We need to kick Bush out of financial circles. They were involved in the 2008 stock market crash and continue to operate in the background attempting to steal from you with members of the Senate and House. They see your hard work and savings like it is their ATM, with deposed stole 2016 Trump saying previously, “I hope they can crash the stock market, so I can put a little extra money in my pocket.” Here on American soil, your home values are not sacred to them. The years of work you put into your equity is available to them through drug money laundering to develop housing. The other day I felt very afraid for the homeowners in this area that have been hit repeatedly by Dick Cheney’s team. It is criminal that they have been using the overhead here. Their intention was to heat the area up to devalue existing property owners and build new ones which they are attempting to sell even now as the same homes are more or less on the market that were available more than one year ago.
In the background, they tried to start the Iraq war again to profit from us.
What is it about the war on terrorism that they are fans of, manufactured enemies, to cause PTSD later on because there is nothing worth fighting for. The only time a war is worth fighting is when there is a cause that you are protecting and defending. If not, it is just manufactured for the coffers of Congressional members already over bloated with cocaine money. And Congressional members profiteer with their friends. They accept huge payments for voting. The border wall funding was a huge contention with some people attempting to use the wall as a show of strength against illegal immigrants, however it was a sign of weakness. Our border patrol has the skills to stop illegal immigration without a wall if illegals and methamphetamine are not encouraged to cross the border. Currently the lack of effectiveness is in enforcement. It seems from looking around, there are fewer illegals because of economics in the San Diego area and this is true based on the article here. More Mexicans are moving from the US to Mexico than are coming here. Some Americans are also moving south of the border to find more affordable living.
So what was the border wall about and what is the background based on truth. It is about Congressional members and others generating income through voting for issues that are glamorized in the media that have no basis in reality. Some were paid as much as $350,000 to $450,000 to vote for the border wall which could be seen as a useless monolithic idea as real Mexicans are leaving our country while others are stuck in detention centers sucking up tax dollars. Why do they keep them there? These immigrants could be rapidly deported to relieve our tax burden.
It is the same group that I have been reporting on that are connected to Les Wexner who started Jeffrey Epstein in his prostitution later drug money laundering ring, the Patrick Leahy and Chuck Schumer wing of Democratic members in the Senate that keep coalescing with the Republican majority leaders to keep walls around our country and jails in between, useless basically and done for profiteering. The wall was very popular for them because of Oleg Deripaska and other oligarchs likely that had steel interests and they used their steel also in harmful building construction of hotels and office buildings. Do we need many of the buildings they constructed, likely no. In China long ago when they experienced building such as this that is useless, they actually had to destroy empty buildings because there were no businesses or people to put in them and it costs too much to maintain the vacant buildings. Timing is required to remove them from our lives for good.
Leahy came here criminally to profiteer against the locals when he found out about my negative install and partnered with another individual who had hopped to steal from American citizens through deposed Trump who stole 2016 and stole 2016 Clinton, they were hoping for, “the biggest heist we’ve ever had.” Just getting them removed here would be good enough.
Why this started in San Diego County, Senator Patrick Leahy found out about me and said, “She did all this revoking and stuff, maybe we can make a mint over there,” in a corrupt tone. What gave them the right to come here to profiteer? I had also provided testimony that did depose Donald Trump for the same activity Leahy attempted to do here with the land grab. As the testimony has been validated currently through visually seen properties, there should be no reason for them to operate here. We should be in adjudication of the properties garnered through cocaine money laundering.
“We don’t want to bring communism in here we just want to make a few minor changes to your native space,” Leahy said to individuals in our city he met with regarding the housing. This housing if sold is set to devalue all San Diego County homeowners. Profiteering has consequences on others.
They are also part of the same bloated group above with Wexner. Leahy pretends in the media to be Democratic, however from the way he has behaved here, there is a very criminal side to him. I am not sure why Bernie Sanders would accept his endorsement thinking about the way Leahy behaves privately. They should be personally responsible for their housing and not expect cocaine money laundering to pay their way. How much money do Senators have a right to earn through their positions. Is there recourse for the local community faced with declining home values if these homes go on the market and do not sell, remember some of the same houses that were for sale two years ago are still for sale.
Does their game have an end here where the homes are removed and illegals in detention centers are deported.
We need a reoffenders list of financial criminals. America does not need to repeat the same scenario over and over only to looe money.
Finally an answer to question we always asked about 2008 401K crash conducted by Bush Carlyle, it was admitted on August 26, 2019, by George W Bush, “We created those with the stock brokers,” 401Ks to steal American citizens money by crash.
How can we secure our money from them and not be a walking ATM for individuals who are “popular” in the media. Are they really popular? If America knew what they did before, they would be very unpopular, like watching your earnings statement drop by 40-60% in several months after working years to save those funds, and that guy speaking to you on TV is the one who cost you those years of savings. How many hours did Bush steal of your work in 2008. These people are in the background and continue to attempt to steal the same way using the same methods only few report on their criminal activities.
