California is suffering complete mismanagement of its housing sector.
The jobs creation myth of November was in the housing sector fueled with cocaine monies versus earned income through real development and below the surface there is very little real income creation. Where is the next sector to advance and where will our capital come from. What comes up is junk bonds, however this is the predictable formula of the Paul Allen banksters that stole 2018. Should they be charged with financial crime by now and forced to repay the debt they have caused since 1994, and the beginning of their criminal quest in Orange County.
They have wanted to manage my data in the background and it was found out yesterday, “We’ll coordinate the evidence from here and once the old guard is extinguished, we’ll take power,” said Andy Swetnam, working with Allen team, the root of the junk bonds for bankruptcy I am against. He, Burlingame & Gordon Duff are related & against us all. Robert Stevenson is a go between in their quest and used to go back and forth with the old guard who sponsored the cocaine guys, I am against and deal with their ramifications not to harm the homeowners here.
The other day this almost happened, “Now we shit can the ‘cocaine guys’ and put Burlingame in,” said a cocaine punk I refer to as the old woman’s purse snatcher Darrell Issa had sponsored before. Issa and others encouraged them to use cocaine so I would not be picked up as an intelligence professional or Presidentially. The cocaine guys are Stevenson and some of the old guard who have been laundering drug money for the housing in the land grab that is expected to crash our housing market and Burlingame and the cocaine punk were in on it. Stevenson has been more honorable, and according to the authorities here he is OK. I hate Swetnam and know he and Burlingame have been working for bankruptcy against everyone including likely the District Attorney I am not fond of and Gore, the Sheriff. They are not human and have fooled our community into going for their ideas that do harm our community. Maybe someday those who were told to hate me, may ask for my advice because I knew these alien agenda people before and had the same experience, that they are sweet and kind to your face and ready to go behind your back to profiteer at any moment. They are like Russian brides, only worse.
The old guard has been used to control our White House, and is involved with them to their own detriment as Swetnam, Burlingame with Paul Allen likely wanted to extinguish them, the old guard, which makes it challenging for the voters who I work for to make any real change. The old guard is criminal in their own way with the attempted stock market and housing crashes they are attempting that I am still fighting in my own way, embedded here, or who knows maybe they can help to solve the problem without the crash to the homeowners. It would give them an opportunity to be heroes. What is life like without being heroic, nothing worth living.
What does winning look like? Winning to me is for our country’s financial standing to be number one globally, that is Presidential, I hope the impeachment goes on as scheduled and as deposed Trump stole 2016 that we have a chance to review as voters his personal use of the White House for profiteering against the voters. It is only 50 days until the Primary first voters go to the polls. Donald Trump must be treated as a civilian for prosecution purposes. The role of the President of the United States as Chief of state refers to the President as the head of the government. “He (she) is the symbol of all the people.” In this instance the individual whose team directly stated and is proven to have stolen the 2016 election used our White House for drug money laundering for housing and prostitution purposes. I have wanted the Epstein case reopened and found out that I had been harmed by those same individuals likely as our negative holder, made pre-sexual as a teenager and that is who is doing surveillance and monitoring here as Duff team, who is more the Burlingame side, as he negotiated with them more. I deserve victim’s compensation. Imagine old men watching you shower with the Russian mafia allowed to know when you shower to launder drug money for unneeded housing you testified against.
“Keep up the cocaine planet,” said here for the housing to continue that does nothing but devalue the voters earned income. They are doing that in the eyes of the authorities here who if they earn $120,000 ($58 per hour) a year are being devalued themselves at a rate of $500,000 per large transaction for the the housing. In reality though, if the housing becomes worthless as more people are moving out of California than into California, then what is the point of the drug money laundering for the housing. They did not really think it through and it was the idea of a guy named Gabriel, who Stevenson hit with a directed energy weapon causing his car to overturn on the freeway and hit a guardrail and is why he is known as guardrail boy I did see it, had nothing to do with it and reported it and individuals known as “gargoyles” with Stevenson were hired to launder the money for the housing.
If the housing is really marketed, meaning they have to find buyers for it, as area homes are selling for about 20% below market value, these houses would have to sell for around 30% of their value, so that puts them at around $200,000. This then lowers the home that is selling at 20% in value down to 50% of its value at $250,000. Will the housing even sell? Who will buy it? It is supply and demand standard in business. I testified against this in advance to prevent calamities such as this from happening. Solutions yet?
Constitutional Republic stands here.
The agency guys knew deposed stole 2016 Donald Trump was a criminal when he came into the White House, so hopefully we can exact change at the right moment to help the American homeowner out during the holidays with our resources, and not allow them to control the conversation to continue to rob us blind long after, as this is expected to hit in February.
A victims compensation fund for all California homeowners needs to be setup for when the downturn occurs as the gargoyles and Gabriel as well as all of those laundering drug money should be held responsible for the decline in values and can prepare to sue in advance House and Senate Select members who partnered with them including Senators Mitch McConnell, Patrick Leahy and Chuck Schumer. We are aware now of who they are and they need to be arraigned for the money laundering. This crime has real holdings with lots of off the books accounting of large sums of cocaine money.