After living in Alaska for what is now to be my third winter, meaning over two years, it has been hard to return to the world, I worked so hard in as a web designer because internet connectivity was terrible where I was first working when I moved here, Chena Hot Springs Resort. I lost over 100 websites and domain names when I was there as well as most of my renewable energy business. And what is even worse is that I was not aware and could not fight back for the American consumer against the software and computing industry that was rapidly switching to applications versus programs.
I always hated applications, the word, Application is criminal for something you purchase and own out right. It is like you have to apply and apply for what you already own. President Joe Biden was after the fees and regulations, and so hopefully he will actually take a look at this to really make a difference to the American consumer. Can you imagine we bought programs for $250 to $300 and sometimes more and owned them for life, meaning we could do all we wanted to, design all we wanted and enjoy our creativity all we wanted forever for what we paid for on our own home and small business computers?
Now what do we have, we have Adobe Photoshop and Dreamweaver available for $29.95 per month, forever with no payoff date.
Can we restore owned software for the American people? The American people should demand it or work harder for Open Source software to replace anything charging them monthly. We like it Free and Free and Independent is America.
There are so many angry customers who do not buy into what those currently at Adobe are saying, “Our aging activation servers for earlier versions of Acrobat and Creative Suite (CS) applications had to be retired. You won’t be able to activate these apps, as these activation servers are no longer available.”
They are Programs and not applications, and we should sue them for nuancing their programs into pay per month applications. Someone really needs to attack them in the media for their intention to create applications to charge us monthly versus the American people paying for their programs and purchasing them outright. Did we suspect it? Think about the word, application, we do not want to apply to use something we bought and own outright just because we enjoy using it. It is like if your microwave demanded pay per use in your own home.
Like they could not have a simple database like before, and are we too stupid as software users and developers to stand up for ourselves and the people we want to have spending. What is bleeding the American graphic designer and computer user more than recurring fees?
Wait, wasn’t that what Biden was talking about addressing? Fees, and he wants to be reelected. He needs to end applications billed monthly for standard software we used to purchase as this is bilking the consumer. Can someone raise the issue?
Remember when those computer geeks spoke to Congress? We knew there was something in the background. I will not pay monthly for what I have on my old computer, and I will keep it running. Only pay monthly for what you need and eliminate all expenses that are unneeded. We want programs and not applications. Programs are simpler, and applications are a nice way to cloud our judgment into paying more for what we already had.
One Angry consumer on the Adobe Website, said, “Adobe realized there were people like me who loved their old programs and were perfectly content with not updating to the “latest-and-greatest” Creative Cloud subscription nonsense (personally, I’d be happy with things as old as Photoshop 7 and Illustrator 8; I tend to find a lot of the new itterations have added nothing of use to me). They took away the download of the new activation-free installer and the code-trading input. I still have the installer package for the no-server programs (it survived the hard drive migration just fine), but without the no-server activation code, it is useless. Now, the software which had a perpetual license has NO license! Adobe has essentially stolen the program from me!”
Restore Programs for the American people, and save every consumer $29.95 per month for what they already own. Imagine every designer in our country paying those fees per month for every month versus outright ownership of their Programs. Complain:
When the applications came out I asked myself because I felt uncomfortable about them, “Should I not protest them way more?” And then the NSA voice said, “Oh no they are something that is comming out for these small businesses to inprove their web development,” said and we will protest and force them to stop charging us for what We Own (Owned in some cases if you don’t have your old computer- Remember old computers have owned programs you don’t have to pay monthly for). We own our planet and will not be bilked and we will earn more than they do as business owners in US money those disgusting pricks need to credit us against what they lie about