According to Wikipedia, “The proposal was to amend the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act. According to Amash, the amendment: ‘sought to bar the NSA and other agencies from using Section 215 of the Patriot Act to collect records’, thereby ending the mass surveillance of Americans.”
Who will stand up now to protect Americans from mass surveillance in the world of artificial intelligence and other harmful advanced technologies. We need a strong Progressive Left and Right. I am not a fan of anything taking the place of humans on our planet. We need to be smarter as humans and not outfox ourselves with advanced technologies making it difficult for ourselves to function. With the 2024 election ahead, we remember lots of things, and who will stand up and speak loudest for us? They chose to say these were Clinton Schumer packages, while because deposed for crimes I did not mention stole 2016 Trump administration harmed the American people, he set both Clinton and Schumer up
Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for a Perfectly Put Planet to Defeat all Enemies foreign and Domestic for Money to be for Everyone in US Dollars forever backed by Gold
God and I brought down Olord, and we do not like harmful ever part of our lives, finding out WTC1 and we know the others and Fun is not, “I like to use NDAA to torture people,” We want a President who pays the tortured by NDAA
More to come