How does it work globally? They are connected through computing and likely use machines to create variances and fluctuations in the market to bleed the market. Here locally our housing market is impacted by these Democrats who pretend to be nice and when you look at their websites and media, they are for the people, however behind the scenes they are involved with organized crime that has been ongoing since the the 1990’s.
The cocaine cartel that began in 1992, after the murder of media mogul Robert Maxwell played a significant role, deposed stole 2016 Trump used the funds from Ghislaine, his daughter who arranged him being thrown off a yacht in Italy, to start the cartel to scam America through the housing they would develop now with those members of the House and the Senate. Trump said on October 31, 2018, “We obviously used that money (Gordon Maxwell’s) money for funding back then,” to fund the cocaine arms network now known as the one “down south.” He is the only candidate who stole 2016 and has a cocaine cartel in operation. Trump is also deposed for the land grab that cartel is laundering funds into.
The advanced weaponry has been used here with the authorization of the Justice Department through Robert Mueller. “I only had the cocaine men’s best interests in mind,” Mueller said on October 31, 2018. “That is what this space based weapon is for, to make money for them.” Why are they allowed to make money through drug money laundering that is pure profiteering through devaluing. As the space based weapon is devaluing California, shouldn’t the Justice Department be responsible here for compensating homeowners for the values they lost in equity. It is now Primary 2020, and how out of control our Justice Department is should be a concern to every voter, authorizing money laundering for devaluing and using harmful weapons on American citizens and soil to devalue their homes and equity. Will Christopher Wray finally be shut down who has been slowly reduced in his participation with the down south cocaine cartel. Mueller was turned down for FBI director as Wray had already been hired because he was part of Trump’s cocaine cartel.
When you see Leahy and Schumer opposing deposed stole 2016 Trump in public on TV, realize that it is just a lie, as they participate with them directly here for the same housing Trump is deposed for.
Congressional members such as Adam Schiff and others have been blindsided by harmful “star beings” called “Nixon ones,” that steal from us daily with telephony. “That’s what we use the telephony for,” to launder drug money, said one of the Nixon aliens Congressional members have partnered with. She has brown short hair and looks very sophisticated with her computers, yet is a high priced thief, seriously.
They also use the telephony to raid the stock market and friends admitted about being proud of their partnership with these harmful extraterrestrials calles Nixons, “Wall Street crime was ours since The Nixons came to town.” They likely participate on the back ends of all stock markets to make traders fooled into investing into stock market options to fail later on. When you think about millions of seniors and others who are amateurs “playing the stock market” as sophisticated predators lurk on the back end to fool them daily this group must be outed as the participate globally through microtargeting many.
The fun thing to watch is what is focussed on by political people aligned with them. The opioid crisis, prescription return day as they launder away. The news cycle is set by this small group of inmates on my planet that I hold dear to me. We need to change that and report real news. such as the election convictions that need to be made before the Primary. Why are we letting prostitution and drug money laundering get in the way. People do not care about the average American like I do.
How it began
In 1989, Wexner purchased the Birch Wathen School for $13.2 million according to an article found here. This was the New York home, 9 East 71st St, New York, NY was identified in the victims’ testimonies, including that of the woman who withdrew her suit, now known as Johnson. The home did not change hands until 2012 when Epstein transferred the home to an off shore company located in the Virgin Islands. The signature match on the document that was recorded. The home was owned by a corporation, NINE EAST 71ST STREET CORPORATION, so it is unclear if Wexner ever released his interests in the corporation. It is also unknown if Wexner held an interest in the other properties including the private island in the Virgin Islands and the ranch owned in New Mexico which were mentioned in the victim’s testimonies. These are harmful sexual predators with Wathenites, religious right men aroused by cross dressing with sexual perversion. They are very compromised with communist Chinese generals. It has been reported that General Joseph Dunford is aligned with Fang Fenghui who said “I keep him under my payroll,” said about General Joseph Dunford, who pictured here was a former top Chinese general, who has been given a life sentence for taking and distributing bribes and possessing a large amount of property whose origins he could not account for. Why is Dunford not charged yet for participating with him on American soil against American citizens net worth through real estate development even at times with them. Dunford aligned himself with Russia and those who stole your ballots in 2018, which is a felony. It should be a felony to aid and abet election thieves launder drug money for housing developments with communist Chinese spies. Their last partner is someone who Democrats dismiss as a school marm, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who has participated with them and the communist Chinese.
Who cares for local homeowners values. I do. I just want to testify and expose this story to prevent the devaluing they have conducted through money laundering. A few weeks ago the real focus was to stop the money laundering, and I wonder why did this focus stop. They allegedly had to finish the houses. Why? Why couldn’t they play nice people and give them up yet to American ignorant. Turn down the campaign money offered by Bush supporters and Carlyle beneficiaries. It is election time and the world will stop them hopefully sooner than expected. Trump stole 2016, admittedly and it proven through the exit polling data from last time also. That is a felony against the voters, 74 percent of American people every day and illegal with the permitted Russian hacking of wide open voting machines then, our country has been compromised through their leadership every day.