The Mintakan hybrid I dated a long time ago, who found out I am our planet’s only negative core holder who placed ours perfectly put, in the center where it belongs, wanted to have his friends invade us and steal our planet. “We thought we could take their (our, home to 7 Billion people’s) planet over, now we know they don’t have any rights to even come on the surface,” said Andy Swetnam today. I knew he was not nice then, and I am glad I did the work that I have done. We are much safer now.
It is like one of those relationships that you don’t realize how terrible they are until you get very far away from them. He was so mean behind the scenes, and all of these horrible male dating experiences are the reason I do not date now. They use harmful language to con people into doing what they want, and looking at him one would think he would cause no harm. His face is shifted, and he lied a lot to me. I wish this story would finish positively now, and Andy would get arrested for the harm that he caused here and to American citizens who have a right to enjoy their homes and lives free of them now more easily because of my work.
When I was working on alien agenda registration, Patrick Leahy was very much against it here.
“By the time the story comes out people will forget about it,” said Patrick Leahy to Mintakan lady who, “So wait a minute, we’re all going to be forced to register?” they asked then, and now they can’t even come down here. I do need to let the State Department know the good news.
Back then I wrote this, on December 21, 2018,
“We need to know when they are coming and not allow entry because what they are doing is clearly theft from the American people and humans, as well as tagging us while they remain undocumented killers operating in the background.” The tagging has also stopped due to the supercomputer shut down reported here and the genetic sequencing stopped.
From before, how this alien agenda uses word choice to manipulate us with the “n’t” to gain acceptance for things we would normally not agree to. This is sophisticated perception management they used in the past that is important to rememeber.
They also used the word “only”. Once you cut their word choice down, you can identify their intentions much more easily, and they are and were harmful as was clearly stated in the top, “take their planet over,” which is now stopped by my work. I am President gold and money back, and now we can work on American foreign policy instead of registering harmful off worlders with our time. Is anyone going to pick me up?
The Programmers worked really hard against American citizens with the two individuals that came into town to delay our meeting. These harmful off worlders are a security risk. Confirmed, “We cheated her (me) out of the negative holder’s income the whole time,” said Dianne Feinstein now, and no John Brennan should ever come here. We saved American citizens homes from them, and as I reported in the story above this is what would have happened to American citizens who lived here and elsewhere with these individuals who wanted to steal from us.
“This is what they gave us,” would have said George Coulter about their box shaped apartment, rather than their current two separate mobile homes on two individual lots, to Nadine Tisdale, had my anti-communism investigation not continued. “We put the two of you together because we thought you loved each other,” said Mintakan female in the future if Round 2 had happened with Bill Gates and Paul Allen team who attempted to steal Vista and San Diego County properties with Donald Trump individuals and Robert Mueller.
Someone just said, picked up over the Syntel device, in my brain, “They wanted to prove it wrong that the negative install would take off only the harmful ones and make it next to impossible for the alien agenda to land here.”
“They can’t even go through the trapdoor,” of our planet said after and visually seen through the writing on my screen. I am the ruler of our planet and I deserve to be treated kindly as I treat everyone. “There is no more landing these ships on their planet,” said others now. We need to work on our gold spacecraft program soon.
I am the President of the United States, and I deserve to be made up with the same makeup artists given to sitting Presidents now.
Another poor dating choice reported, “It isn’t fair to us, to those of us who were depending on only the harmful ones.” They honestly wanted only the harmful ones though, that one claimed before, he was honestly scared of them.
And then there was this conversation here, “That is the best part of my life when they are gone,” he said
“What the fuck are we even trying for here?” asked Condoleezza Rice on December 10, 2018.
“That just makes us look crazy,”said Stafford.
“They scare the fuck out of me. That’s why I’m always asking them what to do,” said Stafford another time. Perhaps he can be free and smarter now.
People need to be straight and honest, not crazy. I have done a lot of work to get to this point, and they were afraid personally and professionally. I help everyone all the time, unless they are harmful and hurt people, then I fight back.
The extraterrestrials cannot even come here and they were going to kill all Americans and likely humans, now that is a huge contribution I made on my own to help everyone here on my planet. Now they want to keep going with the cocaine ones who did nothing but poison, tarnish and harm our country intentionally.
Why can’t people just say thank you to me. Maybe I can run the bankruptcy slides of what their intention was from the beginning with to cheat and kill every American citizen including their supporters. Did we save all American citizens today, even their supporters who were lied to from the beginning on?
Stafford changed in 2003 from being honest, when his personal company received war on terrorism funding through the alien agenda. He admitted in 2001, “I only protected his home, I am not his best pal,” regarding George HW Bush senior, before 2003. After that he became their slave for the funding and asking the alien agenda what to do wrongly. I do not trust him. When you finally pick me up American citizens will notice a genuineness in their leadership and enjoy accountability without lies.
Everyone who had “national security credentials” including Trump Team and Clinton’s teams had the same intention to tag and bag all American citizens to defraud the American taxpayer again, and later use the genetic sequencing to tag and bag them with the harmful extraterrestrials we stopped today.
I have turned in Stevenson who is guilty of the housing crash in 2008, and harming me repeatedly. To me he is a low life cocaine trafficker who steals from American citizens. Why do I have to keep writing the same thing over and over with no update of results and arrests made against these harmful American war criminals? Isn’t investigation complete yet? Am I not our public servant enough to be picked up as President yet? I am ready to start working on American foreign policy in person.