Reading the article in Veterans Today about “China’s power move against the US dollar,” it is so frustrating to watch US loose. I have been watching this since 1997, and while it is not surprising that we are loosing the currency battle, it is amazing that no one sticks up for our country financially. The average people work every day, have families and struggle to make it while bankers and government officials negotiate our future. That is what we pay them for, but how do we know they are working on our behalf and not for themselves?
We would assume that someone is watching? With all of the mass NSA surveillance, the CIA masterminds, Think Tanks and government sponsored research, we assume that we would be protected, but it seems no one is watching. One of the most telling portions of the article is a quote by Paul B. Farrell, “Early warnings of a crash are dismissed over and over (“just a temporary correction”). They gradually numb us about the inevitable. Time after time we forget history’s lessons. Until finally a big surprise catches us totally off-guard. Financial historian Niall Ferguson put it this way: Before the crash, our world seems almost stationary, deceptively so, balanced, at a set point. So that when the crash finally hits — as inevitably it will — everyone seems surprised. And our brains keep telling us it’s not time for a crash. “
I have been warning in my posts on Facebook about the potential for another crash because of the Yuan since after the debt ceiling crisis when Congress refused to raise the debt ceiling. The Chinese were asking the world to seek a more stable currency. People don’t believe anything can happen and that we/US are on our way back up, which we are, but there is something hiding in the background that we are unaware of and it is China’s watch on us as well as their encouragement through silence about our banker’s misdeeds as well as the countless other political and military misdeeds. They have not spoken up, lest we be charged in the International Court. Why? Why have we been given free reign in the international world? Because those who have power could care less to save us and our people. They have worked methodically with those in power to encourage our downfall.
When the CIA tortured and renditioned people did Russia or China complain to the International Court? Did they complain with the NSA surveillance? How about wars launched based on false pretenses? No, they just watched as an observer, on the sidelines, recording our deeds. Those who ordered these illegal activities were glad, as though they had been given a green light, and those who were onlookers- sometimes followers – could not believe how much “power we had.” They were not aware that the background has been patiently waiting, watching, noting, using those very power hungry moments to eventually bring forward our demise. The same threat of “Freedom of the People” is indeed a valid threat to the background. They have used our leaders to maneuver us into position to where our freedom is no longer valid, our leaders are no longer valid and we have no real money when they determine what is money and what is debt. We have given them that power.
The leaders who may actually care refuse to face it and would rather be surprised and say “Oh, I could not have imagined that this would have happened,” should the bubble burst and the Yuan become the reserve currency and the petrolyuan.
China has been preparing for this for years. They have saturated the developing world with development capital, sponsored education initiatives for people to learn Chinese in those same countries and developed trade, as well as partnerships economically and politically. This is their right.
What I am sad about is that American leaders would rather be like ostriches with their heads in the oil rich sand or worse act out because they think no one is watching them, as they think that we are the lone super power. The funny thing about many of those leaders who suffer from extreme hubris is that their PNAC, Project for a New American Century, might as well be called PNCC, Project for a New Chinese Century because they have given them all of the power to create this through their own un-prosecuted misdeeds, untruths and lack of accountability for crimes against thousands if not tens and maybe hundreds of thousands. The inability to work in a productive environment rather choosing a militaristic, oil and/or corporate interest one has also been a benefit for those who wish to defeat the American ideal of Liberty and Justice for ALL. Perhaps Nixon had a plan. Perhaps he admired a controlled system, and he and his partners worked to help build it. Then they made it superior to ours and then made it surpass ours silently using intelligent minds so that we, the American people, could be controlled. This is conjuncture, but I wonder how such “freedom loving, bright minds” were able to miss everything going on? Perhaps they are just ostriches?
Perhaps heads will roll in the future, but this may be too late as we have no idea what diplomacy or balance are because of our false air of superiority. The only way out is for us to acknowledge this or America will become the new Babylon. Sad I have watched it for so long.