I testified against the “largest land grab” Donald Trump has tried to orchestrate here on American soil, and that in conjunction with financial crimes relating to terrorism deposed him back on August 8. 2017. The missing piece of the puzzle was the cocaine shipments that are now identified as the means to conduct the land grab and real estate transactions through third parties at behest of the billionaires Trump made promises to back in 1991.
In 1991 when Trump met with these individuals aboard the yacht, he said to the billionaires, “I think I found a way we can pull a scam on America.” One of the billionaires I uncovered today replied then, “Tell me about it we don’t like America being so tough for us.” It is likely he is in the maritime or related shipping industry and was being closely examined.
This plan behind the scenes has gone on for many years to, during the Administration of Trump, ship in large quantities of cocaine across open borders, and this was confirmed yet again this morning by the billionaire mentioned above. The billionaires are using a known third party to conduct the transactions privately and involve senior Trump team personnel to enjoy the real estate profits from cocaine money laundering. They stole election 2016 to conduct such transactions, in all likelihood. Congress has been informed and knows Trump teams stole election 2016, and the Navy informed people here that Trump stole election 2016, when they came here to pick me up after the deposal of Trump. The billionaires replaced their original plan with this augmented plan that coordinates the Guilty in September 11th, with Vladimir Putin and other intelligence assets they hired due to the testimony I provided. This was confirmed this morning by an individual involved who said, “This whole scam was done to replace the movers and shakers money that lost because of the testimony.”
Gordon Duff is running the operation through his private company with the agency man’s company who was hired by Navy to depose Trump. This was the guy, Brian Stafford who has been coordinating with Christopher Wray to continue the cocaine land grab after the deposal.
Stafford after deposal Trump, he was privately asked whether they should stop the land grab he had deposed Trump for replied, “I don’t see why. We’ll just continue on with the plan we had in place before we deposed him.” These billionaires did not want to be caught obviously. However, these rich guys who were anticipating their drug money have held us back from releasing the US Gold standard and delivering my money back, our British Commonwealth money to the American people.
The billionaire this morning admitted, “We intended to bring this drug money in here. This is my cash cow,” he said about Donald Trump.
I found the billionaire when I continued an interrogation this morning. I uncovered Duff had been running the private party operation through his company likely, when a small asset was outed. Duff was heard over the telephony communicating with the billionaire. After I outed the small asset he said he was resigning from the private company Duff setup once he found out Duff and team as well as others may shoot him for being vulnerable.
Duff explained to the billionaire the path he chose to hide his trafficking and set up a screen to the Central Agency Director with Putin operating the cartel here on American soil virtually and giving orders, through the small assett running the operation. “That’s how we set it up with that little go-between ,” Duff said to a high-sounding voice who replied, “you play with the rich never again” to him.
I read the small American asset’s mind earlier this morning, which many people do, and he was unshielded. Do not shoot the asset. I found out he was controlled by Putin who told him, “I told you to keep the guys on cocaine.” The small asset had told Haspel earlier they were going to use Full Spectrum Dominance in the area as private contractors to likely devalue real estate.
Haspel said, “We get to use overhead heating,” against California homeowners and residents this morning to a likely conversation she was having with the asset. Then she wanted to make it painful for us here in California and said, “Hot,” as if enjoying turning up the heat here. They stole election 2016, intending on stealing from American citizens and on April 12, 2019, Haspel said,”I hope the cocaine works,” to devalue American citizens assets. “So we all make money that way.” It seemed like they were entrusting some other group to run their cocaine money to distance themselves from it that day.
We did not vote for Trump teams, 74 % of American citizens did not vote for them. The other 26%, if they were told about the cocaine trafficking and devaluing of their assets would likely want to remove Trump and those associated with the reduced liquidity and theft.
Haspel said this morning to Duff “this whole idea of the cocaine bribery was to have it all,” as if she was his customer and knew their team was getting outed. It illegal drug trafficking after election theft, and they deserve to be outed in their entirety with the billionaires who were involved with Trump since the yacht party in 1991.
These billionaires as this one stated, “We did not want to be known as drug launders. Now they know we could participate and we don’t want to be taken to jail.” This is drug trafficking and it is illegal. They chose a private third party to conduct their operation that is also outed, and Haspel needs to be removed. The entire stole 2016 should be charged today for the cocaine land grab.
These billionaires have been anticipating their riches from the cocaine trafficking and he said, “For 10 years now I’ve wanted cocaine to get over the border.”
When asked if he was pro-legalization of cocaine? He replied, “No. I’m not pro-legalization of cocaine.” That is trafficking. These are large transactions as was reported earlier in the $500 billion range and higher.
What gives them the right to traffic cocaine across the border and into local ports? There was another shipment busted in Long Beach recently worth $1.29 billion in methamphetamine. I am not sure if it is related, however the $500 million shipments have been tracked here in conjunction with the real estate purchases.
Ten years ago during Barack Obama’s administration they began preparations for these transactions.
Remotely interviewed this morning, Obama said, in 2009 “it could not go through he said I said it could not go through I said we could make preparations for it.”
There is a whole world full of things that they can produce and develop illegally why cocaine? I am President of the United States, Constitutional and against cocaine trafficking, I was not aware of that was part of the land grab I testified against. No communism.
This cocaine trafficking reduces American standing every day.