the sun that day and could not handle the velocity they created. Humans belong in space and that can be accomplished with the Biden Administration. We do not need jails built for anyone and it is a completely separate administration organized

This was small time drug trade this morning and it is illegal

Do not explode my space craft that had been given to drug users under Trump and we intend to use it for manufacturing with Biden officials. What is the value of that spacecraft?  This is an ongoing story. The gold program directly competes with Russia


“Vegas shooters were turned in again” said by me regarding Robert L Stevenson and I was promised they would receive 10 years for that and Gordon Duff  “trying to launder a little drug money” as a low life con.

A good day ahead for us.

Practical and real pays.

It was found out the MIG was sold to Russia before the USS Lincoln was approached by a Russian submarine.

We have 97 controllers in Biden’s hands and that was part of my planet ownership.

Constitutionalist and journalist and politician

I am a war crimes expert based on 23 years standing up for Americans.

We own the Planet with Bernie Sanders.

John Kiriakou is our side

“We have gold standard, the tax money was delivered and the differential has been paid” and can continue to be debited as housing values fluctuate against cocaine properties.

We to go after all russian convictions and those who accepted bribery from our adversaries and it is a violation of the 14th and we have all data to include ongoing facts for prosecutions.

Differential is the value of existing homes when compared to the cocaine properties and if they were considered excess

I hope we have our gold program and I can help Americans get into space for development there sustainability

“We received a letter of resignation from the Biden administration,” said and known so they should not harm American people.

I work hard for the American people and own our planet with Sean.

We have an audit coming up of the NSA and all data to include package installs and other spending should be included to be stopped

Maxwell arraignments should happen

Cheney was an arrest warrant in Missouri.

“I was a bench warrant in texas” said bush post tribunal and is he still and they are liable for 20 years of war crimes to include stock market crime from 2008 and we need to know how much they will pay back.

Christopher Wray had been arrested in los angeles and it was lied about.

“We passed her up for the war crimes tribunal,” and that is on record as of 2 years ago, so I should be allowed to participate with all data against the suspects we are auditing and all data used  to include all crimes committed that could impact Biden foreign policy decision making.  Discretionary spending is needed and I deserve my planet money from this administration  and deserve to work on my projects in all 50 states to make up for the stolen money from me for 20 years since my magazine money was stolen by the same people. I and the American people deserve a reset to 2000 with checks in hand from the Justice Department rather than from the war criminals tabulating my harvester kills as credits for them and Biden, “We are going to calculate those monies as straight credits at $1 per pound for 7 billion people” said and that awards me a check for $128 million.

Biden won by vote and was against aliens landing. Bernie Sanders can collect our payment and we can have fun working on our global sustainability projects which I have 17 years research and development on. We need American exports to compete with China and Russia.

A little about the history of our galaxy

Invaders to our Galactic sun said, “Let’s just give this world a devil and that way we can always just fight against him,” and he was a British boy who went to an American school. He stole $463,000 from me.  I want that recovered with interest as both were involved with 9/11 and one loved adelson who died and he was upset at the kill team that killed kennedy and I turned in the in and out shooters today again for a cocaine transaction to FBI

“Everybody deserves to be rich not broke” were his childhood words and that is what we have

I was blamed for 9/11 with the headset that was installed as the guilty party after it was conducted and I keep working for every victim to achieve compensation from the guilty parties including myself, so how can we achieve that today? Sanders did not have anything to do with 9/11 and neither did I, however Gates intimidated us from campaigning and now with Biden, how do we insure financial standing against them and it took a lot of work to identify the guilty

Constitutionalism is our guarantee.

Good standing is important.

The only way we will compete with our adversaries is to develop our 10 planets without hand stamping and that gives us something to dream about.

Congress should deliver the recovery money in huge amounts to compete as the CCP members all got paid

Biden won the election and has to move quickly on advancing human interests

Our projects would recreate the breadbasket of America and China, bring waste to energy to developed and developing countries and help deliver zero waste homes internationally.

Why would people hurt me for wanting America to be number one and knowing how we can achieve it

Agenda ended 3 months ago and so we are ready to work on good jobs creation projects here.

My first question of the day is how do I help our country to be successful.

Differential should be posted daily against paypoints members if foreclosures exist as those are devalued properties and we knew they used cocaine because he started the cocaine cartel. Cocaine was delivered daily and that was openly discussed, and not my fault as I turned them all in for down south. How would someone on a poster pay me for the planet? I deserve straight payment by Presidential seal from Joseph Biden and John Kerry for us to compete.

Planet payments could be a direct payment through meeting me

In any other country I would look like a dynamic woman by now

The best question I picked up is “As gates did 9/11 why am I receiving a vaccine from him.”  We know he did Covid and we need to pursue full liability against their profiteering. I do not write as consumer advocate for no action to be taken and it must be public. We are stronger than they are and need to see them as depositions to be filed against them for future debiting.  It would be nice to have a healthy planet. We are.

White stuff dead