I have a friend who refers to Mitt Romney as a snake oil salesman and that part is true when you look at his face. One would never have imagined what he did to me with his following in my home.
“She’s got her vagina controlled by those aliens of Romney’s” said and they are disgusting in my opinion. I am a love focussed person and a con man said that I unconsented energetic sex with him because of my setup feelings for him. He set out to make me fall in love with him, and claimed those were grounds for statutory rape. I imagined having sex with him and he is married. I wrote with him at Veterans Today, and he is part of Jeffrey Epstein’s group with Leslie Wexner and I had no idea how he was into setting up young women with pre-sexual behavior I was lured into, even when I was young. He admitted recently “We wanted to make her just like we are,” having sex with no meaning I am against. He actually intended on that when he took off his shirt on a Skype call to lure me in with Putin’s team and said in his mind before the call, “I’m going to make Ann fall in love with me.” He used that fake relationship with him and worked with Gene Khrushchev and Vladimir Putin to try to have America fall to Russia because he knew how I work, for America first. In reality knowing who he is now, I would have never liked him. I called him in July of 2017 and felt he was a crusty con artist salesman and this was after that phone call, I stopped liking him then and have turned him in repeatedly. There has been commentary in the background regarding this alleged statutory rape that in my opinion never existed because he and I knew he set me up, and I did not fall in love with him.
Updated 2/23/2020, last night and I am putting this here to understand scientifically how this works, Carol Duff, his wife said in regards to my vagina, and from my understanding they both have green alien parts, previously spoken about by even Duff, “I’ve got to look at her vagina to see if I should add some enzymes to those jailer guys in town.” What do the enzymes do? Increases sexual arousal for them. Why is she allowed to “look in my vagina?” It makes you want to cover yourself and I am disgusted. Sex locally is not needed. We have earth’s magma flowing. Why are they impacting my life? Please remove them from here.
Early on this was Gordon Duff’s intention.
“We tried to ruin Ann Diener,” I found out later, and I continue to work against his outcomes. He is a war criminal I found out solidly who was kicked out of Iraq in 1991 to later join George Soros to embezzle oil and harm our service members overseas playing a duplicitous game with what he writes at Veterans Today to fuel their business. He did not like that I provided accurate testimony against Donald Trump and hated that I work for American standing to be number one as well as our service members to defeat all enemies foreign and domestic. He knew I am married in my heart to our country. That is all I care about.
Our government sometimes does not know when they are being stolen from and that is what I watch for. He embezzles funds, so obviously he would be against me.
The vaginal portion hurts and when I heard this today, I actually was emotional about it. It is like what gives them the right to mutilate my body for their sex stuff. When I saw a documentary about the Mormon women being submissive, having sex at 14 years old, this rang true to me to correspond with this type of behavior from Romney. I am non religious, however I care about God alone. I always want to help others heal and have wanted to bust their sex cattel to stop this. I wonder if Romney has coerced other pretty Mormon women into having the same technology. To me that is someone who should have to register as a sexual criminal. They are a danger to society. I have turned in so much on him and at one time they were willing to put him in custody. So what changed? Can he be reformed?
Pressure them to stop the God hates you side of the aisle of Congress. God is love from the heart. What is wrong with people. Normal people if they knew how they really are would be disgusted, and that is who votes for them. What is his membership for? He can’t be a member of society if it seperate. They are prostitutes as was found out that Duff said, “Instead of Mintakans I will call them below ones to get their prostitution started.” Constitutionalism prevails here as we vote and dirty laundry gets aired. People know what they see.
I don’t understand why the government got lured in with him. His intention was to harm out government from the beginning. Why can’t they talk to me directly, my side fighting for freedom? Why harm me? I do not want stole 2018 observing my home. Wray is complicit in cocaine laundering, and this is my office against it. I became President and am waiting to complete the depositions to be completed. I know a man was here before as well as a team and was turned away. I spent a long time validating my testimony to make the depositions more solid. I finally made the ones against my side hopefully soon. We can now get the war crimes tribunal over without sex, so I can find someone to love without being attacked by war criminals who are communistic leaning.